‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

She Will Be Loved

I tapped my fingers on the arm of the metal chair while Danielle stood behind me fixing my hair for tonight. It had been two days since the whole Vegas ordeal and I had decided to make everything that happened in Vegas up with a romantic dinner for two, in a privet suite at the Hilton.

Shia hadn’t fully forgiven me and he made it known he didn’t trust me within a mile of Joe. I guess he thought I still had something for Joe. That’s another reason we really needed tonight, to be alone and get all our feelings out. I figured if everything turned to shit we could at lest have amazing make up sex once everything settled.

Shia and I had attempted sex again, it was better then last time. It still wasn’t brag-to-Mazz-worthy though, but I planned to take care of that tonight. I figure if it sucked again we could keep trying till it turned into brag-worthy sex. They say practice makes perfect.

“Dude, Shia is going to flip when he sees how hot you look tonight.” Danielle giggled as she kept curling my hair.

“He better! I’m not doing all this for nothing!” I joked.

“Okay, the candles are set and I threw a couple pillows on the floor,” Mazz said coming into the bathroom “Julia is putting out all the food right now.”

“Good,” I checked my watch to see how we where doing on time “Two hours left so hurry!”

“I’ll go help Julia then.” Mazz sighed as she left the bathroom.

“Okay, your hair is done!” Danielle smiled as I looked at it in the mirror.

“It looks perfect. Now go so I can finish getting ready.” I smiled.


It took about an hour but I finally appeared like this. I knew I looked killer, and from the looks on Mazz, Julia, and Danielle’s faces, they agreed.

“Damn, Ryan! You look killer!” Mazz squealed.

“I agree. You look beautiful.” Danielle smiled and Mazz made a disgusted face.

“Kiss up.” I heard Mazz mutter.

“Okay, we’re going to get out of here before the boyfriend shows up.” Julia said smiling as she grabbed Mazz and Danielle.

“Let me know how he is!” Mazz yelled. “Also let me know how big of a –“

“Shut up Mazz!” Julia yelled over Mazz.

I giggled at the girls as I heard them go down the hall screaming random sexual acts, and I closed the door before Mazz could finish her speech on how to perform the perfect blow job. I flipped open my phone while I still laughed and went down to Shia’s name.

Hey baby, you on your way? –K

I waited for a text back, and after 10 minutes I decided I might as well call Shia since he wasn’t answering my texts. I hit the call button as Shia’s call back tone rang in my ear and I waited for him to pick up. But after the 3rd ring, I heard Shia’s voice mail appear on the line. I left a message, hoping I would actually get a reply this time.


I sighed as I checked my phone again. Still nothing. It had been two hours since I called Shia and he still hadn’t returned my calls or texted me that he was going to be late. I was starting to get worried that something happened to him since it was the only reason he wouldn’t return my calls or texts. I heard my ringtone for Shia start to play and I smiled when I saw 1 new text message flash on the screen.

I’m so sorry babe, but I can’t make it tonight. Maybe tomorrow? – S

I felt my heart break into little pieces and fall to the pit of my stomach as I read his text message. All I wanted was for tonight to be about us and he couldn’t even be bothered to show up. This night and all the hard work turned out to be a total waste.

I felt hot tears form in my eyes as I scrolled threw my phone, looking for the one person who would stand and be there for me. When I got to the familiar name and hit call. I sat there, with tears sliding down my cheek as I heard their call tone playing over and over, and I prayed they would anser. Finally, I heard the voice of the one person I needed most right now.

“I need you.” I cried into the phone.


I felt something warm being set on top of me as someone snuggled closer to me and wrapped their arms around my thin waist. I felt numerous little kisses being placed in my hair as they pulled me closer. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and looked behind me to see Joe with a concerned look on his face.

“Sorry I took so long. Allison said she would chop my member off if I ever saw you again, so I had to wait till she fell asleep,” Joe said and I saw a devilish smirk start to appear on his face “But are you ok?”

“Mhmmm,” I nodded.

“So did he say why he wasn’t showing?” Joe asked.

“Joe, I really don’t wanna talk about him.” I sighed and ran a hand threw my messy hair.

