‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

You're Just A Letdown

Banner By Mackie

I sighed as I threw another shirt into one of my many suitcases lying around the room. Tour had ended two days ago and when I got back home to LA I realized I couldn’t stand living here anymore. Partly because who lived in this town and it didn’t help that we worked at the same place in the same field. Yes, I was talking about Joe.

Mazz was still a trainwreck from Nick breaking up with her for Danielle. So she was up to moving to, and we both decided on New York. It had the same fast placed lifestyle we where use to in LA and we could still work on our music from their. So we packed our bags and were moving to an apartment in downtown New York.

I was flying out to New York today, and Mazz would join me later tomorrow. Mazz had to stay for the wedding. Joe’s wedding to Allison. I was invited to but after the whole incident in the church I decided it was best not to go. Plus Joe didn’t want me their, he made that clear.

In a way I took today as a starting point for both of us. Today at 2 o’ clock our lives without each other would officially begin. Joe would marry Allison and I would be on a flight to New York. I knew it was for the best. Why keep hurting each other?

“Hey you finished?” Mazz asked coming into the room.

I didn’t answer I just looked at her. For a girl who got her heart broken a week ago she looked killer, she had cut most of her hair off into a bob and her make up was applied perfectly. Allison had even got the girls pretty cute bride maid dresses, which was sure to make Nick realize what he missed out on. Nick and Mazz had to walk down the aisle together because the wedding arrangement was planned way before the break up.

“Yeah,” I said closing up my suitcases. “The movers will be here to get the stuff tomorrow so just tell them where to put everything so nothing gets broke.”

“Ok will do.” Mazz smiled. “Not taking this?”

I looked up and saw Mazz holding up a picture of Joe and me that I had thrown away. It was from the first tour right before everything went to hell. I just took the picture from her and threw it back down in the trash can.

“I’m not moving to New York so I can bring pictures of me and Joe and miss him from far away. I’m moving to get away from him.” I snapped.

“Wow, you’re taking this a lot harder then I though you would.” Mazz sighed and tired to hug me but I pushed her away.

“It’s just I never pictured my life without him.” I sighed. “I guess a part of me wanted us to dance around each other forever. I just never wanted him to move on I guess but he did. No use crying over it.”

“I’m sorry, Kourt.” Mazz said.

“Yeah, I am to.” I said and picked up my suitcases.

“You sure you wanna move though?” Mazz asked. “Why not stay in fight if he means that much to you?”

“Because he doesn’t mean anything to me anymore,” I lied and walked out of the room dragging my suitcases.

New York here I come.


I set in one of the plastic metal chairs looking up at the TV screens around the airport as they all covered Joe Jonas’s wedding to Allison Heartly. Everything was being prepared for it and it was set to start in 2 hours. Thank god I would be on the flight when they said “I Do.”.

I felt the weight of the chair change when somebody set down next to me. I turned my head away from the TV and looked at the person next to me with a smile. Kevin Jonas.

“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready?” I smiled at Kevin who was smirking.

“Probably but I told Joe I had to take care of something first.” Kevin said looking at me. “He was rather pissed that I decided to take care of business just two hours before the wedding.”

“I’m sure he was.” I laughed lightly. “So what business was this? Does it involve me?”

“Yes,” Kevin nodded. “Are you really ok with Joe marrying Allison?”

“Kevin, don’t start.” I snapped then crossed my arms.

“Stop avoiding the damn question and answer me.” Kevin shot back and his voice made me jump a little.

“No!” I screamed louder then I meant to. "I don't want Joe to marry Allison."

“Finally an answer,” Kevin smiled. “Did you tell Joe you didn’t want him marrying Allison?”

“No,” I sighed. “He is having a baby with Allison so I don’t think it does any good in saying I love him now.”

“Kourtney, do you really think it wouldn’t mean anything?” Kevin asked. “Joe begged you for months to fight for you’re relationship but you didn’t. He waited for you to realize that you’re meant to be together. I can promise you it would mean something to him if you said you loved him. You may not get him instantly but if you keep fighting one day you mite.”

“Kevin,” I said frustrated. “I can’t wait for him like he did for me!”

“No but you can fight for him!” Kevin argued back. “He fought for you!”

“It doesn’t matter anymore!” I yelled.

“Fine!” Kevin yelled back at me and got up. “Don’t fight for Joe then! But in a year when you’re alone don’t bitch about the fact that you could have fought for him. Just stop bitching about everything that happens to you and do something about it. You can stop that fucking wedding and you know it! Joe wants you not some whore! I can’t see why though because you never fight for anything at lest Allison fought for him.”

I set in my chair just looking up at Kevin while he waited for me to say something. I was speechless though. Never in my life had Kevin talked to me like that or even yelled at me. That was Joe’s job.

“Jesus Kourtney. I’m not wasting my time anymore I have a wedding to go to.” Kevin started to walk away but turned around. “Before you get on you’re plane just think about one thing. Who do you wanna be with in 10 years? If it’s Joe I suggest you start fighting.”

With that Kevin left and walked into the sea of people. I looked up at TV screen with all the people still running around getting ready for the wedding. Joe and Nick came on as they were getting ready, they were laughing and having a good time. I smiled to myself seeing how happy he was. Then I asked myself the same question Kevin asked me.

Who do I wanna be with in 10 years? Truth is I didn’t know. Over the past couple months my mind had changed so much. If you asked me 3 months ago I probably would have said Shia LaBeouf was my future. If you asked me when over a year ago I would say Joseph Jonas. Now I don’t know who I wanted to be with in 10 years.

I stood up and waked over to the desk where the airport lady was working. I saw her name tag said Maggie. Maggie looked up at with a smile on her face that only got bigger when she realized who I was. I smiled back at her and put my ticket on the desk.

“Hi I’m Kourtney,” I smiled and she nodded still star stuck. “I have a flight to New York in about an hour I was wondering if I could move it to the next flight and make it two tickets. If it’s coach it’s fine.”

“Sure Ms. Ryan. I’ll take care of it fight now.” Maggie smiled brightly and started typing on the computer.

While Maggie typed furiously on the computer I turned my back to her and pulled my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled threw the names till I found who I was looking for then hit call. I listened to their call tone while I waited for them to answer. I’m sure they were busy but it didn’t matter.

“Hey,” I said into the phone as soon as they answered. “I need you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Letdown - This Providence

Some of the last questions I'll ask for this story.
1. Who was Kourtney on the phone with?
2. Is she going to fight for Joe?

Sorry if it sucked. ):

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Stop being silent readers!


p.s. 2 more to go!