Status: HIATUS - Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for those of you who are commenting or are still subscribed! I love you all for this :D

The Rebound Curse


“’I care more than you think’?” Lilly questioned under her breath, her finger tapping her chin.

“What does that even mean?” she said exasperatedly.

I let out an annoyed sigh. “Who cares? He was probably muttering nonsense.” I knew I shouldn’t have told them that last part. They would’ve obviously made a big deal about it.

“What does that mean?” She repeated, looking at Gabe seriously. He was in critical thinking mode.

“You guys,” I whined.

A moment of silence passes on as I twirled my straw around my drink.

“Ah hah!” Gabe suddenly yelled. I screamed, jumping up in surprise, creating some weird looks to shoot my way, but Lilly merely sat up straighter.

“Of course! He cares for her. He’s in love with her! Isn’t it obvious?!” He concluded.

“Oh god,” I moaned and dropped my head on the table. I’d much rather be talking about my night with Derek than all this bull crap.

“Of course. How can we be so stupid?” Lilly agreed, nodding her head up and down, her slightly wavy hair swinging wildly.

“First of all, he is not in love with me. He was but that was so many years ago. And second, you guys are stupid. Lastly, I’m leaving,” I huffed, throwing a Lincoln on the table.

They didn’t even twitch when I began to walk away, except for the fact that Gabe waved his slender fingers around in dismissal, “You go ahead, hon, we’ll figure this out for you.”

I glared at the door in front of me as I pushed it open.

It didn’t take long for me to get home, it was a long walk in just wearing these heels, but I’ve been through worse.

I idly searched for my keys in my bag and opened the door open. The only light that was on was from the living room. I could hear a distinct of people muttering and mumbling, which I’m guessing would be the TV.

“Hey, Foe,” I greeted, ruffling her damp hair. I threw my stuff on the couch and collapsed next to her.

“What cha doing?” I asked, eying the math textbook carelessly thrown on the floor, “Or, what should you be doing?”

“I only have a couple of problems left.”

Foe was wearing a big shirt with the slogan, ‘I [heart] NY’, and some red plaid shorts. I looked at my uncomfortable attire of a gray pencil skirt, a tight v-neck shirt, and too tall shoes. I’d so love to be in ratty pajamas but I was even too tired to move.

“How’s school?” I decided to make conversation. Things were a lot better around here. Whenever we wouldn’t talk, there would be a comfortable silent, not an awkward or tense one.

She shrugged. “Classes are boring. Made some more friends. People there are such bitches and assholes though.”

I tsked. “Language, missy.”

She just grinned cheekily. “What about work?”

“Same stuff. Plannings and dates to be made,” I smiled slightly. I really did love my job.

We sat quietly, watching TV, and just enjoying each other’s presence. After a while, I realized that I probably smell.

“Well, I’m going to go clean up and make some food. Are you hungry?” I got up, stretching, and kicking my shoes off.

“Nope. Had some pizza delivered earlier,” I messed her hair again before walking into the bedroom and stripping down.

The warm water hit me on the back hard, but I didn’t mind. I scrubbed myself from the dirt and oil and of today. As hard as I’d like to admit it, I really want to forget about what Noah said. It was making me feel lost and confused. I didn’t like it one bit.

When the bathroom was nice and steamy, I finally came out. I patted myself softly with the fluffy towel. I slipped on a thin, cotton, blue tank top. I opened my drawer and took out an underwear. Except that it wasn’t. It was too silky. It was way too lacy and red. It was lingerie. I quirked my eyebrows and stared at the revealing outfit, wondering where I had gotten it.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Noah’s brother, Nick, had bought it for me for my 16th birthday. It was meant to be a joke, and a hilarious joke it was. Noah would secretly try to bribe me into wearing it for him and Nick would be rolling on the floor laughing when I had smacked Noah on the head for even mentioning it.


“Happy birthday!” Nick yelled, throwing himself at me. I fell on the floor, giggling madly. We kids had decided to host a small birthday party just for me. It wasn’t a big party with all the music and alcohol. They knew how much I hated that stuff.

Instead, it was just a couple of close friends. We would blow out the candles, open presents, watch some movies, eat like pigs, and play board games. I was sure that the boys wanted so badly to invite the whole school, get drunk, and grind with a bunch of other drunken people to some loud beating music.

But alas, I was a dork so instead we will be playing Twister and Monopoly and watch old, funny, sad, romantic, movies while eating buckets of M&M’s, Skittles, and cartons of Popcorn.

Noah gave me a hand, and I used it to help me get off the floor. He pulled me to his chest and hugged me until I couldn’t breathe. I loved every minute of it.