“Well, if it’s any consultation, you look beautiful tonight and he has no idea what he’s missing out on.” Joe smiled then kissed my cheek, lingering way to long. But what could I expect? He is Joe.

“Wanna eat?” I asked moved back a little from him “There’s a ton of food.”

“Sure.” Joe laughed as he picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and put it in his mouth.

Joe picked up another strawberry and I watched him dangle them over his mouth, like a little kid who gets to open his presents on Christmas Eve. I sat there, watching him devour all the strawberries except for one, which he held out for me to eat.

“I don’t eat strawberries.” I laughed at him as I noticed he had chocolate all over his cheek.

“Suit yourself.” Joe smiled and dropped it into his mouth.

“Come here.” I smiled as I licked my fingers and leaned forward as I started to wipe the chocolate mess off his face.

“Eww! Kourt, this is gross! I don’t want your spit on me!” Joe laughed and put his hands on my hips to push me back, but I didn’t move.

“Seriously, Joe,” I rolled my eyes and continued. “It’s not like you ever had a problem with my spit before when you had your tongue down my throat.”

“Well, I was meaning to talk to you about that.” Joe laughed and I hit him.

“You’re an ass.” I pouted as I sat back on the ground.

“Only to you doll.” Joe smirked and I could tell he was fighting off a laugh.

After Joe’s laughing died down, things turned a little awkward between us. Joe and I just sat their facing each other and having this weird stare down. It was like neither of us dared to break the staring contest. I was about to look away when I felt Joe’s hand enlace in mine and his eyes dropped to the floor.

“What’s wrong?” I asked out of instant.

“Remember when I brought up rehab in Vegas?” Joe didn’t even look at me.

“Yeah, a little. Why?” I asked and put my hand under his chin and forced him to look me in the eyes.

“You know how Mike found you and paid for it?” Joe’s voice was dull and nervous.

“Yes.” I said a little confused.

“Remember how when I found you in the club and you where mad—“ Joe stuttered on and I cut him off.

“Yes, I remember all that. Spit it out Joe.” I demanded.

“I followed you that night and ended up losing you when you disappeared in the club. 3 hours later I went to your apartment and was ready to tell you I love you, but you didn’t answer the door. After about 5 knocks I picked the lock. I figured I could at lest wait if anything. Then I saw the bathroom light on. Long story short I found you that night and paid for rehab. I told mike to take credit because honestly I didn’t want you to forgive me because you felt you owed me. I wanted a fair shot to start with a clean slate. But I think we both know that won’t ever happen, so I thought you should know.” Joe said and looked at me waiting for an expression to appear on my face.

Honestly I had no idea what to say or do. What would any girl do when her ex just came out and said he paid for her to get clean after he saved her life? Most would jump in the guy’s arms and find some way to repay him, but I’m not most girls. So I did something I never thought I would do again. I kissed Joe. It wasn’t long, or hot. Just a little peck on the lips that lasted less then a second. From the look on Joe’s face, he was just as shocked as I was starting to feel.

“Thank you,” Joe laughed lightly “Honestly I thought you where going to kill me when I told you not kiss me.”

“It wasn’t a kiss,” I snapped “It was a tiny little peck that lasted less then a second, so calm yourself down.”

“Still, you kissed me.” Joe smirked.

“Fuck you.” I muttered under my breath and crossed my arms.

“I love you to.” Joe smirked and pulled me to him.

”I love you”

I smiled at the words coming out of Joe’s mouth as he pulled me closer and closer. I felt his hands go farther up my shirt as he pulled it over my head and let it drop to the floor. I just smiled as he looked me up and down with his eyes, while his hands fell back to my waist.

“I’m never going to let you go Mrs. Jonas.” Joe smiled and held me closer as I stared out at the city lights of Vegas.

“Promise me.” I slurred a little.

“Forever and Always.” Joe smiled and rubbed my cheek with his thumb.

“Kourtney!” I heard Joe yell in my ear and it brought me out of my flashback from Vegas.

“You said you love me.” I said quietly.

“Kourtney, I always say I love you.” Joe sighed.

