Amor Prohibido.


Joe busted out laughing. "Your so cute baby." He said, biting my lip I looked away.

I kissed his cheek hugging him. We stood there holding each other just enjoying each others company. "I like this it's nice." I said. He gave me a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Just me and you, no one else." Joe smiled wide showing all this teeth. 'He has the most perfect smile ever.' I thought.

I hadn't noticed that it was dark outside now until Joe pulled me outside to the balcony. "The stars are so beautiful tonight." He said. I nodded looking over at the sea. The waves crashed against the sand there was a cool breeze hitting my face. Joe came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. I laid my hands on his lacing our finger together.

"Let's go to the beach Joey." I said out of nowhere. Slightly chuckling he said. "Babe it's almost 10 mom and dad are sleeping." I turned around, facing him wrapping my arms around his neck. "We could sneak out."

Looking over the balcony I bit my lip. "It's not that far down I could climb down."

I walked back inside, locking the door. Joe followed me. "Do you really want to go?" I nodded pulling off my shirt. I could feel his eyes burning on me as I took off my pants. "What are you doing?" He asked putting his hands on my hips. "I told you I want to go to the beach, you want to come?" He nodded.

We both changed into our swim suits after a small make out session do to the fact that we were naked at one point. "Let's go." I said breathing heavy. Joe nodded smashing his lips onto mine one last time before letting me go so I could get off of him.

I put my shirt back on and grabbed his hand slowly we climbed down the to the beach running across the street I could smell the sand and the distinct smell of salt water. "Race you to the water." Joe said. I smiled. "Your on." I kicked off my dirty vans pulling off my shirt and made a run for the water.

Joe wasn't so behind me I kicked up the speed but soon I was tackled into the water. "I won!" Joe exclaimed. I shook my head. "I did! I was in the water first." He laughed. "Okay I'll let you believe you that but only cause your so cute when you pout." I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I know a secret spot!" Joe laced his fingers leading me.

Moments later we were at his secret spot it was beautiful hardly any rocks but pure sand and water the moonlight hit the water perfectly. "Joey, it's gorgeous!" I gasped. He sat down on the sand. "I know, I found it when we first came to California, Kevin and I had this big fight over something I don't even know so I just ran and I kept running and i came across this."

Laying down next to him hands behind my head and stared at the stars. Joe cuddled up next to me draping his arm over my stomach. This is perfect I'm staring at the stars, cuddling with the most perfect guy ever. He's not just any guy either he's Joe, my brother, my best friend, my lover, my boyfriend. "Hey Nicky," Joe whispered. "Mhm." He made circles on my stomach as he spoke. "When did you realize you loved me? Like, when did it hit you or even go into your mind."

"When I was in the hospital for the diabetes, you stayed with me every minute you could. You would bring me food from In and Out burger so that I wouldn't have to eat the hospital food," I laughed. "I had to stay there over night you begged and begged mom to stay with me and she finally let you the whole night you sat in a chair next to my bed holding my hand making sure I didn't cry because how scared I was. Hugging me kissing my cheek every time I started shaking at all the needles. I started getting antsy each morning knowing that you would come back to make me laugh or to just talk to me telling me everything that was happening. I was so sure it was just because I wanted company cause I was lonely, but once I was out and we were back on tour I found myself lying to you."

Joe looked at me. "About what?"

I smiled. "About being scared of the dark. I was never scared of the dark you know that, you were the one scared when you were little I would comfort you." He blushed. "Then why did you tell me you were?"

"Because I wanted you near me, I would pretend to be scared so that you would lay down in bed with me and hold me. I felt safe then i didn't have to ask you anymore you would just do it. Seriously Joe, I was thirteen. I liked it though, I was dating Miley at the time and when I would kiss her I never felt anything it was always awkward after I figured that it was because I was knew at it you know? But then one day I was getting ready to go to her house and we started wrestling." He laughed. "I remember that you were so mad when I took your socks."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well we started wrestling and you pushed me on the wall and I have to walk to Miley's house with a stiff leg," Joe giggled. "Don't laugh! I didn't know what was wrong with me I would get stupid butterflies when you would touch me, you stood up for me when Garbo and Kevin would tease me it was only playing around but I would start blushing, my breaths would shorten if you got to close, my heart sped up when we would sing on stage and you would sing the words to me, It wouldn't leave my mind so I was thinking about all of it on the way to Miley's. She took me upstairs to her room by this time I was fourteen Miley and I were together for a year, we started kissing. Things got out of hand no one was home I was on top of her my pants were undone no shirt."

