‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

Forever & Always

Joe’s POV

I looked at Allison as she said I Do and I saw her smiling face staring at me with joy and happiness written all over it. As I said the values before my I Do my mind started to wonder. Everything over the past 2 years with Kourtney replayed in my head like a movie. It kept replying out first time when she said I love you and it echoed threw out my head.

I turned to look next to me because it felt like she was standing their just whispering in my ear but I saw nothing but the guests. I felt Allison dig her nails into my hand and I turned back to look at her. As I started to repeat the values the preacher said I couldn’t get Kourtney off my mind.

Who did I see myself with in 10 years? I tired to think that far but too many memories kept replaying making it hard for me to think about anything but Kourtney. Maybe this was a sign that I wasn’t suppose to be here that I was suppose to be getting on a plane right now with her.

It got to the part were I was suppose to say I do but I didn’t open my mouth. I felt like my throat was dry and it was hard to talk. I felt Allison nails dig farther into the plum of my hand.

“I……..I..I” I just kept repeating I and I couldn’t get the past part out.

I looked at Allison, this beautiful amazing women who was carrying my baby and I just couldn’t see her standing across from me. I picture Kourtney; as much as I didn’t want to she wouldn’t go away. I just kept hearing ‘I love you’ ring in my head. It was driving me crazy that she wouldn’t leave my thoughts.

“I do.” Allison whispered to me like I forgot the words.

“I…I..I…I…I” I just kept studding.

“It’s mine!” Someone screamed.

Everyone in the church turned to look at Shia LaBeouf who was standing up. I stared at him confused as she walked up the aisle to where Allison and I were. Allison looked like she was about to kill him but she didn’t move. In fact I think she held on tighter.

“What’s yours?” I asked.

“The baby!” Shia said buntly. “While you and Kourtney were in Vegas together doing god knows what Allison and I were talking and we slept together. Then the night I blew Kourtney off I was with Allison and we were having sex. She should be about 2 or 3 months ahead of what she says!”

I looked back and forth from Allison to Shia. Shia was an asshole I knew that but a liar I honestly don’t think he was. Plus who would say something like that in the middle of a wedding if it wasn’t true. I took a deep breath and looked over at Allison. Would she really do something like that? Cheat on me with someone else. I didn’t think so.

“Well?” I asked Allison. “Is it true?”

“You cheated first!” Allison yelled and hit me with her flowers. I couldn’t believe my soon to be wife had cheated on me with Kourtney’s ex boyfriend. God my life was such a soap opera. “If you wouldn’t have screwed around with Kourtney then I wouldn’t have cheated!”

“So because I cheated make it right for you to cheat?” I asked and was starting to get pissed. “I actually love Kourtney! Did you love Shia?”

“Do you hear yourself talk? It’s all about Kourtney! You just admitted you love her at our fucking wedding!” Allison screamed and hit me with her flowers again but this time I took them and threw them to the side. “No, I didn’t love Shia! But at lest he made me feel loved!”

“You told me you loved me!” Shia yelled and we both turned to look at him. “Do you not remember ‘Oh I love you Shia’.”

“You really think I meant it?” Allison laughed.

“Ok before you two kill each other or I kill one of you.” I glared at both of them. “Who in the hell’s baby is it?”

“It’s mine!” Shia yelled at me.

“I didn’t ask you!” I shot back.

“Joey, claim down.” Allison said in her annoying baby voice as she put her hand on my arm. I just pushed her back lightly. “What the hell? Are you pissed because I cheated? Joe you know I love you! I forgave you for Kourtney why can’t you forgive me for Shia!”

“Allison!” I yelled at her. “Whose fucking baby is it?”

“Shia’s,” Allison said and started to break down crying. “Please don’t leave me! I need you, Joe!”

“Jesus, this is a fucking soap opera.” I heard Nick whisper to Kevin. Sadly he was right. This was something that would be on like General Hospital or Days of Our Lives.

“I can’t do this Allison.” I said looking down at her as she cried harder. “This isn’t where I’m supposed to be. I have someone on a fight to New York, and I’m suppose to be there with her.”

“You are going after that fucking bitch!” Allison screamed and the tears suddenly stopped coming. “I should fucking kill you!”