“You meant it that time though.” I looked down at my hands and my voice was barely a whisper.

“Kourtney Anna Ryan,” Joe sighed and put his lips to my ear “I’ve meant it every time I’ve said it to you. Plain and simple, I love you, and always will.”

I wanted to melt right then and there, but then I remembered I had a boyfriend who Iloved love. Everything was getting so confusing. Two different guys were both fighting for my heart, and both had amazing game. One of which, I had an unforgettable past with and the other I could have the world with. Now which one did a girl pick? If only I could have both.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I felt Joe lean closer to me. I looked at him confused. As he scooted closer, his hands went to my hips as he started to lean me back and crawled on top. I knew exactly where this was going to lead if I didn’t stop it now.

“We need ice.” I burled out and grabbed the tin bucket putting it in between me and Joe.

The look on Joe’s face screamed disappointment as I scrambled to my feet with the bucket in hand. I looked at Joe as her picked up his jacket, and I knew he was going to leave. Part of me wants him to stay though and to fall back onto the pillows with him.

“Take it. The hall’s chilly.” Joe threw his jacket to me.

“Thanks.” I sighed in relief knowing that he wouldn’t be leaving me.

I slipped on his leather jacket we bought in Vegas, and it was pretty big on me. I picked the little tin bucket off the floor and started to walk towards the door. On the way though, I stopped and inhaled Joe’s cologne from his jacket. Just as I was about to grab the door handle, Joe threw me up against the door.

“No!” Joe said.

“What?” I asked confused by his actions.

“I’m not letting you leave.” Joe sounded serious.

“And why not?”

“Because this.”

I was about to ask what but Joe’s lips slammed into mine and his hands pinned my hips against the door. I dropped the little tin bucket and threw my arms around his neck as I replied to the kiss. This time was different from any other time we kissed; it was hot, thrilling, intoxicating, passionate, and breathtaking.

We stood against the door for a good 5 minutes, being too wrapped up in the kiss to stop. When Joe pulled me away from the door, I thought I was going to collapse then and there. But he grabbed my leg and put it around his waist, just like something out of the fucking Notebook.

Our lips never parted as we made our way back over to the pillows. Joe set me down easy and started to lead me down till I fell back against the pillows and Joe fell on top of me. I put my hands to Joe chest and pushed him back as I gasped for air. Instantly his lips went to my neck and started sucking on it.

I pulled Joe away before he could leave any hickeys and I slid my hand onto his cheek. Just as Joe was about to lean down and kiss me again I stopped him. It was now or never at this point.

“Kourtney,” Joe sighed.

“I love you.” I whispered in his ear.

Joe snapped his head up and looked at me confused like I was some alien with 3 heads. I’m sure he thought he was dreaming since I hadn’t said those three little words since last year, before Joe left for three months. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t said it after everything that had happened between us, but I only said it once.

“I love you, Joseph Adam Jonas.” I said and I watched a small smile form on his face.

“I love you too, Kourtney Anna Ryan.” Joe smiled leaning down, and our lips met again.

As I lay back against the pillows in a candle lit room, I knew the moment couldn’t get any better, so I took the risk. I slide my hands under Joe’s shirt and started to push it up as we kissed, and we broke apart just so I could pull it over his head. Then our lips reconnected.

The clothes started to slip off slowly as we kissed and eventfully everything was lying next to us on the floor. Once everything was off, my head started spinning and the nerves build up. I had done this before so I knew what it was suppose to feel like, but Joe was still a virgin. Joe was way more relaxed then I was or maybe he just hid his nerves better.

I watched him take off his shiny sliver purity ring and I felt ashamed. Joe was giving up his virginity to a girl he fought with half the time and usually wanted to kill him. Joe was meant to give his virginity to his wife and we both knew I would never be Mrs. Joseph Jonas. If anything I would be the ex-girlfriend he slept with one night.

I watched as he slipped the shiny ring onto my wedding finger with a smile plaster on his face. I knew once the deed was done, the ring would go back to him and we would go back to our normal lives. This was like fantasy and outside the door was reality. Reality could never know Joe lost his virginity before he was married because of fans.

“I love you.” Joe whispered once more and attached our lips before he entered.