"Just the way I like you." Joe mumbled. "I'm going to ignore that, well she was in just her underwear no bra. Gross I know, don't ask why I kept at it cause I don't even know. The whole time we were kissing you were the only thing in my head I imaged you kissing me you touching me I didn't know what had come over me I am usually so good with controlling myself, the scene from earlier that day played in my head when you pinned me to the wall and whispered 'I win.' into my ear I lost it, tackling her onto the bed she liked it and we just kept going and going. Well she started kissing my neck and she got my spot well you know what happens when it's kissed well, bit. I moaned your name." Joe moved and looked at me straight in the face. "You didn't!" He said shocked. I nodded slowly. "I did, very loud, she looked at me saying 'Did you just say Joe?!' 'Um no, I said Oh... Baby why would I say his name he's my brother.' 'You sure?' 'Yeah just kiss me.' so we stopped a couple of minutes after that because her dad came home thank god. That night I laid in bed thinking about what had happened and I came to realize it, I was in love with you, my brother. I hated myself for it I still do you deserve more then I can give you and I would beat myself up for being so sick and twisted, couldn't help it though I came to accept it. I grew comfortable, sure the pain never went away seeing you with all those girls, but you were happy that's all that mattered." By this time Joe was back to original place drawing again.

"I tried to get over you, as you can see I didn't have much success. I went out with Selena and I knew I was hurting her and myself lying to her all the time kissing her and not feeling anything expect for the urge to throw up. Once we broke up she had to know why I was leaving her I couldn't tell her then she stopped me and said 'It's Joe isn't it?' I was shocked and taken back I began yelling at her denying everything then I just snapped, breaking down crying in front of her I told her everything she just hugged me smiling. Told me she always knew something was going on between me and you that she could sense it. Two years later I'm here,cuddling under the stars on the beach with the love of my life."

He looked up at me through his lashes. "I know how selfish this sounds but I'm really glad you got diabetes," Joe whispered getting closer to me putting his face in my neck laying practically on top of me.

I laughed. "It's not selfish at all Joey, I'm happy too."

"What were you drawing on my stomach?" I asked. I felt him smile. "A rocket ship."

We both laughed, holding onto him tighter I kissed the top of his head.

"I love you Joey." He rested his head on his hand, eyes on me. "I love you too Nicky." He leaned in closer to my face I leaned in to softly our lips touched, just barely. Still my lips and everything on me was numb, like an electric shock.

It was a little past midnight, we were still cuddling giving small kisses here and there when Joe said. "I told Annabel I wasn't interested in her anymore." I stayed silent, not knowing what to say.

Placing my mouth on his I muttered 'thank you' against his lips.

Actions speak louder then words, right?

"Do you really not like her? I thought you were gay but then again I'm not sure." I said. He bit his lip. "As of right now I'm Bi," I nodded. "I don't like her though, I love you Nick. Do you not remember what happened earlier?" He smirked.

I bit my lip, moving so that I was straddling him. "My memory is fuzzing, how about you show me baby?" I bit his earlobe. His grip tightened on my hips. "Okay, but this time your on top." I smiled. Best day ever especially since it ended with Joe naked. Being on top is way better then bottom, you have control, dominance. Your the one making them scream your name instead you moaning like whore. I like it, no love it. Feeling myself climaxing I start getting sloppy slowing down.

"Fuck Nick!" Joe yelled. I trusted hard as I could rolling out my orgasm. One thrust, two thrusts, three, Both of us cam at the same time. I fell next to him, gasping for air. "Holy shit Nick," Joe pushed his sweaty hair out of his face. "It's official, Your will always be on top." I laughed, breathing in deeply. "You were right, your not innocent. I love it." He said, crawling on top of me. "Your so ruff." He said into my ear with a husky voice. I moved my hips so connecting them with his.

Grinding slowly I could hear him panting into my ear. Picking up the pace I flipped us so I was on top. He moaned, biting my shoulder, pressing our hips together more. Moving my hips faster I whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

"I l-love you Nicky." I laughed going harder. "I love you too."

One fantasy fulfilled:

Sex On The Beach.