Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate

Thirty One

"I already told you that Sugar" His lips almost curled into a half smile but he stayed complacent and suspiciously pleased with himself. I frowned at him and licked my lips which were drying quicker as the seconds rolled by; my mouth was horribly dry and tacky. "I like you, 'though, I'm not sure what to think anymore" His words slithered into my ears smoothly, making my heart beat that extra pace.

"We need to- gain trust" I stammered.

Gerard nodded. "That we do" This time, he did smile and I almost smiled back but a part of me felt frightened, unsure and guilty for everything that's happened between us. "You like me too Frankie?" His voice rose an octave, making it more of a question than a statement.

My head bobbed up and down automatically. "I think I do" I whispered. His fingers curled into his palms and he let his head fall forward as he chuckled lightly to himself. To me, it appeared he was embarassed. Stepping forward, I reached out and delicatly touched the soft hair dangling infront of his eyes. It felt like silk through my fingers when I pulled it behind his ear. "I don't udnerstand us sometimes" I admitted and nervously let out a giggle. As soon as it had left my lips I almost cringed at the sound of it as it echoed out down the corridor.

Finally, Gerards eyes swooped up to meet mine. "Me either" He replied. There was something in the air that told me that for the first time since I had met him, he wasn't lying. There was something in the air wrapping us so snuggly together that I knew that all the fights, all the petty arguments and snidy comments were for a reason. But there must be some sort of spark between us that keeps me running for more, otherwise I would have kept my distance right at that first time when he layed hands on me. Wouldn't I?

Smiling to myself I hesitated before holding out a hand. Gerard took it gratefully and shook it. It felt nice to be making contact with him in a way that was friendly and calm. Not rushed or for a purpose that only served pleasure.

We both stood smiling at each other when finally Gerard paused for breath and told me something I never really thought he'd say. "I'm sorry Franklin" I couldn't really accept it, not fully. None the less I nodded and told him the same.


I know, sorry it's short but I wanted to stop it there because the next chapter is ahead in time and I felt it was just nice to leave it there :)