Status: HIATUS - Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for those of you who are commenting or are still subscribed! I love you all for this :D

The Rebound Curse



The entire school, well almost, stood or sat on the stands as they watched the game nervously. We needed one more goal to win. All eyes were on our shining, young team captain, Noah Jackson. He made it captain this year, his freshman year, something no one has ever done in our school before.

I sat quietly as my two best friends, Lilly and Gabe, cheered loudly along with the entire crowd. I winced when a player fell down. That looked like it hurt. I don’t even know why the hell I was doing here in the first place. I was supposed to be at home babysitting my sister and cursing Noah Jackson.

That’s right. I know him. Not like I wanted to. Recently, he’s been trying really hard to ask me out or get my attention. But you would’ve turned him down too if he had pulled up your skirt in kindergarten. Or that he put worms in your sandwich in third grade. Or when he beat you in a game of soccer in fifth grade, which wasn’t all that surprising since I couldn’t even kick a ball. But still.

And I had thought that Lilly and I had a grudge, but ours weren’t this embarrassing. We would just pull each other’s hair and scream at each other. Besides, we’re inseparable now. But he would just downright humiliate me. The bastard.

Noah stopped in the field for a mid half second as his eyes scanned the crowd. He nodded politely to the screaming girls, and guys, that caught his eyes. I didn’t even try to hide from his vision. I mean, what were the chances of him actually seeing me?

How wrong was I. He did see me. His face seemed to light up and a huge grin covered his face. He waved vigorously towards me. I just glared at him. That didn’t make his grin waver whatsoever. He just turned back to the game as the ball was kicked to him by a fellow teammate.

“Oh my god! He looked at you and smiled!” Lilly shrieked excitedly, jumping up and down.

“He is so hot. I could just kiss him all day. Those luscious lips!” Gabe added on. I just sighed.

Five minutes later and no goals were made yet. The crowd was getting antsy but they were still optimistic. I picked at my nails, dying of boredom.

I checked the time on my cell phone but instead I saw two missed calls. I checked to see who they were both were from Noah. I raised an eyebrow as I checked as to when he called. He called a couple of minutes before the game started.

Suddenly, the crowd got loud. Really, really loud. Before I knew it, Lilly and Gabe were hugging me, making me jump up and down with them.

“We won! We won, we won! We’re going to the championship game!” I squirmed away from the two lunatics. They still smiled brightly at me.

“Who made the goal?” I asked.

“Noah, of course!” Gabe answered dreamily. Of course.

“That’s nice. Can we go now? I wanna go eat!” I began walking down the aisle but Lilly pushed me down on my seat.

“Noah’s going to talk and we could eat at the after party.” I pouted.

“My mom made these really good-” But I was silenced with a glare from both Gabe and Lilly.

Noah took the microphone from his coach, unsurprisingly, but the words were the ones that surprised me. “Can Elliot Parker please come down to the field?”

Everyone’s faces turned to stare at me. My own face turned bright red from all the unexpected attention.

“He’s um, probably talking about the other Elliot,” I stammered. Their eyes flitted to the overweight girl in front of me. She was munching on some popcorn, oblivious to everything.

Lilly scolded at me before hauling me up off my butt, much to my protests. She pushed me down the bleachers until my left foot touched the green field. Noah stood there with his charming smile that I wanted to punch off his face. Lilly gave me one last push and I slowly walked up to him.

“Thanks Lil,” Noah nodded towards her. She only waved happily.

“What are you doing?” I muttered lowly, my eyes not meeting his.

His hand reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. Then he got on his knees. I gulped and my eyes finally met his.

“What are you doing?” I asked again, scared. He wasn’t going to…propose was he? I was only sixteen!

“Will you go out with me?” Six simple words that made the crowd quieted down and my breathing stop. He asked me out before but in front of thousands of people in a soccer field? Never.

My wide eyes never left his. People were getting impatient by my silent. They coughed arrogantly.

I bit my lip. Here goes, “No.”

Then I sprinted off the field, pushing some people in the way. Who was I to think that I could actually outrun an athlete? Who was I to think that I could actually outrun anyone?

I ran inside the dark, empty school building, eager to get in my car. But obviously, I couldn’t make it. Noah shoved me in a janitor’s closet without much of difficulty.

