‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

Fight Club


I had just spent the last two hours setting in between my ex boyfriend and my current fake boyfriend, it was so awkward. Threw the whole movie Joe just stared at Shia with hatred in his eyes, Shia on the other hand wouldn’t stop touching me. Shia always had his hand locked in mine playing with my fingers or have his hand on my knee, and it pissed Joe off, he would grip the arm rest till his knuckles turned white. I found it hilarious and I figured Shia saw Joe’s reaction and that’s why he kept doing it. To be honest it was a little hot seeing how jealous Joe got when Shia was touching me, Shia was just plain hot and his touch was driving me crazy. At one point when Shia’s hand went too far and was playing with the hem of my dress, I though Joe was going to get up and hit him. I had no idea how Allison didn’t notice how tense Joe was I mean she had her hand practically down his pants the whole movie. She is such a twit; I had no idea why he was dating her. She sure in the hell wasn’t like me. Once the movie was over though I grabbed Shia’s hand and practically ran out of the movie with him. As we walked to the club next to where the movie was playing pictures snapped and paparazzi attacked me and Shia. Shia put his sunglasses over my eyes and rapped his arms around my waist as he walked me into the club. Once we got into the dark smoky club I took his sunglasses off and leaned back against him. I felt his head lay on top of mine as I looked around at the people filing in past us.

“So that was pretty awkward back their. I have never seen someone so jealous over a girl, maybe he finally realized he let the best thing he ever had go.” Shia whispered and pulled me closer.

“Maybe I don’t care he broke my heart so many times I’m just done I have to grow up and move on. In a month I’ll be 22.” I sighed and looked up at Shia.

Shia nodded and smiled then slipped his left hand onto my cheek, I noticed he started to lean down. At first I didn’t react but I figured I had recovered from the last kiss so I just closed my eyes. I felt his other arm tighten around my waist and his breath on my lips.

“Excuse me!” A familiar voice shouted.

Shia and I jumped back from each other and I lost my balance and hit the ground. Shia helped me up and I saw Joe glaring at me; if looks could kill I would be dead. Shia finally got me to my feet and put his arm around my waist then faced Joe. I knew there was a stare contest going on between Joe and Shia; they stood in silents for a good five minutes.

“Can you and the slut move sometime today I’m trying to get to the bar.” Joe spat.

“What did you just call her? From what I witnessed in the movie you were jealous I’m with her but yet aren’t you with that twit?” Shia snapped back at Joe and stepped in front of me.

“I called her a slut! Why would I want her? She’s like a song everyone knows the words to!” Joe screamed.

I bit my lip to keep from crying and put my hands over my face as everyone started to look at the scene playing out. This was embarrassing. Joe was such a jackass.

“Why don’t you shut you’re punk virgin ass up?” Shia yelled and pushed Joe back.

“Make me!” Joe screamed.

I watched Allison step towards me as she glared with hatred in her eyes. I knew she was going to try and hit me. I mean who wouldn’t want to hit their boyfriends ex, especially when he was making a scene about her. Allison was getting closer to me but Mazz stepped in and pushed her back.

“Listen bitch you hit her and I will personally fuck your ass up and have you spending the rest of your life in a wheel chair!” Mazz snapped.

Allison stepped back and put her hands up in the air. I smirked at her and crossed my arms. I saw out of the corner of my eye that Mazz was stepping in between the boys.

“Now you Jonas! Back the fuck up and leave Kourtney alone! If she wanted you she would be with you but she’s not so get the fuck over it and stay with your twit! You’re making an ass out of yourself for a girl you supposable don’t want! So take your ass over to the bar and don’t come back here or next time I won’t step in and I’ll let Shia knock you on you ass! You sure in the hell deserve it with how you’re acting tonight!” Mazz screamed in Joe’s face.

Joe glared at Mazz and she glared back. Truly it was funny watching short little Mazz scream at Joe who towered over her, but he almost looked scared. Everyone knew Mazz was crazy and not to mess with her, everyone saw what happened to Taylor. Finally Joe broke the glare contest and stepped aside with Allison and walked past me and Shia, glaring at me the whole time though. Once Joe JonASS and Allison HeartLESS, She now has a nickname to, made it past us Shia went to put his arms around me but Mazz ripped me away. Mazz had dragged me practically to the other side of the club by the time she stopped walking.

“Oh my god I can’t believe a fight almost started over you!” Mazz laughed.

“I know!” I giggled.

“I swear if that twit would have hit you I would have killer her. She thinks she is god’s gift to music and truly she sounds like Miley Cyrus and Paris Hilton in a cat fight. Also seriously how in the fuck did she not notice Joe staring at you threw the whole movie I mean he was so fucking tense!” Mazz started rambling but I cut her off.

“Mazz thank you but I don’t want to talk about him anymore.” I said looking over at the bar.

Joe looked pathetic he had his eyes glued to me while throwing back shots, Allison was at the bar next to him yelling; I’m sure it was about tonight. Joe didn’t seem to be paying attention though he just kept staring and drinking. I felt horrible for him because two months ago I was in some bar drinking because of him. I felt the memories flood back and I bit my lip as I tired to push all the memories away.

