‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

One Night Of Danger


I wiped the fresh tears falling out of my eyes and grabbed my clothes off the floor, putting them on as quickly as possible while new tears fell. I couldn’t believe Joe had been in his bunk and listened to Shia and I having sex. What a creeper! I threw open his bunk curtain and saw him sitting their listing to music.

“You know slut I’m really…,” Joe stopped before he finished and looked down at me. “What’s wrong?”

“Like you even care!” I screamed and threw the phone at him then sprinted outside.

I heard the thunder and realized it was starting to rain. Just freaking great all I needed was to be soaking wet when I walked into the 5 star hotel.

“Kourtney!” Joe screamed and grabbed my arm. “I’m sorry I didn’t think it would hurt you.”

“Just stop Joe fucking stop!” I screamed and pushed him away from me.

“This isn’t about me is it? What did he do to you?” Joe demanded. “Kourtney tell me what he did!”

“Nothing Joe! Nothing!” I screamed and turned to face him, with tears starting to fall again.

“Just tell me please.” Joe begged and put his hands on my face. “Tell me.”

“It was horrible ok!” I sighed and pulled away while I ran my fingers threw my hair.

“I’m sorry.” Joe pulled me to him, against my will. “I’m sorry about the text to.”

“Stop Joe please I don’t want your pity or you.” I said and started walking away.

“Stop pushing me away!” Joe yelled as he grabbed me.

“Joe leave me alone.” I sighed and tired to push him away but he wrapped his arms tight around my waist.

“Just spend tonight with me. I don’t want you to be alone.” Joe said quietly.

“Fine if your promise after tonight you’ll leave me alone forever.” I sighed again and held out my pinky.

“I promise.” Joe said and locked our pinkies.


“Joseph Adam Jonas, NO!” I yelled for the fifth time.

Joe had fucking lost his mind and was trying to buy a motorcycle, that he planned to take me on. Joe was clumsy, very clumsy, and he wanted to drive something that took balance – with me on the back! It sounded like a fun idea to drive threw Vegas on the back of a motorcycle just not with Joe.

“Kourtney come on, it’s a once in the life time chance!” Joe whined and set on the bike.

“Aww let the man get it sweetie, maybe it can be you’re wedding gift to him.” The sales man, Brad, said.

“Yeah come on baby.” Joe smirked.

“First off I’m not you baby, second off were not getting married, and third you’re not getting it. Joe, I’ll be on the back of that what if you drop it or get reckless, I die! I’m not taking that risk. I’ll ride with Shia.” I said.

“Little problem darling Shia doesn’t have his license.” Joe smirked. “Have fun not riding on a motorcycle, I’m getting this."


“Kourtney!” Joe mocked. “Listen to me I swear to god I would push you off the bike before I jumped off if anything happened, I would never let anything happen to you. Honestly you mean to much to me to let you get hurt.”

“Joe,” I growled.

“Stop fighting me, I’m getting it, and you’re getting on it.”

“No I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”


“Shut up Kourtney and get on the damn bike.”

“This is crazy! No way.”

“I’ll kiss you if you don’t get on.”

“I’ll hit you so go ahead and try.”

“Kourtney you promised.” Joe said pulling me towards him and setting me in between him and the handle bars.

“Why do you have to annoy me?” I sighed and angled myself in front of him.

“Because it’s so much fun.” Joe laughed and put his hands on my hips.

“I hate you.” I sighed and put one hand on his shoulder to balance myself.

“I love you to.” Joe smirked and threw the sales man his car then kissed my cheek.

I wiped the kiss off my cheek, and made a disgusted face. I jumped off the front of the bike and moved around to behind Joe. It was weird setting on a motorcycle with Joe Jonas of all people. When the guy came back, he threw Joe the keys and his card.

Once I heard the engine start I buried my head in Joe’s back and rapped my arms around his waist as tight as I could. I felt a kiss placed on my head and I started to relax a little. I felt the bike take off and I screamed as it started to go fast and faster.

After about five minutes of being on the bike my ass was hurting but I was more relaxed. I opened my eyes and started to look at Vegas as Joe drove around. Joe looked back at me and I moved my head up onto his shoulder, then loosen my grip on his waist.

As we passed a vintage store I whispered in Joe’s ear to stop. Joe pulled a U-turn in the middle of the free way and I screamed at him the whole time and had to reframe from strangling him. I think he enjoyed it and did it on purpose because he smiled the whole time I screamed.

“I could kill you right now Jonas!” I growled in his ear.

