‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

World War III

One Month Later

It had been exactly a month since Joe and I had sex, and since Shia asked me to marry him. When Joe and I left the hotel we made sure it was at lest an hour apart, and that when we got back on tour nothing would change between us. It was hard the first couple days because we could look at each other contently, like we were waiting for the other to tell everything. But neither of us told a soul what went on that night.

Shia had asked the next morning if I got a text from him the night before, I just said no. Shia never questioned it or asked for my phone. We had been to dinner a couple times after it and the proposal never happened, in a way it was a good thing. I figured he came to his senses and decided against proposing.

“Hey baby.” Shia smiled walking onto the bus with two coffees in his hands.

“Hey cupcake,” I smiled and stood up took the coffee from him.

“Stop calling me that! You know how I hate being called that.” Shia laughed as he kissed me.

“Mhmmm,” I replied to the kiss and rapped my arms around his neck. “But I love to call you that.”

“Ugh. Fine,” Shia sighed and pulled me closer to him. “Only because I love you.”

I had to say through since I came home the next morning afterI slept with Joe Shia below me off our sex life had changed. This had gone from horrible to amazing in a matter of days. I had no idea what Shia was doing or what made him so good, but I enjoyed it.

“So I was thinking how about you and I go to dinner tonight?” Shia asked and tucked some hair behind my ear.

“Sounds good,” I smiled and we kissed once again.


I walked into the restaurant with my head held high and my best dress on. I looked around as I stepped into the restaurant and I didn’t see anyone. Which was very weird considering this was one of the most popular restaurants in the U.S.

“Ms. Ryan?” A small brunette girl appeared holding a menu, and I checked her name tag to see her name was Bridgette.

“Yes.” I smiled.

“Follow me.” She giggled and turned to walk father into the restaurant, and I followed.

I heard absolute silencesly as we walked and I didn’t see a soul either, it was really weird. Like I was walking into my own funeral but all the people where missing.

“Hey babe,” I hear Shia’s voice off in the distance.

I snapped out of my daze and looked over to where his voice came from and saw Shia standing their in a black suit with a single rose in hand. I felt my stomach drop to the floor as I realized what he was doing.

Shia was going to propose.

I stood in the same spot frozen as Shia made his way over to me and kissed me. I didn’t bother to return the kiss. I felt too guilty to; I slept with Joe exactly a month ago now I was getting proposed to by Shia. Fuck My Life.

“I’m starving lets eat.” I said trying to stop what was about to happen.

“We can eat in a second I gotta do something first though.” Shia said as he smiled like an idiot.

“Can’t it wait?” I asked praying to god it could.

“No, Trust me baby you’ll love it.” Shia smiled then took my left hand.

I sighed frustrated as Shia got down on one knee and pulled a little black box out of his jacket pocket. I wanted to die because he was so excited and happy about this but yet I felt numb.

“Kourtney Ann Ryan, I love you with all my heart. Will you marry me?” Shia asked opening the box.

“No.” I sighed.


After I said no things got extremely awkward, we set down and had dinner and no one said a word. Before I was even done we left, because Shia decided he wasn’t hungry. The car ride home was even worse because he refused to look at me or even talk to me. I felt bad for saying no but I couldn’t say yes. I just flipping cheated on him a month ago and I don’t think getting married would solve any problemswe’re I’m having.

I partially jumped out of the car when we pulled up to the tour bus. I was about to go in but Shia caught my arm and pulled me to him. The look on his face broken my heart because I know all the pain was from me.

“Why did you say no?” Shia asked barley above a whisper.

I didn’t have the guts to tell him because of Joe. I just looked down at the floor and sighed. Why couldn’t Shia have just left it with a no? Why did there to a reason?

“Is it because of him?” Shia asked and I knew he was referring to Joe. “Did something happen between you to? You’ve been acting weird around each other and everyone sees it.”

“No, nothing happened. We’re drifting part, Joe and me.” I lied. “I love you, Shia. This isn’t the right time though.”

“Ok.” Shia sighed and opened the door for me.

