Status: HIATUS - Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for those of you who are commenting or are still subscribed! I love you all for this :D

The Rebound Curse


“Hey,” I peeked through Foe’s bedroom door, “I’m going shopping. You wanna come?”

I fully expected a firm ‘no’ but that never happened this time. “Sure. Let me just get changed.” She shut down her Mac, hopped out of her chair, and walked towards her closet. I stood stunned for a second before shaking my head and going to get ready myself.

When we were done prepping ourselves up, I hailed a cab. We sat in there quietly as the driver cursed at the traffic and dropping us off. We didn’t exactly talk all that much. Just the occasion, ‘what do you think about this purse?’ or ‘that looks good on you’. I think that that’s the most I’ll get out of Foe.

It was when we entered Juicy Couture was when she finally said something. “Elliot?”

“Hm?” I didn’t look up from the dresses I was examining.

“My school’s having this trip around Europe. We’ll get to go visit France, Italy, England, Spain and stuff. It’ll be totally educational and safe.”

I finally looked up to see her nervously fiddling with the hem of her shirt nervously. Her face was cherry red like she was admitting she committed a murder.

I raised an eyebrow. “Was this why you wanted to come with me? To ask something from me?” My eyes narrowed a little at the thought of being used…kinda.

“Well – not really. I did want to spend time with you,” she mumbled as she fingered the nearest rack of clothing. I let out a long sigh, mentally deciding that I will get this dress with those pair of heels.

I walked towards the cashier to pay for my stuff and Foe followed me, with pleading eyes.

“I have all the information and permission slip forms at home.” I handed them my Visa card.

She then proceeded to tell me about what this whole trip around Europe. I listened to her every word, silently basking on the fact that she was conversing to me like I was her friend and sister again, not just another adult.

We sat in a small coffee shop and she continued to talk. She then took a deep breath and took a huge sip from her smoothie.

“So, can I please go?” she begged, her bottom lip almost looking like they were actually quivering.

“If I let you go,” I saw that her eyes widened in excitement, “will you promise me one thing?”

“Anything!” she practically yelled, causing some other customers to look at us.

I looked at her bemusedly. “Will you please let me back into your life again? And not act like a total stranger towards me?” It was my turn to plead.

It took her a full minute, sixty seconds, to answer me. It was nod. Not the best answer, but I’ll take it.

“Pinky promise?” I held my finger to her.

She didn’t hesitate. “Promise.”

It was the pinky promise. Surely, she won’t break it.

“Good,” I announced, satisfied, “Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.”

We ended up in a restaurant (that made the best steak) where I usually had lunch with my clients. In any other situation, I’d prefer not to eat here. I didn’t like to blend my personal and work life together but it was the closest place and we were starving.

While waiting for our food, I couldn’t help but realize that Foe was really…animated and talkative and loud. She couldn’t stop talking at all. I didn’t mind, though. She would just randomly pick a new topic every couple of minutes or so. I wondered how she was able to keep so cool, collected, and most importantly quiet with me. Then again, I rarely was home…

I learned that her two best friends were Abby and Leila. Both of them were going to be at this trip. I also learned that her favorite color was green, her favorite website was MySpace (and I gave her a full five minutes lecture on online predators to which she rolled her eyes at), and her favorite subject was Art and English. Oh, and she also have a crush on a sophomore named Shane, who had invited her to a party next Friday. I would have to keep a full watch over her. Maybe secretly follow her with Gabe and Lilly to this party, where it will hopefully be a quiet, alcohol and drug free one.

It was amazing, really. She was just blurting everything to me. It was as if she was keeping everything about herself away from me and now she was just hurling everything that was about her.

“Elle, isn’t that Noah over there?” My eyes then whipped towards the entrance. True to her words, Noah stood looking disheveled and slightly annoyed at something. His arm was around a body that millions of girls would just kill for. She had the most amazing ringlets of dark red curls on her head, an hour glass shape that I lacked, big chest, big blue eyes, the reddest lips, high cheek bones, tanned skin, and possibly the tightest and shortest black dress ever. All in all, she looked like a fucking supermodel.

She pressed herself against his sides, pushing her boobs to his chest. He didn’t even look down. Until she smacked her lips on his neck did he look down; but it was only to give her an irritated look. She pouted but didn’t do anything else.

Boy was somebody getting laid so frequently. Not me, that’s for sure.

My whole body suddenly ached as they walked over to us. I let out a sigh of relief when they strolled away from us.

“Hey Noah!” Foe yelled from her seat, a huge grin on her face. It was only this time did I wish she still hated me so she’d stay quiet.

Noah turned around slowly. He met my eyes first, they look startled to see me there, and then he moved them over to see Foe. He gave her a warm smile. A truly, real genuine one.

Both he and the woman came to us. “You guys should sit with us,” Foe suggested. I nearly died inside.

The woman placed a possessive hand across Noah as she glared daggers at Foe. “Relax, babe, she’s fourteen. Not exactly competition here.”

Her lips formed an ‘o’ as she let her arm fall down. “You just look older than I expected,” she practically purred. Her gaze then snapped to mine. I almost flinched at the intensity.

“And who are you? Her fifteen year old sister?” I couldn’t help but blush a little.

“She’s actually my twenty-four year old sister,” Foe quickly came to my defense.

Noah beckoned some waiters to get them chairs. Before I could even blink, both of them were seated. Foe had to move so that Noah could sit next to his date.

“This is Erica, by the way. Erica, these are Foe and Elliot.”

Soon enough, Noah and Foe were engaged in this moving conversation about English literature. I held a giggle as I watched them.

It was the first time I saw Noah look happy ever since I saw him the first time in a couple of years, and same goes for Foe.

I couldn’t say the same to Erica though. She’d been trying desperately to grab Noah’s attention. She even made several attempt to arouse him by touching his crotch. He brushed her off.

Can’t she see that the table was clear glass?
♠ ♠ ♠
If nobody noticed, I included Leila as Foe's best friend. You know...from Bottom of the Blackest Hole?

And I will not be taking a small break. I promise you [:

I couldn't believe I gained so many readers, comments, and subscribers from my last chapter. And two more stars too! This is all getting me so excited and stuff. Gaaah. Thank you all so much for your feedbacks! If I could, I'd give you all real hugs. But for now, a virtual one will just have to do.