“Ok. Certain rules we have to make,” Lilly stood on top of the red couch, hands on her jean clad legs, “You guys will no longer be boyfriend and girlfriend tonight. None of that kissy lovey dovey crap. We get enough of that.”

I stuck my tongue out at her and she did the same back.

“But,” she added, “there will be no promise that I might not hook up with someone tonight,” she joked, looking at Nick with a sly look.

“You could hook up with me anytime, babe,” Nick said, smirking. They had such a weird relationship. They would be flirting constantly but there was no sexual tension between them. It was like they were brother and sister…who flirt and make sexual innuendos at each other.

Gabe stood sullenly by himself. “It’s not fair! Why couldn’t I bring a friend?” He whined.

“Because, my friend, knowing you, this ‘friend’ would soon not be just a friend later tonight, with all the extra bedrooms and all. We know how you can’t keep a certain body part to yourself when there is an attractive gay or some interesting cases, straight, man next to you,” Lilly answered, swinging an arm around him.

Gabe sighed. “You know me too well, love.”

At my right, Noah began tugging me out to the backyard. I looked at him confusedly.

“I wanted to give you my present first since we’re probably not going to be alone later tonight.” He dug in his pocket and produced a velvet red box.

He took something out and dangled it in front of me. I let out an amazed gasp.

“I saw it and I instantly thought about how much you would love it.”

It was a silver, simple, heart shaped necklace. The heart was designed like two ribbons tying each other to make a heart. On one of the side it said, ‘N&E’.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathed, “Thank you.”

He lifted my long hair and put the necklace on for me. Then he gently pressed his lips at the nape of my neck. I turned around and gave him a long, fulfilling kiss that left us both breathless and wanting more.

“Maybe I should give you more presents,” he panted, his forehead against mine. My eyes were still close, but my lips turned upwards. I was happy.

“Alright! Alright! Break it up, love birds,” Lilly yelled from inside.

The rest of the night went by smoothly. Before you know it, the TV was on, but we were all sitting in a circle, presents in the middle. There were only three boxes and an envelope but I didn’t mind.

Noah wrapped his arms around my shoulders and encouraged me to open something.

I reached for a box with a bright blue wrapping, only to have it snatched away by Nick.

“No! This is last because it’s special.” I rolled my eyes but said nothing.

When I was done, I had gotten a gift card to Barnes & Noble’s from Lilly (who was probably too lazy to actually went out to buy me something…), a huge stuffed animal from Gabe – it held a heart that said: Gabe loves Elliot – I had awed and cooed at the soft thing.

“Okay, give it here, Nick.” I demanded.

He gave me a wolfish grin and willingly gave it to me.

I tear the wrappings slowly. Everyone waited patiently, except for Nick who kept twitching, shaking his legs, and wringing his hands in excitement.

“Oh give it here!” He took the box from me and tore it off messily.

“Hey! I could’ve saved that!” He pushed the box against me.

“Open, open!” I did and squeaked.

“What. Is. This?” I held up something stringy and lacey between my fingers.

“It’s lingerie, of course.” He rolled his eyes.

“W-why would you give this to me?!”

He rubbed his neck and shrugged. “Maybe I was hoping you’d wear it for me er, Noah?”

Noah kicked his brother, but held a secret smile. Lilly started cracking up, snorting loudly. Gabe shook his head at her snorting but looked amused all the same.

“I’m not going to wear this!” I held the threads of clothes in front of me, “It doesn’t cover anything.”

“Well, duh,” Nick snickered, “You should be thanking me, bro.”

While they were joking and laughing at me, Noah leaned it and whispered, “Are you going to wear it for me?”

I blushed and smacked his arm. “You guys are such perverts.”


I never did wear this. I held the piece of clothing up to my chest, wrinkling my nose. With the red, lacey lingerie still in my hand, I stretched over to the top of my closet and brought down a dusty old shoebox.

Inside, it held old memories from high school. I carefully took each photo in my hand, relishing on the flashbacks of those happy times. Especially the ones spent with Noah.

We really were a great couple. As I dug further, my hand touched something cool. I took hold of it and examined it. My throat began closing up as I stared at the necklace with the carvings ‘N&E’ on it.

I pressed it close to my chest. Finally, after five minutes of just standing without moving an inch, I stuffed everything back inside the box, closed the memories, stopped my tears before they even fell, and pushed the box furthest inside my closet. Then I finished dressing and walked outside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two updates in one week?! GASP.
I thought I would, since I weirdly felt like typing a lot. Plus it's such a strange date: 9/9/9.

I can't be I have eight stars already! Thank you so much for all your support and comments and comments to rush me for a faster update. They mean so much. Again, thank you :D