As we walked onto the tour bus I heard music blaring and people laughing. I saw everyone setting with champagne in their glasses laughing and I felt like hiding. It was because of mine and Shia’s engagement, or what they though would be.

“Hey.” I said quietly and everyone got silent.

“What’s going on?” Shia asked coming behind me and putting his hand on my waist.

No one answer and they all just looked at me then the floor. I looked over at Joe who had Allison on his lap and he refused to look at me, he just drowned his champagne. Allison on the other hand had a smug look on her face.

“Seriously what’s going on?” I asked looking at Shia and his face was blank.

“No, one is going to tell them?” Allison asked with venom in her voice. “Joe tell them.”

“Allison.” Joe warned.

“Tell them!” Allison demanded but Joe didn’t move. “Fine I’ll tell you.”

Allison got up and walked over to the counter and filled her glass up with water then poured two glasses of champagne and brought them over to me and Shia. Shia and I took them and I glared at her.

“Come on Allison before I die.” I snapped.

“I’m pregnant.” She said smugly.

I went into shock as her words replayed in my head over and over. I’m pregnant I suddenly felt dizzy. The glass felt like butter as it slipped out of my hand and shattered on the floor as did Shia’s.

“I need air.” Shia stuttered then ran out the door.

I just stood their though staring at Allison like I was a complete idiot. I wanted to run but my feet felt stuck to the floor and I’m pretty sure my foot was cut from the glass Shia and I dropped.

“I’m going to go to.” I said running my fingers threw my hair then walking outside.

“Hey hold up.” Allison said following me and I turned around to face her.

“What?” I asked sighing.

“I wanna thank you.” Allison smiled.

“For what?” I looked at her confused.

“For sleeping with Joe,” Allison said smugly. “Without you giving it up to him, and him enjoying it so much he wouldn’t have wanted it. Since you were always to busy fucking your boyfriend to make it up to him for sleeping with Joe. Joe slept with me. Then I got our baby out of it. So thanks for making my boyfriend a horny little teenager. Without you we wouldn’t have a baby.”

“I should kill you!” I snapped and pushed her back.

“Aww but you can’t.” Allison laughed. “Joe would hate you if you hurt me and his baby. So stay the fuck away Kourtney. Joe doesn’t want you anymore.”

“Is that what you tell yourself at night?” I laughed as she walked away. “Joe will always want me and you know it. I could have him back in a second.”

I heard Allison’s evil laugh and she turned on her heels to face, then started to walk back. I crossed my arms and smirked but as she came closer she smacked me cause me to fall back. I watched her dig into her jacket pocket and throw a little bag at me. I picked the bag off the ground and saw it was crystal myth.

“You’ll never get Joe back.” Allison smirked. “All because of that little bag. See if you ever even touch Joe again I’ll send you’re little whiny ass back to rehab faster then you can say help me. You being in rehab works to my advantage, I found out Joe paid for it so I made a call and found out what you where in rehab for. Turns out you’re a druggie and alcoholic. So if you touch or even speak to Joe again I’ll make sure you’re problem comes back. Also I’ll make sure Joe’s the one that sends you back to rehab. So test me slut, I already have your room in rehab ready for you.”

I watched Allison walk away with a smirk on her face and I picked up the bag of myth and looked at it. It was temping to do it again, but I wasn’t going to. I threw the bag as far as I possibly could then started to cry. I had lost everything in the matter of a couple hours.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry its been forever since I posted I know.
I had trouble with this chapter and it turned out crappy.

So what does everyone think about Allison being preggo?
Kourtney saying no to Shia?
Shia running out when Allison said she was preggo?
and Allison blackmailing Kourtney?

Also now I have something to ask.
The next part kind of changes the story I have something planned that deals with Kourtney's rape that happened, it will come back up. Or I can skip it and go onto the next storyline for this. Some say Kourtney shouldn't have to relive the whole rape thing again so its up to you guys? Go ahead with bring up the storyline that brings back up the rape storyline or skip and move onto the next story line?

Love, Kourtney.