‹ Prequel: Forever & Always
Status: Completed

Chasing Echoes

Prince Charming


I sighed and twirled my finger around the lip of my drink. I had spent the last hour drowning vodka like it was Pepsi and I think I had smoked a pack of cigarettes in the last thirty minutes. All I had to do was snap my fingers through and one of the pigs in the bar would buy me a drink or give me another cigarette. Everyone in here knew who I was but none of them said a thing I think they were to busy watching all the nude pictures of me pop up on the news every two second. Everyone was coving my photo scandal like when everyone was running for president, it was insane. All the channels were asking if I was out of the business from the scandal, if Disney was dropping me, and what was next for me. Nobody dared to ask the question about my little tape. I guess no one cared if I was raped or not. I felt my phone go off like it had been for the last 2 hours and I pulled it out to check who was calling. Shia LaBeouf. I really didn’t want to talk to him right now, I mean if anything he was probably calling to tell me that he broke up with at the right time. Oh yeah, Shia finally issued a statement last night saying we’re over. Sadly I wish he hadn’t I really was starting to like him but that was shot to hell just like my career. I picked up my drink and placed the glass to my lips and tipped it back and swallowed the vodka in one gulp. Also I had ruined the fact that I was sober for almost 4 months. I let the glass fall out of my hand and hit the bar with a bang; the bartender came over right away and filled up my drink.

“I haven’t seen you around this part of town before.” A guy around his mid 20’s said.

I turned my head to look at the nextvictim contestation who was about to make a failed attempt to get in my pants tonight. This one was pretty cute though he had long blonde and bright ocean blue eyes, he was defiantly hot. I decided I mite as well have a little fun with this one after all he was cute and I was getting pretty drunk. I turned on my stool to look at him and sent him my famous smirk.

“I usually don’t come around here but I though I mite as well change it up.” I smirked and drowned my drink then up it back on the bar to be refilled.

“Yeah you Hollywood girls are never seen out of Hollywood.” The guy said. “I’m Jack.”

“Nice too meet you Jack. I’m Kourtney.” I giggled and I started to feel the alcohol more.

“I know who you are everyone does since your little scandal earlier today.” Jack said. “Those pictures of you were very hot. Maybe you could show me up close and personally tonight and we could make a little video of ours.”

“You’re disgusting. I’m not going anywhere with you.” I said and put my head down onto of my drink.

“Oh yes you are slut!” Jack yelled.

I felt Jack grab my arm and pull me which cause me to move my head and my drink to spill into my lap. Shit! I watched the alcohol fall over the bar and I just set the glass up right so I could get a refill.

“Your coming with me tonight so put you’re drink down and get the fuck off that bar stool tramp.” Jack said and I felt another dug which sent me to the floor.

I looked up and the room started spinning which made me want to puke, it felt like a marry-go-round. I felt Jack grab my hand and pull me up. He threw me against the bar and I laughed at him.

“Why so aggressive?” I giggled and grabbed my drink off the bar.

“Hands off the girl prick.” A familiar voice said from the door and I saw Shia Labeouf.

This had to be a dream or something. I closed my eyes and rubbed them only to open them and to see Shia was now standing right next to me. I looked up at Shia and he was to busy glaring atthe guy Jack to notice me. I just slid my arms around Shia’s waist and laid my head on his shoulder as I drowned my new drink. Shia slid my arms off him and pushed me easily against the bar. I watched Shia and Jack take a step closer to each other and I watched them in confusion. What the fuck was going on? I watched Shia hit Jack first which caused Jack to hit him back, both boys moved across the bar fighting like idiots. I kept getting my drink refilled as I watched trying to make out who was winning.

“Go Shia!” I giggled and slurred my words as I fell to the bar floor and leaned against the bar.

I closed my eyes and finished off the drunk I had and before I could put it back up on the bar someone was picking me up. I put my arms around their waist and held onto them as I stumbled to try and walk. I let my hair fall in my face as I tired to concentrate on walking but it wasn’t working. In one swift motion my legs where in the air and someone’s arms were holding me under my legs and around my waist.

“God for such a little thing you’re heavy.” The voice I knew as Shia’s complained.

I giggled and draped my arms over his shoulder and snuggled my head into his chest, but to my dismay he started to put me down. I felt him push me down and pick my legs up as he put me in the backseat of a car. I leaned my head against the head rest and I heard a door close and looked towards my window but my door was closed. I felt Shia cup my cheeks and force me to look at him. Shia brushed some of my hair out of my face and pulled me to him.

“Why did you do this to your self? This isn’t you.” Shia said softly in my ear and kissed my head.

“Yes it is. If you haven’t heard lately I’m a whore, mite as well get drunk and act like one. I can always go back to rehab.” I slurred.

“Why are you doing this because of some pictures and what happened to you? Kourtney you are so much better then that.” Shia said.

“That’s not how everyone see’s me. All I am anymore is some Hollywood Whore who got raped one night because she was so drunk and trying to get over him she decided to sleep with any piece of shit guy. Then when she tired to back out of it he beat the shit out of her forced her to take slutty pictures then had sex with her against her will just to say he slept with Hollywood’s it girl.” I slurred still and tears started falling.

