‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

Fight For Love


I looked at Lola as we pulled up to the church. Lola has came and got me when I was at the airport. She was my phone call, and I was glade she was the one who picked me up. As she drove me to the church I had filled her in on everything that happened in the last hour. I was down to an hour and I had to act quickly before this wedding started.

“Kourtney go!” Lola yelled!

“I can’t,” I said letting my nervous get the best of me. “Maybe you should take me back to the airport.”

“Kourtney Ryan,” Lola practically yelled. “Go in that fucking church and get what belongs to you!”

“Fearless.” I repeated to myself as I got out of the car.

As I got to the church doors I was about to turn around and walk out when I realized I couldn’t. This was my future this was who I wanted to be with in 10 years, that was my forever in their. I pushed open the door and saw all kinds of people starting to file in and I knew I had to act quickly.

I stepped into the ceremony and saw pretty much everyone I knew. The Jonas family was setting in the font row and my family was behind them. Figures. They always loved Joe; secretly I think they wished he was their son. I also saw Mike setting with a bunch of people from Hollywood Records. As I looked at these people I realized how under dressed I was but I didn’t have time to change.

I took a deep breath and walked down the aisle as I got farther up it more people started to file in and I heard gasps from everyone as I kept walking. Thankfullythe devil Allison was still getting ready. I tired to block out the gasps and ‘oh my gods’ that kept coming as I opened the door to the groom’s room.

I looked around at everyone and one by one they turned and noticed me. Everyone’s mouths dropped in shock much like they did on the walk to here. I noticed Joe wasn’t standing with his grooms men, in fact he wasn’t anywhere in sight.

“Guys, I think this is to tight.” Joe said as he came out of the bathroom wearing a tux.

I smiled and crossed my arms as I leaned in the doorway waiting for him to notice me. I heard gasps still coming from the ceremony and I tired to block them out. I watched Joe look at all his groom’s men and their faces then he turned to the doorway. I smiled brighter as his face dropped in shock because I was the last person he expected to crash the wedding before it even started.

“Out,” I demanded to all the boys.

“You can’t kick us out!” Brian yelled. “This isn’t even you’re damn wedding!”

“Brian get the hell out before I shove my heel up you ass.” I glared as I walked over to him.

“Ok boss lady.” Brian smirked and whispered in my ear before leaving. “Good luck.”

I watched the other boys file out behind Brian and before I closed the door I saw Kevin smile at me. Once I closed the door shut I tuned around and looked at Joe. He hadn’t moved he was just staring like I had 3 heads or something.

“Kourtney,” Joe said nervously. “Why are you here?”

I didn’t give and answer I just walked over to him and looked up at him. I knew he was about to speech again but I just put my hand on the back of his neck then pressed our lips together. I knew he was shocked by everything that was happening but it only took him second to snap out of it all and reply. I felt his hand go up my back bringing us closer as his other hand tangled itself up in my hair. We stayed like this for a good 5 minutes but we eventually ran out of air and broke apart.

“In 10 years I picture myself with you no one else.” I whispered against his lips as our breath evened out.

Joe didn’t say anything back he just pressed our lips together again but with more force then before. I slid both arms around his neck while he pushed me up and I rapped my legs around his waist. We stumbled back against the wall and my lips never let his. I felt my shirt being pulling up and I lifted up my arms. Just as we broke apart Joe dropped me and backed away causing me to hit the floor.

“No,” Joe shook his head. “We can’t do this. I’m getting married.”

“You wanted me to fight for you, Joe!” I yelled. “You wanted me to fight for us! Well here I am!”

“I wanted you to fight months ago when I begged you and begged you to!” Joe shot back. “But in typical Kourtney fashion you wait till last fucking minute when I’m going to leave you to make up your mind!”

“Joe, it took me a lot longer then it ever took you!” I shot back at him. “You fucking hurt me! What you expect the first time you walk back in telling all you’re bullshit about how were suppose to be together I’m just suppose to believe it!”

“Get out!” Joe screamed in my face.

“No!” I screamed back.

“Kourtney Ryan…” Joe yelled but before he could finish I kissed him again.

This time he didn’t reply he just pushed me back and looked at me confused. I bit my lip out of how nervous I was. At lest he wasn’t yelling anymore that was a plus at lest. Maybe he would just say lets get the hell out of here. But then again things never go my way.

“Stop kissing me.” Joe said fixing his tux. “Stop fighting for me and just leave.”

“Don’t marry her.” I said and I felt tears forming. “Please Joe.”

“Kourtney, I can’t.” Joe never turned to look at me he just looked into the mirror. “I can’t just stop this wedding and run off with you because you decided after all this time that you really love me.”

“I’ve loved you since the minute we met on the roof!” I yelled and tears start to fall. “I lost my heart 2 years ago to some silly little boy on the roof. Who I never got over and I never will.”
I started crying harder as I kept trying to hold back the tears. I watched for him to reply but his didn’t even turn to look at me. I pulled out his ticket and walked up behind him.

