Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate

Twenty - Four

"I don't understand this" I hissed and slammed my biro pen down in frustration. Mikey just glanced over at me from the other side of the room. His paper was full of answers which were all bound to be right. This is Science, his top lesson, he loves the work and apparently so, the work loves him. I looked down at my own paper, a few scribbles out and one wrong answer. I just didn't understand it.

"Want some help?" He called and gathered his books and paper together to come and sit by me. When he plonked down on the couch beside where I was sat, he looked at my paper and sighed.

"No, im just fine thank you" I mumbled but my fingers refused to pick the pen up again. My eyes glared at the sheet like it was the most hated thing on the planet. I willed for it to just burst in to flames and disappear. I mean, what's the point in giving us homework anyway? This isn't even home...

After a few minutes of me just staring at my paper still not understanding what the difference between average speed and instantaneous speed was, I had fully given up. I bellowed and just slumped further down into the cushions. Mikey watched on with an amused expression on his face, he had finished his homework long ago.

"You can copy mine if you want to" He offered and pushed his paper foreward. I shrugged and focused on picking at my nails. Mikey chuckled and tried again. "I could seriously help you, y'know" He said softly.

He's been helping me non stop for the past 2 days, okay so my school work is now beginning to pick up again due to him, but I feel like he should be given all the credit. All the remarks teachers have thrown my way for the progress I'm making and their sarcastic smiles, they should be for him, not me. I haven't done anything.

"Why are you doing this?" I mumbled and flicked my hair from my eyes. Mikey rubbed the back of his neck and smiled across at me.

"Because you're a dumb ass and you need to take off that dunce hat" He said and picked up my pen, not making eye contact with me. I frowned at him and he started scribbling away on my paper. Ignoring him, I pondered on how my life had turned out like this. No, im not going to ramble on about how much of a fuck up I am, you've already heard about that. And to be honest, don't all teenagers go through this faze? I wondered how my mum decided to just drop me off here and how since that very day where I squeaked through the desolate halls and into this Dorm, I managed to tangle myself up in such a mess.

It's quite funny really, if you think about it. Its as if im tangled in one huge web, so delicate and intricately weaved by the hands of myself, with added help from Gerard Way.

That's when Mikey looked over at me, I was chuckling to myself about it all. He put down the pen and sat back in the couch to look at my closely. Frowning at me he sighed and nodded to my homework.

"Finished" He said. So he had, my sheet was full of answers now. I glanced at him and made an effort to smile. I didn't want to gush on him and give him a thousand kisses on his cheek for what he had done.

"Thanks" I mumbled and picked my things up. When I had finished there was a low buzz in my trouser pocket vibrating against my thigh. I fished it out and pressed the green phone button to accept the call; it was Fran. "Hello" I half heartedly greeted. She sounded nazily like she had an awful cold. Since that party, I had hardly spoken to her so I really don't know how she's been doing.

"Frankie baby, im so sorry. I'm so so so sorry" She whined and sniffed what sounded as if she had the biggest clot of snot in her nose. I scrunched my nose up but listened to her whine on even more.

"Fran I have no idea what you're on about" My voice was little. Maybe you could say I was trying to sound like I wasn't bothered. I wasn't to be honest. Her voice was driving me nuts.

"Frankie please don't be angry, I didn't mean to do what I did" She was mumbling now and I honestly didn't care how much she apologised, it was all forgotten about. I was presuming she was talking about the party that night.

Mikey was eyeing me up suspiciously so to stop him ranting on about who I was talking to, I pressed a finger to my lips to hush him. Ignoring me, he circled round my back and placed his hands in my hips. I froze up a little and didn't know what he was doing at first, but when I felt something wet stuff inside my ear knew exactly what he was doing. I squealed, jumped back, managing to stub my toe on the table but luckily caught my phone from clashing onto the ground.

Wiping my ear with the sleeve on my shirt, I frowned at him. He just stood there smiling goofily like a 3 year old child who had accomplished wiping a bogie on their siblings jacket without them realising.

"Wet winky" He snickered and waggled his finger in my face. I growled, I had almost forgotten Fran was actually on the other end when I heard her screaming at me.

"Are you even listening to me Franklin!?" She shrieked.

"Y-yeah" I stuttered and made a kicking motion toward Mikey. Skillfully he dodged it and lunged back onto the couch leaving me frustrated with a slobbery ear.

"Look, I knew things were complicated between you and Gerard but I really wasn't thinking" She continued on.

"What?" I asked. Now I really didn't know what she was on about.

"I'm sorry" She whispered again. If I had the right mind I would just hang up now, I was so bored of her whining and apologising and taking trips around the houses; why couldn't she just get to the point?

"Okay" I mumbled.

"No, no, you're not listening to me" She persisted. For a second, neither of us said anything, partly because I was too busy waking Mikey's hand away from me, he was doing his best to distract me in every way possible. His hands were wandering everywhere.

"I'm listening" I said a little too high pitched when Mikey's hand made a grab for my crotch.

"I slept with Gerard" She whispered, finally.