Amor Prohibido.


I slowly opened the door to the hotel room. "So, how was Selena?" Joe asked, scoffing.

I tilted my head to the side. "Huh?" He crossed his arms. "Don't act stupid you know what I'm talking about." My eyes grew wide. "Oh yeah!" I pulled out the condom and gave it to him. "You didn't have sex with her?" I shook my head.

His eyes were filled with relief. "Oh, well good." He sat on his bed. "Joe, listen." I sighed. "No, you listen! What you pulled tonight wasn't cute at all." I was shocked at the tone he was using with me Joe and I never fought. This was a first. "Do you know how hard it was for me to sit through that?"

"Do you know how hard it is to sit through that most of your life? Joe I've always been in love with you, always! Since I even realized what love was I have it's been horrible sitting there watching you and all your girlfriends make out on the couch or sit with us at dinner or help you get ready for some big date! I have spent night after night crying myself to sleep because I wanted to be with you or for the fact that I could never be with you, you don't understand how much I love you. You never will, and since when have you ever cared about what mom says like you always say. 'What mom doesn't know won't hurt her.' so don't even come up to me and say that shit to my face about how hard it was to watch that because you don't even know the half of it Joseph! I don't want to love you it's to hard to not be with you but your just so damn addicting!" I yelled at him. I felt the tears pouring out of my eyes as I dropped to the floor. "So don't sit here and tell me how hard it was okay! so just stop being such a selfish jackass!"

Joe walked over to me wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry Nick I didn't realize that you felt that way." he looked at me. "You kissed her and it seemed like you liked it a lot I mean. Are you you bi or..." His voice trailed off. "Joe, I'm gay. kissing her was weird. I never liked kissing girls, ever. It's, gross." He softly laughed. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is Joe Jonas coming out of the closet?" He turned pink. "How many straight guys do you know that have that many hair products?" He pointed to the bathroom. I smiled. "But, I'm sorry Nicky, can we please start over?" I looked deep into his eyes. "Yeah," Joe pressed his lips to mine. I smiled kissing him back.

We laid on the bed, cuddling up to each others warmth. Funny, I'm the little brother and he's holding on to me. I pressed my forehead to his. "Joey," I said. "Yeah Nicky?" I bit my lip, cupping his chin. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He blushed like a mad man. It was so cute, everything about him is perfect. I love it all especially his personality. When he's on stage he is full of energy gives it his all when he's with family and friends it's none stop laughing always smiling always making someone happy or just being himself not having a care in the world a thousand thoughts are always running in and out of his head, But when he is recording he has this quiet demeanor it's a huge change but he second we get out he's back to being Joe. I love it. I love him.

"I'd love to be Nicky. More then anything." I softly pecked his lips. "Promise that you won't hurt me." I whispered against his lips, barely pulling away. "I promise." I pressed my lips to his again.


My eyes slowly fluttered open. "Morning baby." I said blushed crept on his cheeks. "We are going to have a problem if you keep making me blush." He said. I laughed. "It's cute though." He got darker. "I'm suppose to be the one to make you blush!" He pouted. "Aw!" I hugged him. Joe kissed my cheek. "Breakfast!" Kevin yelled from outside the door. "Be there in a minute." Joe yelled back. "Come on Nicky, let's go eat." He kissed my nose. I nodded.

We both got off the bed and headed for the door. "Oh, Nicky one more thing." I turned to face him. Grabbing me by the back of my neck he pulled me into a passionate kiss. This kiss wasn't anything like the ones he gave me two days ago no, this on was filled with love. "I love you Nicky." I smiled, leaning down to kiss him. "I love you too Joey." I tired to cover up the fact that my face was hot from the small shade of pink I was but Joe had to be Joe and point it out.

"Look who's blushing now."
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