“One you’re not a whore, Second that guy is an asshole.” Shia said then let go of me.

I fell down over the backseat and felt Shia grab my waist and pull me out of the car and into his arms. I didn’t even realize the car had been moving but I know I felt sick. I pushed Shia away and ran to the flower garden that was outside of the building and puked in the bushes. The alcohol burned as it came back up my throat only making me want puke more. I head Shia’s shoes on the pavement behind me; he held my hair and rubbed my back while I puked in the bushes still.

“You ok now?” Shia asked softly.

“I feel like I’m going to die.” I whined

“Mhmm.” Shia said and picked me up.

I let my head hang as he carried me into the building and up the stairs. Every time he jerked me from where he was moving it made me want to puke more. Shia finally stopped for a second then he set me back on something soft then started pulling off my shoes. Oh my god he was going to try and sleep with me.

“I’ll be right back.” Shia said.

He was probably going to get a condom. Istood stumbled up and found the zipper to my dress and unzipped it. I wiggled out of it and let it fall to the floor as I started to remove my underwear.

“What in the hell are you doing?” Shia asked and I could hear the anger in his voice.

“Taking off my clothes. Aren’t you going to have sex with me?” I set back on the bed.

“No! At lest not while your drunk. God put your clothes back on woman.” Shia demanded.

“You put them back on for me.” I giggled.

“You’re a pain in the ass.” Shia said and threw something onto the night stand.

Shia pulled me up and slid my underwear back on then pulled my dress up while his fingertips burned my skin, before he could put my dress on me I attacked him. I pressed my lips against his and threw him on the bed roughly claiming on top of him which he tired to push me off. I was undoing Shia’s belt when he finally pushed me off and I landed on his floor and started crying. Shia picked me up and put me in the bed and forced something down my throat before climbing in the bed next to me. Shia rapped his arms around me and snuggled close to me.

“I want you Kourtney just not like this.” Shia said before I fell asleep.


I heard Kiss Me Thru The Phone playing loudly next to my head and I put my hands to my ears; I felt like someone was screaming their loudest in my ear. I felt someone lean over my and threw the phone across the room and I heard it hit the wall; the song stopped playing. The person snuggled back up to me and I felt them breathe on my neck. Who the hell was I in bed next to? I opened my eyes and saw an unfamiliar room. I pushed myself up and looked to see who was next to me, Shia. Shia’s mess of curls was sticking up in 20 different directions and he was passed out with his face buried in the pillow. I smiled and looked down to see I was still in the dress from yesterday; I smelled like liquor and puke. I made a disgusted face and slid out of the bed and walked to the bathroom that was across the room. I closed the door behind me locking it in the process then started to strip the smelly clothes from my body. I turned on his shower and touched the watched to make sure it was perfect temperature then stepped in and started to wash the smell off me. As I washed my hair the events of yesterday washed over me: The photos, the take, the looks, the press, drinking, and attacking Shia. God what the hell was wrong with me? I slid down the wall and tears started to fall while the water hit my skin. I heard a knock at the door.

“Kourtney you ok?” Shia asked.

I just sobbed and pulled my knees to my chest and buried my head. Poor Shia had drunken me all night, I tired to seduce him. I heard the door open and then the shower door popped open but I didn’t bother to look I just drowned in my self misery. I felt the water stop and could hear my sobs bounce off the walls and echo back. Shia pulled me to him and rocked me back and forth.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked still sobbing and looked up at him.

“You know I asked myself that last night when I went and got you, then I asked it again when you took off all your clothes in my room.” Shia said. Oh god. “But then when you finally fell asleep next to me and I watched you sleep I realized it’s because I’m falling for you. I don’t care that you have nude pictures everywhere right now or that you were raped and theirs a tape. I just want you.”

I looked at Shia like her was insane and he just wiped the tears that were falling. This had to be a dream. I watched him lean down slowly and his warm lips met mine and I replied. I went to move my arms from over my chest but Shia stopped me.

“Let’s get you dressed.” Shia whispered against my lips then pulled back.

“I don’t have clothes.” I said setting on the floor of the shower still.

“I’ll find something till I can get you home for a little and you can get something. I want to spend the day with you.” Shia smiled then walked into his room.

I couldn’t help but smile to myself and I felt a towel hit my head; I looked to see Shia laughing at me. I stood up and rapped the warm towel around me as I stepped out of the shower. I turned and walked into Shia’s room but no one was in it so I walked out of his room only to see him coming in carrying clothes.

“Where did those come from?” I asked holding my towel over me.

“My neighbor is a Victoria Secret model.” Shia smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

“Yes I love stuff Victoria Secret stuff I’ll have to go talk to her maybe she’ll have some new lotion or spray because their stuff smells amazing.” I smiled thinking about all the free stuff I’m sure she had.

“You smell amazing all the time. Well maybe not last night but any other time your smell is very sexy and hot.” Shia said. “Get dressed while I shower.”