As Allison went to attack me I moved last second to the side causing her to fall and land on her face. I took this moment when she was down as my chance to run after Kourtney. I looked at Shia and gave him a sympathy look for having to put up with Allison for the next 18 years.

“Joe!” I heard my mom yell after me as I was running out of the church. I turned around and saw my mom holding up my grandmother’s ring that she claimed she lost when I asked for it to give to Allison. “I think we both know who this belongs to. Now go get her!”

I took the ring from my mom and put it in my pocket as I ran threw the church doors. Once I got outside I looked for a taxi but there wasn’t anything but limo’s then like an angel from god I saw Lola pull up. I ran down to her car.

“Lola can I borrow your car?” I asked running around to the driver side. “Please, I need to go get Kourtney.”

“Joe,” Lola’s face fell. “She’s on a flight to New York.”

“That’s fine. I’ll fly out their or drive their.” I said getting into the driver set and shutting the door. “I can’t lose her again.”

With that I hit the gas and took off out into the highway. I knew I was driving over the speed limit but this was an emergency. I just hoped to god that the plane was still their when I got their. I knew I flew threw a couple red lights and probably some stop signs but if I got a ticket it didn’t really matter right now. Hell I didn’t even have my license on me.

As I got closer I pulled out my phone and dialed Kourtney’s number off of memory, and it went straight to voice mail. Shit. The one time I need her to have a phone she doesn’t. I just kept speeding up till I couldn’t anymore. I just prayed that she saw that circus of a wedding and got off the plane.


Just as I got to were Kourtney’s plane was I saw it pulling out of the dock and going to the runway. I had missed it. I sighed and banged my head against the glass window a couple times. This wasn’t how it was suppose to work. That plane was suppose to wait for me to get on their. I was suppose to be with Kourtney. I sighed and slid down to the floor against the glass.

I closed my eyes and breathed trying to think of what to do. I heard the clicking of heels though which made me look up only to find a girl about 5 years older then me dressed in one of the LAX uniforms. I saw her smile but I didn’t bother trying to fake one.

“You’re Joe Jonas right?” The girl asked and I just nodded. “Let me take a wild guess and say you’re looking for Kourtney?”

“Yeah, but I missed the plane.” I sighed.

“Well come on lets order you a new ticket.” The girl held out her hand and I took it. As she pulled me up I saw her name tag said Maggie. I followed her over to the desk as she typed away then her face went blank. “Mr. Jonas, Kourtney got off the plane her ticket is right here for a refund on the computer.”

“What?” I said confused and ran around the desk to where Maggie was.

“She got off the plane.” Maggie repeated.

If she wasn’t on the plane were in the hell was she. I flipped open my phone again while Maggie rambled on about something and called Kourtney. Her phone was still off but I left a message this time for her to call me back. I tired to think of some place that meant something to us then it came to me. Where it all began, the roof of Hollywood Records.

“Thanks Maggie.” I smiled at her then took off back threw the airport.


I took a deep breathe as I pushed open the door to the roof and closed my eyes. As I opened my eyes and stepped onto the roof I saw nothing and no one. She wasn’t here.

“Fuck!” I yelled out of frustration.

Of all places to be I figured she would be here. This was the place were all our memories started and that held so much of our history. I walked around the roof making sure she wasn’t hiding and planned to surprise me but she wasn’t. As I looked down at downtown L.A. I pulled my phone out and tired to call again. No answer.

“Mother fucker!” I yelled and threw my phone in the air for it to land god knows where. “Oh course Kourtney wouldn’t be here. She never fucking does the things I expect! That woman is the most fucking frustrating complicated person I have ever met!”

Kourtney’s POV

As I walked up the steps to the roof I heard a lot of yelling which made me run faster. I figured Joe think to come here once he found out I wasn’t on the plane. As I got closer I realized that it was Joe yelling and he was ranting. I pushed the door open quietly and leaned against the door just watching him pace back and forth while ranting.

I held back a laugh as he went on about how much I frustrated him. As he went on and on about how much I annoy him constantly and make his life misery he did say a couple nice things in their. Like how I look so cute when I’m mad and how much he loves me. After about 5 minutes of Joe going on and on I started to wonder when we would be done.

Just when I was temped to throw something at his head he finally stopped talking. I let out a sigh of relief to myself and smile as he started to turn around. I watched his face drop in shock as he looked at me and a smirk played across my lips.

