‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

Waking Up In Vegas


“Room Service!” I heard someone yell.

I gave a whine of annoyance as I slowly opened my eyes, and I was greeted by a mess of dark hair that belonged to the one and only Joe Jonas. I opened my eyes fully and saw Joe’s arm hung around my bare waist, instantly I smacked his arm.

“What the fuck?” Joe groaned as he set up in confusion.

I didn’t bother to answer him while he rubbed his eyes; I just threw the covers off praying we both still had clothes on. Unfortunately Joe only had boxers on, and I only had a bra and thong on. God just kill me now.

“What the fuck did you do to me last night?” I snapped as I slid out of bed looking for my clothes.

“Nothing!” Joe said as he fell back against the pillow.

“Oh, I so believe that Joe.” My voice had sarcasm dripping from it. “It’s not like you haven’t tired to get me drunk and sleep with me before.”

“Seriously we’re reliving what happened at you’re birthday again? You wanted it so just shut the hell up.” Joe snapped. “I don’t even remember last night.”

I ignored him while I slid on my jeans and I noticed something shiny on my left hand. God please let it be on the wrong finger, please. I hesitated but I looked only to find out my nightmare was true, their set Joe’s purity ring on my wedding finger.

“We got married!” I screeched in horror.

“What?” Joe yelled and jumped out of bed.

“I’m going to kill you Jonas!” I screamed and smacked him.

“You think I did this?” Joe shot back. “I’m engaged! God how in the hell am I going to explain this to Allison.”

“Like that slut cares what you do.” I said still staring at the ring. “What about Shia? We just got back together! I can’t be married!”

“Ok claim down lets think, what is the last thing you remember?” Joe asked as he paced the room.

“I don’t know!” I snapped.

I watched Joe keep pacing the hotel room and some events of last night flooded back. I remember numerous bottles of vodka, Elvis, Celia, a white dress, and flowers. Holy fuck, I married Joe Jonas, and I was Mrs. Joseph Jonas.

I set down on the bed as more events flashed threw my head, gambling, dancing on the bar, drinking some more, and a fight. Oh holy hell Joe and I were sure to end up on Perez. As I set their in tears everything floored back to me clearly now.

“I can’t marry you two.” The fake Elvis said.

“And why not?” Joe slurred as we held onto each other in excitement.

“Because you’re both to drunk out of your minds to think straight, do you even know her name?” Elvis asked Joe.

“umm….Kourtney!” Joe finally

“Ok, I think you both need to go back to your hotel and get a good night sleep before you do something you’ll regret in the morning.” Elvis said.

“Whatever there are 1,000 wedding chapels that will marry us!” Joe yelled in furry and jerked me out of the wedding chapel.

“I love your music Elvis!” I screamed as Joe pulled me out the door.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t marry you,” Joe slurred and put his arm around my neck as he kissed my head.

“It’s fine,” I giggled holding onto Joe so I wouldn’t fall.

“I love you so much. Swear these chapels I’ll marry you right here in the parking lot!” Joe said in triumph and let go of me.

I just laughed as he stumbled in front of me and took my left hand. Joe slipped off his purity ring and held in the air with a goofy grin as he fell down to one knee.

“Marry me Kourtney?” Joe slurred and tired to stay balanced.

“I do!” I giggled in excitement as Joe slid the ring on my wedding finger. “Wait I don’t have anything to give you.”

“Baby, you’re love is all I need.” Joe smiled goofy and went to kiss me.

I giggled and put the bottle in-between us, and Joe ended up kissing the bottled instead of me. Joe pouted then took the bottle before drowning the rest and slinging his arm back around my neck. I heard him mutter something then try and kiss me again.

“No way boy, you gotta work for it.” I slurred as I fell back onto the pavement laughing.

“Holy fuck we didn’t get married!” I screamed in joy and threw Joe’s ring at him.

“We didn’t?” Joe’s voice almost sounded disappointed as he picked his ring off the floor.

“Nope, they wouldn’t let us! I remember everything, we just got drunk and you gave me your ring to symbolize that we got married. We’re both off the hook. Thank god.” I smiled.

“Oh ok.” Joe played with his ring.

“Now I just have to find my phone, I’m sure Shia is worried.” I smiled as I searched the room looking for my phone.

“Here,” Joe said dully as he threw me my phone.

I caught it and fell back on the bed as I flipped open my phone only to be greeted by a ton of missed calls, voice mails, and texts.

20 missed called Shia.

52 missed calls Mazz.

15 missed calls Danielle.

5 missed calls Kevin.

10 voice mails Shia.