I nodded and took the clothes he had while still trying to hold up my towel; I followed Shia back into his room. Shia walked into the bathroom and I dropped my towel and started to put on the fresh clothes, once I was done I was dressed in this. I looked around the room for my phone but I couldn’t find it. I walked into the bathroom and saw Shia stepping out of his shower with a towel around his waist; my mouth dropped in shock.

“Were you watching me shower?” Shia asked and looked at me.

“No I was going to ask you where my phone is.” I laughed a little. “Why did you want me watching you shower?”

“It should be on the nightstand next to where you slept.” Shia laughed and pushed past me to his room.

I watched Shia go to his night stand and look for my phone but he didn’t see it, walked towards the wall across from the bed and I watched as he picked my broken phone. Mike was going to kill me.

“What happened?” I asked walking over and taking my broken phone.

“I threw something this morning and this most have been it. It wouldn’t stop ringing and was annoying.” Shia rambled and I laughed.

“It’s ok but you’re buying me a new phone.” I laughed.

“Sweetie you’re buying me a new door oh and I fucked up my hand when I got in a fight last night. Also I had to dress you, so if anything you owe me.” Shia smiled.

“Well how do you want you payment?” I asked laughing.

“Just spending today with you will be enough.” Shia smiled then kissed my forehead.


I set in the driver set following Shia’s directions to this place where he was taking me; he couldn’t drive because of what happened last year. Shia and I had spent most of the day just driving, it was nice. My hair was a curly mess from where I hadn’t dryed it but I didn’t care really. I was the clock on the dash read 4:50pm and I noticed the sun was getting ready to start setting so I sped up faster while Shia played with the radio. Shia gave me warning to pull in by a huge tree and I coasted to where he said. Once I stopped the car and put it in park and shut it before looking at Shia. I looked Shia in the eyes and noticed his eyes where a real dark blue they almost had a hazel tent to them, I had done a movie and everything with Shia but I don’t think I ever paid attention to this moment. Shia smile and opened his door then went, laid out on the hood on hood of the car. I kicked off my shoes and slipped out of my hoodie then got out of the car. Shia patted his lap when he seen me and I crawled onto the hood next to him.

“I meant on top of me not next to me.” Shia laughed and leaned his head down against mine.

“Well if you insist.” I laughed and rolled onto Shia.

Shia pulled me to him and I looked down at him, some of my hair fell in his face. Shia just tucked it behind my ear and slipped his hand onto my neck. I saw the sun was setting and I hear some song blaring from Shia’s phone which was lying next to him. I closed my eyes and started to lean down. Shia pushed his self up on his elbows and leaned his head up. Shia’s lips hit mine after what seemed like forever, I moved my hand into his hair and tangled it up in his messy curls as we kisses. Shia’s hands cupped my face as he back against the windshield of the car since he wasn’t holding himself up anymore. I felt his tongue lick my lower lip and I gave him entrance without a second though. We let our tongues dance around each others mouths while we laid on the hood.

“Cause you are the brightest star
I'm in love with who you are
And you are the brightest star
I'm lost without your love

We are in each others arms
Just like a movie scene
Cause as we're leaning in
The light decides to turn green
Me and you together
This is getting better
Just butterflies won't do
I don't want just red lights
I want more of these nights
Baby I love you

Cause you are the brightest star
I'm in love with who you are
And you are the brightest star
I'm lost without your love

You and me is what matters most
It's not the intimacy that brings me
Closer to you”

Shia slowly started to pull back to my dismay, I was ready to let him go yet so I made a bold move. I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him back in, this time was even better then the first. Shia didn’t ask for entrance his time he just stuck his tongue in my mouth while his hand went under my shirt gripping my hip, pushing me on top of him more. I took my other hand out of his hair and put under his chin to deepen the already hot kiss. Laying here on the hood of Shia’s car kissing him at sunset was absolutely perfect, for the first time in a while I had butterflies in my stomach.

“Kourtney?” Shia asked pulling back to my dismay.

“Yeah?” I asked opened my eyes and looked down at him.

“This is so high school but will you go out with me?” Shia smiled and played with my hair.

“Is the Pope Catholic?” I smirked.

“Yeah?” Shia raised and eyebrow in confusion.

“Then yes.” I smiled.

Shia started to laugh and so did I, we kissed again as the radio played from his phone and the stars in the sky shinned. It was so cliché and like something out of our movie but I was ok with it because I wanted the perfect ending, I think Shia may just turn out to be Prince Charming.

"Girl we grown
And if he ain't gon treat you right
Then I ain't gon treat you wrong
That's my word
And she done heard so many lies
She don't know what's true or not
Shawty like a valet service I swear she been through a lot
but I put her car in park and never let her cry alone
I listen to her heart beat because it plays my favorite song"
♠ ♠ ♠
Shia & Kourtney = x3
I love writing Shia in this he is amazing.
Also the song at the buttom is one of my favorite parts from any song its so poetic and I though it really fit this chapter because of all the stuff Kourtney's been threw from Joe to her scandal. Shia is their for her unlike that Jonas kid. lol.

So who's team is everyone on now?
Joe's or Shia's?

Thanks for the comment's and subcribes guys. (:
I love you.
and I don't think their will be a comment limit this time but I still want some comments. lol.

Love, Kourtney