“New York.” I said holding back the rest of my tears. “In 1 hour I’ll be on a fight out of this town. I got you a ticket because I don’t wanna leave with out you. I love you so much. I just hope you realize that before you go out their and make a mistake you’ll regret. Just picture you life 10 years from now and picture who’s standing next to you. When I pictured my life I pictured you.”

Joe didn’t move an inch so I just took the ticket and stuck it in his pocket. I went to kiss his cheek but he turned his head and pushed be back softly. I just nodded trying to be strong as I turned to walk out of the room.

“I love you, Joseph Adam Jonas.” I said as I opened the door and Joe flinched. “Forever and always.”

I just left the door open as I walked out into the ceremony where all the people were looking at me. I wonder if they hadn’t heard us with all the screaming we were doing but I just let it go. Joe walked out of the room and all the groom’s men stood up. I just walked past everyone with my head held high, blocking everything out. Just before I walked out of the ceremony I looked back at Joe who was staring at me.

About 100 people turned in the sets at the same time making a weird noise and they all looked at me. I guess they expected me to run back down the aisle and beg Joe to leave with me. I didn’t. I just pushed the door open and walked out of the ceremony.

“You little fucking slut!” I heardthe devil Allison say and I turned to look.

Allison was the bride from hell I could tell. I honestly wasn’t that scared of her though. What could she do claim I had a druggy issues? Try and sell a story to the paparazzi? Joe would instantly hate her and she knows it. Her blackmail was pretty much pointless. I didn’t have anything she could use against me anymore.

“I can’t believe you showed your face at my wedding!” Allison snarled as she got in my face. “I swear to god I’m going to...”

“You’re going to what? Ruin me?” I asked. “I have nothing Allison you can’t ruin shit.”

I watched her mouth fall open in shock as she tired to think of something to say. She probably though I wasn’t going to do anything expect run off crying but this time I wasn’t letting her win.

“Listen to me.” I said demanding her attention. “I swear to god if I found out this baby isn’t Joe’s and you fucked with him just so I couldn’t have him I will personally come find you and kick your ass. So you better hope to god it is Joe’s.”

I watched her mouth even fall farther open when I said that. I wasn’t 100% sure that the baby was Joe’s. I mean he was stupid enough not to use a condom when we did it so I’m sure he didn’t use one with Allison. But I knew the bitch was sneaky and wanted Joe. She would do anything to keep him even lying about a baby.

“Oh and if you think I’m giving up on Joe your crazy.” I smirked. “I will fight for him and I will win.”

“I’m going to...” Before Allison could say anymore I smacked her hard across the face.

“That’s for trying to blackmail me.” I snapped.

I walked past Allison who was holding her cheek still while a couple of her friends who looked like sluts as well ran up to her. I walked straight towards Danielle who was staring at me in shock. I think she was expecting me to smack her because she put her hands in front of her face.

“You can consider yourself fire.” I said. “So take yourself back to where and the hell you came from.”

With that I turned on my heels towards the exit and walked out. I saw Lola setting in the car waiting for me as I ran down the steps to the car. As I got in I saw a black limo pull up and Shia step out of it. Instantly I jumped out of the car and ran to were Shia was.

“What are you doing here?” I asked looking at him as he turned around to me smiling.

“I was invited.” Shia smiled holding an invitation up in the air.

“Mhmmm.” I smiled.

“Kourtney!” Lola yelled. “We have to go if you wanna make it to the airport!”

Shia waved me to go to the car and before I did I hugged him tight. Then took off running towards Lola’s car and as I got in I looked back at the church and crossed my fingers that he would show. I just hoped he really didn’t give up fighting for us.


I set in the airport tapping my foot on the ground as I watched the TV showing Joe’s wedding in front of me. I watched Allison walk down the aisle in her pretty little white dress as here comes the bride played. As they started to repeat their vows to each other I got up and walked to board the plane. Joe wasn’t coming. I had tired but I guess he really did give up this time.

As I walked on the plan I heard the flight attendants talking about the wedding as well as the girls who started boarding the plan. I heard the ‘I Do’ part coming up and I took a deep breathe praying that my heart wouldn’t break when he said it.

“I Do.” I heard Allison say now Joe was next.

It was all over with and I had lost Joe forever. I felt like my heart had just shattered into a hundred pieces. Losing Joe was the hardest thing I ever had happen to me in my life. I knew no how much I said I was ok I would never be. Now I just had to wait him say those two words that would pretty much kill me.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok I totally misjudged I though I could write the final all in this chapter but it would be about 7000 or more words so I split it in two. Kourtney's POV is the 1st part and Joe is part 2. So their is really now 2 chapters left. Their is two more chapters left!

She was on the phone with Lola. If you didn't get that lol.

Ok Questions!
1. Do you think Joe and Allison will get married?
2. Do you think Joe will say I do?
3. How do you think it will end?

Don't Be A Silent Reader.


P.S. In case you missed it 2 more chapters!