“Why do you keep growling? It’s hot as hell but I prefer when you purr.” Joe smirked and I flicked the back of his head as I got off the bike.

“Oh course you would enjoy the pain you cause me.” I sighed.

“I never enjoy causing you pain, you’re not in pain. Loosen up Kourt have fun let you’re hair down.” Joe laughed. “Take the stick out of your ass.”

I flashed him a glare before walking to the vintage store, I knew Joe would follow, he was like a puppy. As I walked in I saw a little old lady about in her 70’s setting behind the counter reading a book, I smiled at her as I walked threw the store.

“What are you looking for?” Joe came up behind me.

“Something for you.” I said looking threw the racks.

“For me? What?” Joe asked.

“Well since you’re a bad boy with your motorcycle I think you need one of these.” I said grabbing a black leather jacket off the rack and throwing it at Joe.

“I like.” Joe laughed then put it.

As if it were meant for Joe, it fit him perfect. Only he could be so lucky to walk into a vintage store have me pick a leather jacket off the rack then try it on and it fit perfect.

“You need one now.” Joe smirked.

“No! This is a one time thing hunny so no way.” I said ripping the price tag off.

“Well what color would you want?” Joe asked curiously.

“Pink.” I smirked.

“Anything else you want on one?” Joe asked throwing his card to the lady.

“Studded.” I laughed.

“You’re such a dork.” Joe laughed as we started to walk out.

“Yeah but I embrace it.” I smiled and set on the motorcycle.

“I’ve noticed.” Joe said and looked over my shoulder at something.

“What are you looking at?” I asked looking behind me, but there was just a porn shop, a wedding chapel, and a liquor store.

“I’ll be right back I’m going to get something.” Joe smirked then started to run across the street to the liquor store.

I honestly hopped he wasn’t getting anything to drink, I hadn’t drank since the night Shia found me in the bar getting hit on by that jackass, Jack something. I had been sober since then, and that’s one thing I learned in my 12 step program at rehab, that if you fall of the wagon just get back on and stay clean. I wasn’t ready to fall back off the wagon even for Joe.

“Look what I got!” Joe smiled like a kid in candy store as he held up a bottle of vodka.

I smiled weakly as he popped the top then took a long drink of it, watching him made me want to snatch it from him then drown it all in a drink. I had to be strong though and avoid temptation; even if looks every very temping.

“Want a drink? Joe asked holding the bottle out to me while wiping his mouth.

I set their debating it, I mean I could have one little drink and be fine. I watched Joe wave the bottle in front of my face, and temptation won. I snatched the bottle of vodka from him and tipped my head back as I let it pour down my throat. I knew it was wrong to be drinking but I didn’t care I would deal with everything tomorrow. I mean I was in Vegas with Joe Jonas. What could happen in one night?


I giggled as Joe tired to get the keycard into the sloth but it wasn’t working well for him, and I just kept laughing. I finally heard a click and Joe grabbed the bottle of vodka from me as he put his arm around my neck and we walked into the hotel room together.

Joe let go of me then stumbled over to window and fell back against it, sliding down the glass while downing the rest of the bottle of vodka. Honestly I couldn’t remember what bottle we where on because we had been drowning them like they were bottles of coke since Joe first bought the first one. Hell I couldn’t even remember what happened in the last two hours.

Iwalked stumbled over to the mini fridge and pulled out another bottle of vodka, I popped the top with my shirt as I walked over to where Joe was. I took a long swig of the vodka then dropped it into Joe’s lap for him to drink.

I jumped onto the bed and messed with the radio till music started to blare from it, I didn’t know the song but it didn’t really matter. I started dancing around the room as I unbuttoned my pants and slid them off. I shook my hair all around and I felt Joe grab my hand.
I laughed as he pulled me down into his lap, and I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his ice cold hands rub up and down my bare legs as I lay against him. As his fingers moved my legs tingled from his intoxicating touch.

I moved my hand up to his neck and started playing with the ends of his dark brown hair. Joe smiled and leaned his forehead against mine, pulling me closer to him as we set their. My hand went to his cheek while his fingers went farther up my leg till they were slipping up my underwear into the bottom of my shirt.

I knew this was wrong but either of us wanted to stop.

“I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Lets Play A Game....Who said it?
Who do you think said the I Love You at the end?

Also one more part of Vegas left!
Thanks for all the comments guys got the number I had planned for this chapter so I wont make the comment limit to high maybe 6? but seriously I love comments. (:
Also Thank You Guys For All 10 Stars!
That made my day.(:
Also thank you new subcribers.

Anyways watch the page because 4 new stories will permaire this week. (:


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