20 voice mails Mazz.

3 voice mails Danielle.

8 text messages Shia.

32 text messages Mazz.

1 text message Danielle.

I deleted everything but Shia’s messages because honestly I didn’t care what they had to say, all I was interested in was my boyfriend. I started to read Shia’s text.

Wtf? Seriously Kourtney. You left with that asshole again? -S

I know you’re with that boy band asshole! Admit it! -S

I hope you’re new boyfriend is a good fuck! Whore! -S

You where shitty in bed! Megan Fox was so much better! -S

We’re done! -S

I stopped after the 5th text and just hit delete to everything else Shia had sent. I wasn’t in the mood to hear how much of a fuck up I was to him because I took off again with my ex-boyfriend. I knew I couldn’t probably ever make up what happened last night to Shia. Hell he probably wouldn’t even listen to me.

I grabbed my shirt off the floor and threw it on while Joe went threw his messages, I didn’t bother to speak to him. I just couldn’t take another minute in this hotel room with the one person who ruined my relationship twice now. I took off towards the door and opened it, as I walked out I heard Joe yell Kourtney.


I threw another pebble into the little pound in front of me. I was somewhere in Vegas, it was this pretty little pound that had this big rock you could set on and just look out at the city. I didn’t know how long I had been out here but I know it had been a few hours. When I walked out of the hotel and threw my phone in the trash it was daylight and now the sun was setting.

“Hey,” I heard the familiar voice of Joe from behind me.

I didn’t answer or move I just kept staring at the water in the little pound. I didn’t wanna talk to Joe let alone be anywhere near him. But unfortunately Joe didn’t get the hint because he climbed up on the rock to and set behind me.

“I’m sorry Kourtney,” Joe said and set his head on top of mine.

“Whatever Joe,” I snapped.

“If you want, I’ll leave you alone like I promised.” Joe whispered quietly, twirling some of my hair around his fingers.

“Like you would listen if I did want you to leave me alone,” I rolled my eyes.

“Kourtney —“Joe started but I cut him off short.

“Take me home,” I demanded.

“Ok,” Joe said getting up and offered his hand to help me up, but I didn’t accept it.


As we pulled up next to the tour bus I jumped off the bike and tired to fix my wind blown hair. I figured there was at lest a little shot that I could keep Shia. I was about to open the door to the bus when Joe grabbed me and pulled me back.

“Kourtney I have to tell you something,” Joe said and he sounded serious.

“If it’s that you love me and can’t live without me then I’m not interested, because I’ve heard it before.” I sighed and ran my fingers threw my hair.

“It’s not,” Joe looked at the ground. “It’s about rehab ---“

“Damn girl! Go Kourtney!” Mazz screamed cutting Joe off.

“Shut up Mazz,” Nick laughed and covered Mazz’s mouth.

“We need to talk right now!” Shia stormed out the bus and I heard the anger in his voice.

“Us to,” Allison glared at me as she walked over to Joe and jerked him away.

Mazz and Nick walked back onto the bus leaving Shia and I in a stare down. I knew by the look on his face he wasn’t ready to forgive me and I was going to have work my ass off to get him back this time. I figured his trust for me was out the window to.

I took a risk though that could end up in rejection but I hoped it wouldn’t. I closed the gap between Shia and I then pressed my lips to his. Shia did reply eventually but it didn’t feel right, it felt forced – on both ends.

I pulled away and took a step back to look at Shia, but my eyes didn’t go to him they went to the arguing couple behind him. Joe and Allison where having a hell of an argument but at the moment he wasn’t fighting back, he was just staring at me with a broken look.

As I stood their looking at Joe I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I had picked wrong this time. Everyone knew I could have Joe in a second if I truly wanted him. But who did I want? Every part of me said to stay with Shia, but why did I always go back to Joe when things went wrong.

I guess were like a moth to a flame, we just keep attracting each other.

“Baby?” I heard Shia say and it brought me out of thoughts.

“Yes?” I asked looking up at Shia.

“Do you love me?” Shia asked.

“Yes, baby I love you.” I said without hesitation, “Only you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
It's over - Well Vegas is at lest.
The next chapter will the best out ot the seris I can promise that.
One big thing happens.
Also who said I Love You last chapter will come out next chapter. (:
Do you think the I love you Kourtney said to Shia was real or is she lying?
Hahah making you all wait.
I'm very proud Ihave update twice today to. (: - I haven't did that in forever.

Comments/ Subcribe
No Limit - But their is an amazing chapter awaiting. (:

New Story btw: You've Got All I Need
4 more permaires to go!


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