Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate

Twenty - One

Because I'm nice and haven't updated in ages, you can have two updates in one night :)

Thank you for still reading this! I can't express how much I love to read your comments knowing that you're still actually interested :)
Thank you so much

Her hands slinked up and down the side of my body and she tried her best to entice me into what she wanted, again. But every time her hands wandered below the belt, I pulled them right back up again and smiled as if nothing happened. It's not the fact that I'm embarrassed or ashamed of doing things with her infront of people like this, it's just quite frankly, I don't want to.

"Come on baby" She whispered and latched her teeth into the skin of my neck. I winced at the pain that was throbbing on the spot she was gripping on to. But she couldn't help it could she? She was far too drunk to realise how much damage she was actually doing.

But me, I was completely sober.

"Fran leave it" I said and pulled her fingers away from the zipper on my jeans. The couple that had once occupied this bed had disappeared already, Fran was quick to pull me back and position herself on my waist.

She's changed. I don't know what happened to the nice, magical girl I once knew. The girl I looked at when that sun was setting, the girl I crushed on when I first layed eyes on her. She used to take my pain away during this past 2 weeks when I battled without Gerard. Yes battled. Then she started drinking heavily and she's not the same person anymore. In the space of 2 weeks she's gone from the most amazing girl I knew, to just....nasty.

"Shhhh, drink this" She hushed and pressed the beer can Gerard had got me over an hour ago, to my lips. The cool liquid flowed straight into my mouth and down my throat, causing me to choke a little and force her hand away. Satisfactory of what she had done, she smiled and held me down with her hands on my chest. She's trying to be sexy, I know it.

It's the drink, it's all the drink. I love her.

Giving up, I pressed my lips against hers and allow our tongues to dance together, hers rubbing eagerly against mine. She's smiling against my lips, she knows she has me wrapped around her little finger. She then gripped onto my hands and placed them on her breasts, telling me what she wants. I squeezed them, receiving a moan from her. She's getting to where she wants to be, just on the edge, that little but of high that carries her through the night. Never ever would she want to get off with this amount of people, not even when she's drunk beyond her own intentions.

"See Frankie, it's not that hard" She whispered when she pulled the collar of my shirt away from my skin so she can kiss further down on my neck, reaching where she knows she'll get a reaction. I exhaled deeply and absentmindedly pressed up onto her. I can hear people cheering, whether at us or not, I continue to fall into her seductive trap. "Good boy" She moaned when she cupped me through my jeans and started to rub in circles.

I froze up then and left my hands to fall from her chest and to her thighs. My fingertips grazed her tights, a ladder forming but I couldn't care less. I started to shover her off me when that familiar pain rushed up my abdomen. Tears were stinging my eyes, I didn't want this to happen, not here, not now. I gulped back the hard lump in my throat and used my palms to push her from my lap.

"Fran, get off of me" I pleaded, quietly so only she could here. Her eyes snapped open and she just looked down at me, irritation written all over her face. She paused for a second and looked deep into my eyes, but thankfully her mind took over the alcohol and she hitched her leg so she could stand up again.

Well, I say stand up..

A sharp snap followed by a thud and she was on the floor, her face down on the floorboards. I immediately hawled myself off the bed, all remains of my discomfort down below being ignored and being the gentlemen I am, I pulled her from the ground. She had broken one of her heals, she was gripping at it angrily and growled when she shoved me from her grip.

All eyes were on her but I felt no mercy. I stared blankly at the girl I once knew as this different, kind person and allowed the realization to hit me like a ton of bricks. She's changed, for the worse.

"Thanks a fucking lot" She hissed at me and hobbled straight out the room, slamming the door behind her. My eyes fixated on the door even 2 minutes after she had left. The buzz of the room picked up again and it wasn't until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, that Gerard had been watching the scene all along.

"Come with me" He whispered and linked his fingers through mine. I felt like crying and hiding away somewhere, a big hole to come along and swallow me up. Somehow, my converse clad feet followed Gerard until the sound of people laughing and the pumping of the music stopped.

We were in our bathroom, it was dimly lit with a thin stream of moonlight coming in through the circular window at the top of one of the walls. "Are you okay Frank?" Gerard quickly broke the silence. I winced when I felt something cold on the back of my neck, I turned around sharply and hit something hard. "Ouch" Gerard hissed and stepped backwards. He had a sopping wet flannel in his hands and a sympathetic expression on his face.

"Get the fuck away from me" I could feel the anger rising now and I know he was trying to do his best, cool me down, sort my problems. But my problems didn't need sorting. They would never be fixed, not ever. My mother dropped me off at this hell hole, left me for good, didn't have the money to raise me anymore. Gerard completely and utterly fucks with my head, and has now come back acting like the most caring man in the world.

"Frank please-" He whispered and rubbed his thumb under my eye as if wiping away an invisible tear. I didn't move, instead I let his fingers trail down my cheek, across my chin and down my neck. I allowed him to step closer and look at me with his inviting pools of hazel. I even allowed his free hand to massage the back of my neck when he pulled me into a hug.

I even allowed his lips, laced with alcohol, to find their way to mine. Just like before.