Amor Prohibido.


During breakfast Joe would give me these glances, telling me he loves me. Weird part about it is that, it was with his mind.

Joe and I have this weird telepathic thing going on where a glance or a nod could be a whole sentence. If we bump foreheads, we forgave each other. When Joe kicks me softly, he's sad. I make him a sandwich when I need to talk to someone.

Just little things, and movements means a whole lot to us.


"I'm going to get in the shower okay baby?" Joe said. I nodded as he kissed my cheek. Joe closed the door I pulled out my phone calling Selena.

"Guess what?" I said the second Selena answered her phone. "Hello to you too, what happened?"

"Nick Jonas, is no longer single." I stated. Silence. "Selena?"

"Yeah, sorry I was just making sure I wasn't asleep." I glared at her through the phone. "Your not. I, am dating my brother, Joseph."

She started laughing. "Yeah, cause that doesn't sound weird at all." I laughed. "I'm serious Lena, I took charge and asked him out." A small gasp came out of her mouth. "Good for you Nicky! We all know who's going to be on top..." She mumbled the last part. "I heard that, And sex will never happen. I have a ring remember?"

Snorting she replied. "Yeah I know, 'I will not have sex until I find the right person.' nothing about marriage just the right person. That person is Joe." I bit my lip. "Do you really think it'll last that long?"

"Of coarse I do Nicky, yall are perfect together I've always seen that there was something there between the both of you." I blushed. "You and Joe make a cute couple." I laughed. "Thank you."

The water stopped. "Er, Lena, I gotta go okay? Joe's out of the shower." She laughed. "Have fun with the hot sweaty gay sex."

"I'm not going to have hot sweaty ga-" The door opened I closed my phone. "Hey Joe." I said casually.

Joe came over and sat next to me in just his boxers. I gulped, looking away. 'Not going to have hot sweaty gay sex with Joe, I have standards. I have morals,' I thought. Joe pressed his lips to my neck. 'I might have a boner...' I thought.

"You okay Nicky?" He asked, keeping his lips at my neck. I nodded, forgetting how to speak. My head started to spin my neck burns from where his lips are. "You seem, tense." He kissed up to my mouth. "I'm fine." Joe leaned in to kiss me.

"Nick, Selena is here." My mom said knocking at the door. "Okay, be there in a minute." I called out.

I pecked his lips. "Be right right Joe." He nodded getting dressed. "What's up?" I asked as we both sat on the couch. "I need your help Nicky, see there is this really cute guy and I want to get to know him but I'm like way to nervous! Will you help me?" I scratched the back of my neck. "I dunno."

"Please! I helped you get your man!" Shit, she's got me there. "Okay." I was crushed into a huge hug. "Thank you Nicky! Joe can help!" I smiled. "Come on." I lead her to the bedroom. "Baby, are you decent?" I asked. "Yeah." He opened the door he had his pajama pants white undershirt and his glasses. I smiled. "Hey Selena." Joe hugged her.

"Joey." I motioned my head towards Joe. "Ask him." I said. "He's your boyfriend you ask him!" She said suddenly embarrassed. I rolled my eyes. "Selena fancies some guy." Joe cocked his eyebrow. "Is he cute?" She laughed. "Extremely! I just don't have courage to talk to him."

Joe sat on the bed. "Well, how are you going to see him again if you didn't talk to him?" Her face light up. "Oh he works at this really cute vintage store in the outlet mall he had checked out my clothes!" I laughed.

"Well, then find out his schedule and 'bump' into him and start up a conversation. Works every time." Joe explained, cleaning his glasses.

Selena tugged at my shirt. "Come on Nicky let's go!" I sighed. "Joe, will you come with us please?" He nodded. "Let me change, you should too Nicky." I nodded.

I looked down at what I was wearing, jeans and a polo. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

Selena shrugged. "Nothing, You just look to tempting." Joe stated. Selena laughed. "That's too cute."

I blushed. "Okay, so I will be in the car." I grabbed my keys heading for the door. "She's has a point Nicky." Joe called out.

I groaned, starting my car. Joe and Selena came in moments later. "Okay you know how to get there right?" She asked, climbing in the back. I nodded.

Joe put on the radio. If You Seek Amy by Brittney Spears was playing. "Oh my god I love this song!" Selena started belting out the words Joe joined in with her. Both doing dance moves.

"Come on Nicky sing with us!" Joe said. I shook my head. "I'm fine." He pouted. I sighed. "Love me hate me say what you want about me but all the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek amy.." I sang, dryly. if I may add.

Selena cracked up. "This is awesome I could never get him to sing this song!" Joe shrugged. "I have a gift." He said smugly. I rolled my eyes.

pf-ft, The gift of hotness.