Amor Prohibido.


Joe came in shortly after I had thrown my phone.

"What the hell was that Nicholas?"

I didn't answer him I just laid down on the bed; closing my eyes. I heard him let out an annoyed sigh before entering the bathroom, Moments later my mind as slowly drifting off. I could hear the faint sound of the water coming from the shower but I slowly let it fade away. I could feel my body relaxing as each second passed, finally I was in total peace. All angry thoughts went away; I sighed in contentment. A smile formed on my face when I heard the water stop.

Jumping off the bed I ran to the bathroom seconds after Joe came out with just a towel covering him. Tackling him onto the bathroom, straddling him, I smashed my lips onto his, without hesitation he kissed me back fervently. He let out a soft moan as I nibbled on his lip. "I thought you were mad baby," He said as I assaulted his neck. "Now I'm just horny." I replied; sucking on his sweet spot.

He moved his head to give me more access; running his fingers through my hair, tugging at it ever so softly. "God, you really don't know what you do to me baby brother.." He moaned; crashing his lips onto mine.

I ran my hand down my lovers chest slowly before placing it on his growing erection, massaging him through his towel. "Nick," He moaned; kissing me faster. "You, know, what, I, want, to, do, right, now, baby?" I asked giving him a kiss between each word. "What would that be sugar?" He asked me with a smirk, licking and biting at my neck while I continued to massage his now very hard penis.

"I wanna go out!" His actions stop completely. "What?" Joe stared me right in the eyes, "I said I wanna go out, like to that party."

He gave me a dumbfounded look. "Now you want to go out? Do you not see this?" He asked pointing to his painful boner. I kissed his cheek before replying. "Yes, it's very nice Joey, but it can wait." I stood up turning on the shower. "Now out so I can shower."

His jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me, how am I suppose to get this down?" I looked him and said. "The same way you always had before I came along, use your hands."

Joe pouted before walking out of the bathroom, "Oh and baby," He spun around smiling at me. "I knew you cou-" I cut him off.

"Don't get anything on the sheets." I patted his back; closing the bathroom door.

Serves him right.

We were on our way to the party and I had just gotten off the phone with Galinda for directions. The place was packed, I could feel the heat everyone was giving off from the dance floor. Music was blasting, drinks where everywhere..

I heard our names being called and sure enough a girl came up to us, her name is Mitzi I think..

"Hey Mitzi," Joe greeted. Score one for Nick. "Hey Joe." She gave us both a hug, smiling at us.

Hm, She gives good hugs.. I thought. "Galinda will be here in a minute, she's still getting ready." She said rolling her eyes as we sat down on some couches.

I wanted nothing more then to just sit in Joe's lap, but I knew I couldn't. Sure Mitzi and Galinda were both girls but not only are Joe and I boys but we are also blood related.. "How did you Galinda meet?" I asked, breaking the ice.

She bit her lip, looking down. "Um, I've known her all my life." I nodded, "Was she like your neighbor or something?" I watched as she nervously scratched the back of her neck. "Something like that.."

"Hey cuz." Galinda said, pecking her cheek. Mitzi slapped her forehead while the other girl greeted us. "Oh, your cousins?" Joe spoke up.

Galinda looked at Mitzi, "Oh, so that's why you slapped your forehead." She nodded hand still on face. Galinda made the sound of a bubble popping with her mouth, her girlfriend shot her look saying 'Now is not the time.'

"Well, what's wrong with that?" I asked. Both girls heads shot up, "Y'all don't care?" They asked.

I merely shook my head, "Incest is the new homosexuality." Joe stated, with a big grin on his face. It was my turn to slap my forehead, the girls both giggled at Joe's stupidity. "Thank god, you don't know how much shit we get for that. Everyone in here is either gay, trans, or blood related so just don't get freaked out if you see any weird shit going on!" Galinda warned.

I didn't have to even look at Joe to know that he had a huge smile on his face, this was like home. Everyone was accepting, no one cared and no one would tell..

We both laughed, nodding. "I don't get it, you weren't nervous to tell us that you two were together, but you were when it came to the fact that you are related.." I said. Mitzi smiled, "Well, I've never been ashamed or scared to tell anyone that I'm with her. Hell, I screamed out that I was in love with her in the middle of central park!" She laughed, Galinda nodded. "But I didn't exactly know how you both would take the fact that we are cousins, I just didn't want to start anything that's why."

"I understand completely, don't worry though we can't judge you." I said. Both girls gave us a confused expression, I placed my hand on Joe's thigh smiling at them.

