Dear Frankie, Join Me in This Love You Call Hate


My hand slipped from the handle and I whipped around, making sure I masked myself in a wave of confidence and a small smile. Surely enough, the smile disappeared when I saw a very different smile playing amoung the features of Mikey's brother, Gerard. His coy grin danced from cheek to cheek and his body fell against the wall where he leant to look at me.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes and mustered up a 'I don't care what you say or do' attitude.

"I don't know, you tell me" Slow, slick words spilled from his lips.

"Why would I want to tell you?"

"You're a smart one aren't you?" He stood back straight then and placed a hand on my shoulder. I felt a sudden jolt of awkwardness from his invading, something he clearly shares with Mikey. I nodded my head and shrugged away from him. I could tell that if I didn't get in the class quick, I was sure to get some form of punishment, right on my first day. But something was keeping me outside with Gerard.

His eyes flickeres down my body and back up to my face, causing a whirl of self conciousness to flow through me. I crossed my arms over my chest and gripped my heartbeat, each thump bouncing onto my arm. One of Gerard's eyebrows raised in a questioning manner.

"You're not supposed to do that to people you like" He suddenly stated. My forehead furrowed with confusion and niggling in the back of my mind still lay that knowing that I should really go into the class, be a good student and make myself clear that I was here to learn. Well...something along those lines anyway.


"Crossing your arms over your chest" He confirmed. "It's a sign of rejection. And I'm sure you don't want to reject me" He lips turned into a small pout which then disappeared and returned back into the smirk that I was quickly finding highly irritating. I don't know what it was with him, but he was making it clear to me that he thought highly of himself. He had also stated I liked him, shouldn't reject him.

"Sorry to let you down, but I think you got rejected long ago" I sighed and firmly places my hand back onto the door of the class. I turned to open it when his hand caught me on the arm. He edged nearer me, so close that I could smell the mint from his mouth and see the glint in his hazel eyes. His breath was tingling my nose, making it twitch slightly.

"You're new" He growled.

"No, really?" My head cocked to one side in a I'm-playing-dumb-and-youre-so-stupid kind of way. His hand jerked me back with force against the wall and he groaned in frustration that I continuously was answering him back.

"So, I recommend you keep in the background"

"I'm scared" I breathed, flickering my eyes around his and challenging his gaze. Then suddenly the classroom door swung open and out stepped a tall, lanky man, dressed in a brown suit with a sky blue tie, a wire grey beard fashioning his chin.

"Mr Way. In the classroom, now!" He shouted as he turned and realised two students standing outside his room. I tried my hardest to slink into the background, ironicly doing what Gerard had told me to already. Gerard shot me an evil glare before harshly ripping away from me and stepping into the room. I gave him the largest smile I could before quickly wiping it away when I realised the teacher staring down at me.

"'I'm new" I hurriedly explained.

"Right. Well go on then, in you go" He motioned with his hands for me to get in and so I did, walking in and immediatley being hit with the annoying choice of where to sit. I stood, just inside the door with my eyes taking in all the placements and people sat in them. I noticed Gerard at the side of the room, already slumped in his seat and staring daggers at me. I gave him a little wave and blew him a small kiss when a sharp slep met my ears. The teacher's hand was placed neatley around a ruler which he had formly forced upon the desk to tell me to get a move on.

"Find a place, quickly" I walked to the table next to Gerard's and slipped into the spare seat left upon it, leaving me not far from Gerard himself.