“Please continue.” I smiled. “I love to know how much a pain in your ass I am.”

“How much did you hear?” Joe asked and blushed a little as he made his was over.

“Pretty much everything,” I laughed and walked over to meet him halfway. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here I got stuck in traffic.”

“You could have answered you phone.” Joe smiled and pulled me to him. “But that would be to much wouldn’t it?”

“Yes,” I said and rapped my arms around his neck. “If I knew where my phone was it would have helped. I lost it sometime today after I called Lola. But the good side is if I had answer I wouldn’t have got to watch you’re cute rant.”

“Mhmmm,” Joe nodded and pulled me against him and placed our foreheads together. “How’d you know to get off the plane?”

“They were watching it on the plane.” I smiled and rubbed his cheek. “Plus I was kind of waiting for you to say I do. When you didn’t though I knew I better get off the plane. Plus it helped that the two screaming teenagers behind me told me to get my ass off the plane and come get you.”

“Well I need to thank them if I ever see them.” Joe laughed. “I’m glade you didn’t leave. I’m so tired of chasing after you.”

“Oh really Jonas?” I laughed trying to be serious. “I chased your ass to.”

“So?” Joe smiled goofy and pressed his lips against mine. “I’ve loved you longer.”

“I should hit you.” I laughed in-between the kiss. “But I love you.”

“I love you to.” Joe smiled and kissed my head. “Forever and always.”

“Joe,” I sighed. “Now were doomed. Every time you say that something happens I would have though you would have learned by now.”

“You said it earlier!” Joe argued.

“Yes, but look were together right now aren’t we so apparently it only has good luck when I say it!” I argued back.

“Shut up and just tell me you love me.” Joe laughed.

“I love you, Joseph Adam Jonas.” I smiled and kissed him.

This time there wasn’t laughing or anything it was peaceful. Joe’s hands just stayed on my neck and back while mine stayed on his cheek and around his neck. The kiss was perfect though just like the very first time we kissed only this time it would last. After what seemed like forever we both broke apart. As we stood their trying to even our breath out I kept kissing him over and over. I just was finally happy to have him all to myself.

I was about to kiss him again but he pulled back and dug around his pocket. Then without any warning he took my left hand and dropped to one knee. I looked at Joe confused even though I was pretty much about to die on the insides. Part of me was scared this was all actually a dream I was going to wake up from.

“Kourtney Ann Ryan,” Joe started and I just smiled. “You’re who I wanna be with in 10 years. Sure we mite wanna kill each other after about 2 years together but I love you. Will you marry me?”

“No.” I said and still smiled while Joe’s face dropped in confusion. “Joe, I love you. I really do but I really don’t want our engagement to be on the same day you were suppose to get married. Plus in typical Kourtney and Joe fashion I’m going to propose to you when I’m good and ready.”

I started laughing as did Joe, and I helped him up but I did take the ring and put it on my right hand. We both knew this whole us together for good was going to be hard but in the end we both we’re willing to work for it. Sure it took us a year to get to here but I wouldn’t change any of it because we both are a lot stronger. In the end my heart belong to Joseph Adam Jonas and that the only person it would ever belong to.

“I love you, Kourtney Ann Jonas.” Joe smiled.

“Who said I’m going to marry you?” I laughed. “Remember you gotta wait for me to propose.”

“Yeah but one day you’ll be a Jonas.” Joe laughed and kissed me. “Because your mine.”

“Forever and always.” I said smiling and kissed him again.

For once forever and always didn’t sound we were headed for distruster. Maybe our luck had turned up this time and if it hadn’t oh well. Because this time nothing was breaking us apart and I was never letting go of Joe. We were meant to be together, Joe was right. That’s just how the story ends.

With us together Forever & Always.
♠ ♠ ♠
Now the EPILOGUE! Ahhahaha It will be out next stay tuned because you never know what's going to happen with these two!

I wanna say I'm sorry this chapter was complete and utter crap. I just wanted to give you all the happy ending you were dying for and somehow it turned out suckie. So I am every sorry that I put you guys threw this amazing story to have the final complete crap.
Again I'm so sorry.

Also I wanna thank all the readers, subcribers, and commenters. Over the past couple months you guys have made me so so so so happy. I hope you guys will stay with and look at my other work.