They squealed in delight crushing us in hugs. "I knew it!" Galinda said, turning to her lover. "You lose, ha! I guess I get my reward tonight huh?" Joe and I giggled as we watched the girls interact. Mitzi looked at her Galinda before turning back to us, "So anyways," She continued.

"Hey don't give me that look, I know you want it!" Galinda said, taking her place in Mitzi's lap. "Right, we aren't all sex crazed animals like you babe, I can do without."

Galinda smirked. "Is that so?" She nodded, hovering her lips over the older girl's. "That's a promise baby." Galinda pounced, but somehow the younger girl managed to move her from her lap and sit next to me as her girlfriend crashed face first into the chair. "What did I tell you? sex crazed animal, tssk tssk tssk." I giggled, "Hey, not far! You can't just get me started then shut me down!"

"Thank you!" Joe said glaring at me, Mitzi and I shook our heads. "Well, since we are at a party I would very much like to dance." Galinda shook her head. "No kiss, no dance."

Mitzi turned her attention towards me. "Would you like to dance with me Nicky? As long your okay with it Joe." He nodded and I accepted. She looked at her cousin and stood up with me after getting approval.

The room filled with the sound of Earthquake by Family Force Five, "I love this song!" Mitzi exclaimed, I giggled at her out burst. "I'm fully gay by the way Nicky, so you don't have to worry!" She smiled. I told her I was too as we got to the center of the dance floor.

I hadn't had much experience in the whole dancing field, but she assured me that she didn't either. By the way she was shaking her hips made me beg to differ.

The songs were a big variety, ranging from Blame it by Jamie Foxx to Bonten Anna by Bass Hunter. I'm not sure how many songs we danced to I lost track after five..

"Can I join?" Galinda asked coming up behind us. We both agree and soon it was a sandwich with Mitzi in the front, Galinda in the back and me and in the middle. Joe joined in and he was behind Galinda, not sure how but it soon turned into a huge conga line..

Everyone loves conga lines right?


"Thanks for coming!" The girls said, giving us both bone crushing hugs. "Call us whenever your bored at the hotel!" Mitzi said. "Or making hot sweaty boy love!" Galinda added quickly. She cried out in pain probably after earning a slap on the arm.

We left, after I got their numbers, for the hotel. "So you never told me why you had the sudden change of heart to come to the party." Joe said taking his gaze away from the window. "I realized that I just really needed to get out and have fun, I'm over it now. She had every right not to tell me, I just overreacted." As I was explaining I turned into a Sonic.

"Sugar low?" Joe asked, I nodded as I ordered a small vanilla ice cream. "I haven't had anything to eat,"

"You didn't get anything on the sheets did you?" I asked Joe as we walked into our hotel room. "Ha ha very funny." He said dryly.

I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. "Kidding baby."

"Mhm," He said; pressing his lips to mine. "You looked really hot dancing out there sugar." I grinned kissing him fervently.

Things quickly turned into a heated make out session, I had my legs wrapped around his torso, he had me pushed up against the wall both of us sporting nothing but very impressive boners.

Joe detached his lips from mine, panting. "I just realized that we've never had sex standing up."

I bit his neck, on that special little spot, breathing heavily I whispered. "Then what are you waiting for?" in a husky voice; into his ear.

Who said trying new things was a bad thing?
♠ ♠ ♠
All you sexy motherfuckers,

So, I'm really happy that this didn't take as long as I thought it would to type up!
I'm really happy that people are reading it and commenting on it, so thank you to all of you!
For those who read my story 'Up's and down's of touring with a jackass' I DID indeed update it.

Chapter 7 is out.

I will try to update my stories more, I'm just having some family issues at the moment.. BUT it won't stop me from updating! :]
Mitzi and Galinda won't be in the story anymore until later on in the story.
And for those who are wondering, I am NOT dating Galinda in real life. She's just my best friend and I decided to put us as 'lovers' in here cause I couldn't think of an idea and well her and I had a little roit with the idea!

Oh yeah, and for the whole 'sugar' nickname that just came in.. I'm listening to The Jet Set Life Is Going To Kill You by My Chemical Romance and Gerard sings 'Oh sugar' in it so my bad.. :]

BUT you gotta love Gee.. So cute.. -dreamy sigh-


Tell me what you think about the new layout..
I was if-y about putting it as the layout, I keep on changing my layouts for my stories.. I'm kinda a layout whore.. ;] everyone has their guilty pleasures though, don't judge me. haha, but please, please, please! tell me what you think..

if you don't like it okay then, tell me I won't get mad or anything! Honest! :]


So Long Gorgeous..