“You’re a dork.” I laughed and hit Joe on the arm lightly.

It was mind blowing brag-worthy sex, and I had never felt so good before. I felt like we had just smoked a joint or shot heroin, but we hadn’t. We just had sex and I got a natural high from that. With every time we did it, the better it got and the more scars Joe was sure to have on his back.

“But you love me.” Joe smiled put his head in his hands.

“Yes, I do.” I smiled and pulled him to me and kissed him again.

“See what we just did for the 5th time in a row is how it’s suppose to be done. Shia could use some tips. Maybe he’ll be able to make you scream like I have the last –“ Joe stated smugly and I just flicked the back of his head.

“Shut up. I think we both had our fair share of screams tonight.” I giggled.

“Mhmmm,” Joe nodded and kissed me.

I tangled my hand up in his already messy hair while we laid there with just the sheets rapped around us, kissing. We were in a state of bliss and nothing could ruin it. Joe pulled back and moved his lips down to my neck and started sucking it, I’m sure to leave another hickey to go along with the other 10 I had on my neck, and that wasn’t counting everywhere else. Joe had his fair share from me though.

“Stop Joe, you don’t need to make your territory like a dog.” I giggled and pulled his lips away from my neck.

“But you taste so sweet.” Joe smiled and acted like he was a vampire and kept biting me.

“Chill out Edward Cullen.” I giggled at Joe and placed kisses lightly up his shoulder to his collarbone and then to his lips.

“I lo—“ Joe started in-between the kiss, but I was sick of him always saying those three words first so I cut him off.

“I love you, Joseph.” I smiled and pushed his hair out of his eyes.

I heard my phone start to play my annoying ringtone for Shia, and with a sigh I started to get up. Joe pulled be back down to him though and attached out lips while he played with my hair. I knew we didn’t want anything to ruin our bliss though and Shia’s text would, but I had to answer.

“Mhmmm. Let me just answer him back then we can continue this till morning.” I smiled pulling away from Joe and getting up with the sheet rapped around me.

“Till morning? Fuck, go ahead and order me food. I’m not that strong to be able to continue all night without food.” Joe laughed and threw a pillow at me.

I laughed and threw the pillow at him, and Joe got up and pulled me back down to the floor with him. I hit him playfully as I tired to open my phone, but Joe kept taking it every time I would get it. Finally I snatched it and flipped it open only to relieve an apologize text.

I’m sorry about tonight baby and to make it up to you I want you to know what I did tonight. –S

“What a douche.” Joe sighed and rapped his arms protectively around my waist.

I saw three incoming picture mail messages pop up from Shia and I figured for the hell of it, I would look at them. I mean, what could it hurt? I opened the first one and it was a picture of Shia standing outside Tiffany Co. I didn’t know what it meant, but I clicked down to the next one and it was Shia inside the store with all the helpers holding rings.

I was scared to click the next message and I think Joe was scared of what could be in the message. Joe closed my phone down and we kissed slowly one more so we could savor this moment and everything about it before we potentially read the text message that could ruin everything.

I took a deep breathe and clicked open the next picture message and it was a picture of Shia on one knee, he was holding out a little box with a huge diamond ring in it. I hit the voice message and Shia’s voice blared threw the quiet hotel room.

“Kourtney Anna Ryan, will you marry me?” The little voice message that belonged to Shia asked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh huge chapter.
Joe said I love you in Vegas. (:
Kourtney said it for the first time in a year out loud to Joe. (:
Yes, Joe and Kourtney had sex.
Shia asked Kourtney to marry him.
Talk about a crazy chapter.
Will She Marry Shia?

Come on Team Joe I know your out their; Wave them flags high. lol
I told you this was the best chapter out of the series.

Anyways 15 - 20 comments before I post the next chapter and its only that many because everyone is becoming silent readers and I want feedback. Plus this is a huge chapter.

Thank You!
Also a big thank you goes out to Mazzy for editing this chapter, and always being by my side. You're my best friend on mibba and it will never change. You guys should check out her stuff to.<-- She's Talented. (:


P.S. Check out Connor's Story's Their Amazing.