Amor Prohibido.


"Nicky, wake up." I heard the velvet soft voice say. "Wake up baby, we're at a hotel." My eyes fluttered open before I closed them again due to the bright light. "What time is it?" I asked, getting out of the car. "It's barely twelve, babe. We have to stay in a hotel until Sunday night." Joe explained.

I nodded my head, Handing my bags to the bell hop guy.

Joe gave his keys to the valet as we entered the hotel.

"Hi, I'm Joe Jonas, we talked over the phone?" Joe said to the women standing at the front counter. "Aw yes, Mr. Jonas. Here is your key, your in room 485. If you need anything please feel free to call. Your luggage has been brought up to your suit, Enjoy your stay in The Hotel Bella Muerte."

I cocked an eyebrow. "What?" Joe asked, smiling at me.

"The beautiful death?" I asked as we reached the elevator. "So that's it means!" He exclaimed. I giggled, rolling my eyes. "Yes baby, bella is beautiful in Italian."

He nodded. "You feeling better babyboy?"

Biting my lip, I looked at my shoes. "No, not really." I closed my eyes as he massaged my scalp with his fingers. "I just want to stay in the hotel room tonight baby,"

Joe kissed my temple, "Okay baby, today, it's just me and you." I smiled at him. "Thank you baby,"

"Let's go to the pool to relax Nicky," Joe said once we were adjusted into the room.

I laid on my stomach, letting the warm sun rays hit my back. "Mm, this was a good idea babe." I said.

"Yes, very good." His voice was filled with lust. Turning my head to him I saw he was staring at something. "What are you looking at?" I asked.

I turned to see what he was staring at, I saw two girls in bikini's one was rubbing sunscreen on the other. "Oh yeah, I forgot you liked girls." I said laughing.

He bit his lip, turning his attention to me. "Sorry baby, I couldn't re-" I cut him off by giggling. "Babe, don't worry, if that was two really hot guys, I would totally stare too."

I went back to my previous position on the chair, taking a small nap.



"So, Hun why are we here again?" I asked Mitzi, my girlfriend, as we headed to the pool. "Well, Hun, obviously it's our two year anniversary so we're celebrating it here, where we can relax and get pampered!" Mitzi replied matter-of-faculty, "Jeez your so forgetful sometimes!"

I grinned wide. "I just like hearing you say 2 year anniversary!" I squealed, obviously showing that I was the weird squeamish one in the relationship.

Mitzi playfully rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she said, taking off her clothes, revealing an oh so sexy bikini. I will admit, I sort of drooled, I could never get used to her perfect body. "I wanna put the sun lotion on you!" I urged, grabbing it from her hand. As I put it on her, she put on her sunglasses and studied the inside of her eyelids. I observed the people around. Mostly I saw girls getting tan, and a few kids splashing in the kitty pool.

Then there were two guys sitting next to us. One looked as if he was tanning also. The other one was staring over at Mitzi and I. Hm, I may actually be able to have fun with this. I thought as I put on my most sexiest face and took the lotion and slowly rubbed up and down Mitzi's back, all while looking at him. Then I slowly made my way to her lower back.

"Whoa, Galinda," she said, "Save it for the bed room." She giggled.

I laughed softly at her comment. "Sorry babe," she nodded. "You ready to go in?" Mitzi asked throwing her hair up. I shook my head. "I'm going to tan for a while." she put her hand on her hip. "You can do that back home in Texas, come on baby, let's get in!" she wrapped her arms around my waist burying her face into my neck. "Okay let's get in," I said sighing.

Her face light up, moving her arms so that they were around my neck. "Did I mention how much I love you?" she whispered. I shook my head. Smiling she opened her arms wide apart.

"I love you this much!" she giggled.

I playfully rolled my eyes, she's such a little kid sometimes. "Let's get in!" she said skipping along side of the pool. "Wait up!" I said chasing after her, I could feel the guy staring at us still. Mitzi came to a screeching halt causing me to bump into her. "Ooft!" I said falling on top of her on then floor. She cocked an eyebrow. "How is it that you always wind up laying on top of me, no matter where we go?" Mitzi asked.