”Smile bitch!” He screamed.

I tired to smile but I couldn’t stop crying, I kept wiping tears away as I posed where he wanted me to. I kept trying to put my hands in front of me but it would only piss him off more. I heard the snaps of a camera then saw the flash.

“I said smile! Who wants’ to see the pretty little Popstar looking all sad and depressed?” He grabbed my throat and threw me against the wall.

I fell to the floor crying and shaking.

“Kourtney!” Mazz screamed into my ear.

“What?” I snapped and looked down.

“Are you ok? You look out of it.” Mazz said and put her hand on my arm.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I said shaking my head then turning to make my way threw the coward.

As I made my way threw all the hot sweaty bodies I started having a panic attack and more memories flooded back which only made me push threw the people more. I was about half way threw the people and I saw Nick and Shia having what looked like a deep discussion. I felt like I was about to pass out when I finally made it threw all the people and I collapsed on the floor. I saw Joe jump up from the bar and Shia and Nick take off running towards me.

“Are you ok?” Shia asked kneeling down and putting his hands on my face.

“Yeah I’m fine. I just slipped.” I said trying to catch my breath.

“Ok. Want me to call the car and take you home?” Shia asked helping me up.

“Yes, Please.” I said.

I leaned against Shia and he rapped his arms around me then pulled his phone out of his pants pocket and dialed. I heard him have a short conversion with the driver while he held onto me. Once he was done he whispered 5 minutes till the driver would be here then laid his head on top of mine. I felt his other hand tangle into my hair as he twisted it around in his fingers. I moved my head and laid it on his shoulder then looked towards where Joe was. Joe was still looking like always but he looked miserable, I watched him throw back another shot. I saw a very pissed Allison setting next to him glaring, as I watched her pull him into a kiss I just put my head back down into Shia’s chest. I felt bad for Shia I was just some broken messed up girl he was forced to go with, he must feel like my babysitter. I felt him start to move away and I looked up and saw him taking off his jacket. I looked at him confused as he put it around me.

“What’s this for?” I asked putting my arms in his jacket.

“It’s cold out and I don’t want you to be chilly.” Shia smiled and kissed my cheek. “Let’s go the car should be here.”

“Ok.” I smiled lightly then slipped my hand into his.

Shia pulled me threw all the people standing by the doors and I couldn’t help but look at the bar one last time only to find that Joe wasn’t their. I felt a pull and Shia put me in front of him and put his arm around me and brought me to his chest as we walked outside and the paparazzi went nuts. Shia pushed camera out of our faces as we went to the car waiting for us, the driver opened the door and Shia jumped in first. As I was about to get in but I was Joe struggling to get in the limo in front of us, he must have felt my eyes on him because he looked back at me. We just stared for a long time and finally I just put my head down and climbed in the car. Shia was leaning against the other door looking at me with a smile and patted his lap. I just kicked my heels off then laid down on set and put my head in Shia’s lap. I felt his hand rub my arm lightly as his other played with my hair. I liked how safe he made me feel, I hadn’t felt this safe in a while. Sad thing was he would probably just do this shit till the managers told him to stop then we would fake break up and never see each other again. I don’t know how long we spent in the car but after what seemed like a few second Shia was helping me up saying this was my stop. The driver opened the door and I stepped out with Shia right behind me. I was almost all the way up to mine and Mazz’s townhouse when Shia stopped me and turned me to him.

“I’m really sorry tonight didn’t go as you planned.” Shia said.

“It’s fine most things don’t go as I planned.” I said and looked down at my shoes.

I felt a hand under my chin and I looked up at Shia and he moved my hair behind my ear and slipped his other hand onto my back. I looked at him in shock and in one swift motion before I could protest or anything could mess it up Shia’s lips had hit mine. I smiled into the kiss and replied as I put my arms around his neck. I kept my eyes closed tight as Shia started to pull back. It was a sweet little kiss with a lot of heat.

“Call me if you want to go out for real. I really like you.” Shia whispered in my ear and I know he was smiling as he kissed my cheek.

I finally opened my eyes and I knew my face was as red as a cherry when Shia turned around to wave goodbye at me. I waited on the doorstep till his car left then put my key in the door and walked in. Once I had closed the door I fell against it smiling like an idiot as I took in his smell from his jacket, he smelled amazing. I just smiled and walked to my room. In a weird way this night had been horrible but ended on a high note.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had to rewrite this chapter twice and I actually really like it because it forcus on the Joe; Kourtney; Shia thing. Mostly on Shia & Kourtney though. (:
Which almost everyone loved.
Also their is a huge part of Kourtneys secret shown.

Thanks for all the comments guys.
Also all the readers who followed me. (:
I know you guys don't like comment goals so their isn't one this time but I do expect comment. (:
Also does anyone like the longness of this because I may start making them this long if you guys like it.


P.S. Also anyone like the new layout?