‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

Head Over Heels In The Moment


I watched Shia step out of the shiny black limo first then he held out his hand and I took it as I stepped out. Everyone in Hollywood was suppose to think we were dating because it would help boost ticket sales. Once I was out of the limo I ran a hand over my dress and flipped my hair. Shia slipped his hand around my waist and we started to make our way down the read carpet but Ryan Secrets stopped us.

“Shia! Kourtney! Over here!” Ryan called and waved at us to come over.

I looked at Shia and found him looking at me with a million dollar smile. Shia leaned down and kissed my hair while pictures snapped away, I smiled like an idiot and rapped my arms around him. I felt Shia lead us over to Ryan and I put on my poker face.

“Hey guys do you have time for a quick interview?” Ryan asked and Shia nodded.

“So how long have you been going out?” Ryan asked.

I let out a sigh of relief Shia and I had practiced our stories for hours so when we were asked questions like this we could keep the stories straight.

“About six months.” I said and looked up at Shia who was smiling down at me.

“Aww how sweet. So are you in love?” Ryan asked and I was about to answer when Shia beat me to it.

“Yes, were very much in love. How could you not love her?” Shia asked and I felt a kiss hit my cheek and I blushed.

“I’m happy for you guys!” Ryan said as he talked into the mike I hadn’t noticed before. “Now Kourtney I’m sure you know what I’m going to ask but what happened to you the two months you were gone? Where did you go?”

I swallowed and there was a still a huge lump in my throat making it to where I couldn’t talk. I was sweating and becoming a nervous wreak. Mike had trained us for the relationship questions but I hadn’t been trained when asked the last two months. I remember I told Kevin Australia and I was about to say it but Shia spoke first.

“Hey chill dude stop pestering my girlfriend. She took a vacation who gives a shit were in Hollywood everyone needs a break.” Shia said and I saw him glare at Ryan. “This interview is over.”

Shia tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me away from Ryan Secrets as we finished walking the first red carpet. We ended up having to stop right before the second red carpet that leads into where we would be watching the movie. I sighed and leaned my head on Shia’s shoulder and I felt his head lean again mine and he kissed my head softly as I felt him rub my side gently. I knew the paparazzi were loving this.

“Sorry about asshole back there we shouldn’t have gone over.” Shia whispered.

“It’s fine I just wasn’t trained for that question.” I whispered back.

“I figured you looked like a deer in head lights.” Shia laughed.

Shia didn’t know about rehab Mike had just told him I was on vacation somewhere. I felt bad about not telling Shia because we were actually really close and he had been there for me but I wasn’t aloud to tell anyone. I felt the weight of Shia shift which made me stand up straight because we were suppose to walk now. I walked onto the red carpet with my arm around Shia’s waist and his around me. I smiled and waved for pictures as we walked slowly, a couple times I posed by myself. While I was posing by myself in front of the many camera and Shia was giving an interview I looked at the beginning of the red carpet to see the crazy blonde, Allison coming up the steps. She was insanely pretty and I was totally jealous of her, plus she had a killer voice from what I had heard. I watched Allison turn back and pose for a couple pictures while the Jonas Brothers started coming up the steps. Nick and Mazz were holding onto each other and looked like they were so in love, funny thing is they were really that in love. Most people never believed it though because of Mazz’s record with guys but they had been going strong for a little over a year now. I turned posing still and looked to see Kevin and Lola standing together, I knew they had only come as friends because Lola had a boyfriend. I let my eyes wonder as I looked for the other Jonas but I didn’t see him standing with his brothers. Maybe the asshole didn’t come, that would make my night. I flipped my hair and popped out my hip as Shia came over and started to take more pictures with me. I heard someone talking loudly and I turned and saw all the reports going crazy about Allison and some guy that his back turned to me. I watched intensely as Shia started to give another interview. I was hoping the guy would turn around so I could see who it was, then my wish was granted and he turned around. My mouth dropped in shock as the guy’s eyes met mine. Joe! I swear he was the fucking devil in ray bans and skinny jeans!

“What’s wrong you look like you seen a ghost?” Shia whispered in my ear as he rapped his arms around my waist and leaned his head on my shoulder.

“My ex is right their and looking. I can’t believe he is with her.” I whispered back and tilted my head towards Joe.

“Well let’s give him a show since he wants’ to stare and he is the biggest dumbass in the world for letting you go.” Shia said then I felt him turn me to face him.

I felt his hand slip onto the back of my neck and his other hand slipped down to the middle of my back. I watched as he leaned down and my mouth dropped a little in shock. We had kissed before but only for the movie. I closed my eyes though and leaned my head up and I felt my nose touch his and with one swift motion my lips had hit Shia’s. I heard gasps and camera clicking away. I put my hand on Shia’s cheek and deepened the kiss. It was unlike anything I had ever had before it was passionate, hot, lust, and need all rolled into one very hot kiss. It only made me want the kiss even more. I felt Shia’s tongue slid into my mouth without asking but I would have given him entrance anyways. I let our tongues battle against each other’s for a little then I slowly started to pull back when I was losing air. Shia started pulling back to but let his lips linger and kissed me again softly before pulling away fully. I looked at him in shock and I was left breathless. Wow! Is all I had to say.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hahahaha. (:
Shia & Kourtney?
anyone like them or do you like Kourtney & Kevin better.
let me know.
I really like this chapter though.

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