I threw myself out but he caught me and slammed the door shut. I tried to twist the doorknob but it won’t open.

“It’s locked,” he stated simply. I began kicking and screaming.

“Nobody’s going to hear you,” he sang.

“This has gone way too far!” I yelled at his face, “A no is a no!”

The boy was just so freaking persistent. He gave me a small smile then he lowered his face to mine and kissed me on the lips.

When he pulled away, he placed both his hands between my head and I could feel his nose touching mine.

“You stole my first kiss,” I accused.

“And your second,” he kissed me again, “And your third,” And again, “And you fourth,” And again.

He leaned in for the fifth one but I turned my face just in time so that he kissed my cheek instead. I took in a deep breath as I brought my left knee up to knee him in the groin but he caught my leg with his hands.

“You’re very predictable,” he said childishly. I shoved him away from me. He stumbled backwards.

I slid down against the door and sat on the floor. “What do you want from me, Jackson?” I groaned in my hands.

“You,” he said easily and sat down across from me. I moaned and banged my head against the door. The janitor closet had a stupid light on. And it was empty.

“Come on, Elliot. Just one night. That’s all I’m asking. If you’re not happy after our date I won’t ever bug you ever again.”

“Really?” I said, hope in my voice.

“Well, not really. I’ll probably still-”


“Fine. I won’t ever bug you ever again,” he said again. I thought for a moment. This was a pretty good deal. A date with The Noah Jackson, free dinner, and I’ll never see him again. It was almost as good as a one night stand!

“Why me?” I asked softly. I wasn’t expecting an answer.

“Do you believe in soul mates?” When I didn't answer, he continued. "I think you're mine."

I thought about his words for a minute and shrugged mentally. Eh, why not? "Okay."


“Okay.” I repeated.

“Okay, I’ll…” I glared at him.

“Don’t push it Jackson.”

He got up and began whooping and cheering. I had to cover my ears. He cheered like the cheerleaders.

He pulled me up quickly as I yelped in surprise and pressed a sloppy kiss on my lips. My hands went through his wet hair, due from sweat of the soccer game, and I was about to pull his hair so that he would stop but he kissed harder. And I actually liked it. The kiss, I mean.

The door open and outside, it was as if the whole school was there. They were all smiling and congratulating us. It was as if we married. Besides, it wasn’t like I like Jackson boy here.

But who knew that one date with Noah Jackson would be all I needed to fall head over heels for him?



The whole room got colder, or was that just me? Noah’s eyes never left mine as he spoke, “Can we have a moment alone please?”

Everyone moved to the elevator quickly. It was like they were scared of Noah. Nobody can be scared of Noah. He was too…likable.

“It’s nice to see you again,” I said nervously. He didn’t say anything. I felt his eyes going over my body, speculating me.

“You look good,” he said, “Different.”

“You do too.” He did. He was taller, a lot taller, his shoulders were wider, he looked more mature but he still had that look of playfulness in him. His hair was longer and it got darker. His voice was also so much deeper now.

He sighed heavily, rubbing the back of his neck. He was uncomfortable. He’s never uncomfortable around me.

“How’s everything?” I decided to ask. What was I suppose to say?

“Good,” he began walking past me and towards the glass window with his hands shoved in his dress pants pocket.

“Bella’s getting married to my best friend, she’s happy.”

“How your brother?” Wrong question, Parker. Wrong question.

Noah froze. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to answer that.”

He slowly turned to face me, “Why not? He’s my brother isn’t he? He’s doing fine, to answer your question. He has a perfect wife and two kids. He lives in Florida now. He’s happy,” he said coldly.

I bit my lip and hugged myself. “What about you?”

“Me? I’m doing just so fucking fantastic,” he cursed. He never cursed, “The family company that I always wanted is now mine. I’m a millionaire. I have a new girlfriend every week, to which I cheat on every other day. The only woman I’ve ever loved and finally got over is now standing in front of me. Yeah, I’m doing just great.” I winced.

“Fuck,” he whispered softly as he kicked a chair. I squeaked when it fell down in front of me. I felt hot tears exploding from my eyes. God, I was emotional. His eyes soften and he took a step towards me. Then they turned cold quickly.

“Just make sure Bella has the wedding she’s always dreamed of.” He walked past me, shoving me a little. I don’t think he noticed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Revised on 6.11.09