I gave her a smirk, "Babe, you act as if you don't know me." I gave her my hand and helped her up.

"Why'd you stop anyways?" I asked fixing my sunglasses. "Because Joe Jonas was checking us out and its really creepy!" she said in a hushed tone. I laughed "Joe Jonas is no-oh my god it is Joe Jonas!" she nodded. "You are such a fan girl baby I swear." I smiled. "You love me for it though," nodding, she pressed her lips to mine.

"Mm, I was wondering when you were going to kiss me." I laughed. She entwined our fingers together as we walked by Joe's seat. "Hi, um, I was wondering if my girlfriend and I could your autograph please." I smiled, she's never been scared to call me her own. He smiled at both of us. "Yeah, I'd love too," Joe replied. "So, what are you names?"

"I'm Galinda, and this is Mitzi." Joe smiled at us.

The boy next to him shuffled, yawning while turning to look at us. "Hi," he said shyly, I recognized him as Nick Jonas. Mitzi grip on my hand gt slightly tighter. "Your such a fan girl baby, I swear." I whispered to her in a mocking tone. She rolled her eyes. "Here you guys go," Joe said handing it back to us after Nick sighed it as well.

We smiled at him, "Thank you! Um, what are y'all doing here I mean your suppose to be in Minnesota doing a concert right?" I asked them. The brothers nodded their heads, "We paused it to visit a friend for their birthday." Nick explained. "Oh cool," I said.

"How come you guys are here?" Joe asked, still with that same look on his face. "It's our two year anniversary!" Mitzi stated taking my hand, "Isn't it great?" You could tell in her voice that she was genuinely happy, This made me smile.

"Mmmhmm," Joe said, Licking his lips. I shuddered, ew.

Nick still stood quietly in the shadows. "Come on, let's get in the pool, now!" I urged, then added, "You guys want to join us?"

"Actually, we were just about to leave." Nick said suddenly. "Oh," Mitzi said, a tad bit disappointed. "Well are you doing anything tonight?"

"Nope!" Joe answered before Nick could.

"Well then," I said, "Tonight there's this party, wanna come?"

"We will be there," Joe, once again, answered, "Right Nick?" There was a moments pause, before Nick finally answered, "Yeah sure."

I smiled. "Here's our number," I said handing it to him. "If it's a high pitched voice that answers, it's Mitzi." She gasped; hitting my shoulder. "I'll be sure to give you guy's a call."

"Great, we'll see you there!" And with that Mitzi and I left for the pool.


I watched as they walked away, anger built up in me.

'Okay baby, today, it's just me and you.' I thought, That ass.

"Why are we leaving?" Joe asked, "We just got here."

I shot him an icy glare. "Really Joseph?" I asked; grabbing all my stuff. "Baby, what's wrong?"

"Don't you baby me, Joseph!" I huffed as I walked across the pool.

Galinda and Mitzi stared at us as I stormed towards the door.

'all i wanted to say and all i gotta do
who'd i do this for hey, me or you
and all i wanted to say and all i gotta
who'd i do this for hey, me or you'

I checked my phone, 1 new text message: Lena <3

'Hey Nick, I just wanted to say I'm sorry.. I never meant to lie to you, honest!'

It read, My fingers typed furiously across my phone as I replied:

'The worst part of being lied to is, knowing, that your not worth the truth..'

I threw my phone on floor as walked into the hotel room; I was not in the
mood for anything right now. I honestly can't believe Joseph, he told me that it was only going to be him and I tonight..

I guess his word is complete bullshit too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Galinda helped me write this!!!! Her pov was mostly all her!! Thank you!!!

Also thank you to:

xXxTrueFriendxXx for the line 'the worst part of being lied to is, knowing, that your not worth the truth..'

It's an amazing quote!!




So Long Gorgeous...
