Status: HIATUS - Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for those of you who are commenting or are still subscribed! I love you all for this :D

The Rebound Curse



Lying on the back of Noah’s black pickup truck on a Friday night was a great way to start the weekend. He sighed contentedly and slid his warm, lean body next to mine. I cuddled up next to him, wanting to feel his warmth.

We had been going out for a couple of months now. I couldn’t say that it wasn’t the best thing to happen in my life because it was the best thing. Every week around ten-ish at night, Noah would sneak out of his house, drive to my house, throw rocks at my window (I tried telling him to just call me in fear that he might break the window, but he said that it was more romantic this way), and we would both sneak out to our spot.

Our spot was up in a mountain that overlooked the city. It was a restricted place but since Noah’s dad was so well known, even the cops wouldn’t say no to our night rendezvous. They actually found it adorable. Cops. Cops thought that us being with each other was cute.

Anyway, we would just be here to stare at the stars, I realized that there were a whole lot more when they’re away from city lights, or we would just sleep next to each other until the sun rises up, or we would just make out, sometimes even all three. I was surprised that nobody has ever caught us yet. Well, then again, not really. Somewhere in my mind, I think I knew that our parents knew that we sneaked out at night and they totally support it. I wonder if they would still be happy if they saw little grandkids running around the house when we’re still only sixteen?

Probably not. Besides, it’s not like we ever got carried away. Noah made sure of that. He wanted our first time to be special.

“Do you love me?” He asked suddenly. His arms around me tightened. I looked up at him through my lashes.

When I didn’t say anything, he must’ve taken that as a bad sign. “Never mind. It’s probably still too early for you to say that.”

I pulled myself away from his embrace and my heart withered when I saw the hurt look on his face. I straddled him before leaning down to kiss him tenderly on the lips. When I pulled away, I mouthed every syllable so that he could hear and feel it.

“I love you,” and I meant it with all my heart. He knew that because he grinned boyishly.

“I love you too,” then he laced his hands in my hair and kissed me breathlessly.



“I saw him today,” I announced to my friends.

“Saw who?” Gabe sipped on his tea. We were at a restaurant waiting for our food.

“Noah Jackson,” I grumbled in my hands. They both froze, confused.

“Remember his sister, Bella?” They nodded simultaneously, “Well, she’s getting married to Aaron, who’s Noah’s best friend and they hired our company to plan the wedding. Jackie made me the boss of it all.”

“Whoa, what a small world,” Lilly commented amusedly.

“I don’t think I’m going to go through with this,” I said tiredly and put my head down.

“Aren’t you getting promoted if you do this job?” Lilly asked.

“I’m going to be made partner,” I grumbled and sat back up.

Gabe, whose eyes were wide, leaned across the table to flick me on the nose.

“Hey!” I rubbed it and glared at him, “What’s your problem?” A rhetorical question to which he answered.

“What’s your problem?” he retorted, “You’re going to give up the chance of being made partner because you can’t handle seeing your ex high school sweetheart boyfriend?”

“You guys weren’t there to see his reaction. He looked like he was going to kill me. And besides, I’m pretty sure I’ll get another chance with Jackie, especially with the way people are getting married so fast.”

“So you’re going to be a coward with it? You’re just going to let him see that you’re afraid of him because he didn’t forgive you?” Gabe said animatedly, his hands everywhere, his expression wild.

“You make it sound like I’m the good guy or something. Remember that I’m the one who cheated on him,” I mumbled, “I’m the bad guy.”

“I agree with Gabe, right here. You can’t be a coward and run away. You have to face him…maybe get him to…you know, fall in love with you again…,” she trailed off and looked away innocently. Gabe nodded in agreement. Lilly had obviously told him about her genius plan to break my curse.

“You guys, he’s the not going to help cure my stupid ‘curse’. Who knows? Maybe I’m the one who’s picking up the wrong guys out.”

They both rolled their eyes at the exact same time. It scared me a little at how alike these two are. “Well, duh. You have to stop being so sympathetic. You always pick the guys that are going to make you his rebound girl. But you can’t help it; it’s just your curse.” Lilly stated.

“And when did the curse start?” Gabe asked me.

“It started when you cheated on Mr. High School Sweetheart. He’s the right guy for you. He’s The One. Why else did you guys meet again after so many years? Fate, of course,” Lilly finished.

I couldn’t believe how fast they came to their conclusions. “You guys are so wro-” I stopped mid sentence when the door of the restaurant hit the bell and in came two people. It was Noah and another woman who’s his arm is around. A weird fire welled in my heart. It wasn’t a good one either.

“You were saying?” Lilly asked impatiently. I didn’t say anything except keeping my eyes on the couple. I nudged my head towards their direction and finally, my idiot friends looked.

“Is that-is that…Noah?”

“Wipe the drool off your face, Gabe.” He smiled slyly at me.

“Oh my goodness, he’s gorgeous!” Lilly fanned herself with her hand.

I threw a napkin at her awestruck face, “Husband, Lil. Kid, Lil,” I reminded her. She dismissed me and continued to stare.

“He was good looking in high school too but this is just…sexy,” Gabe sighed dreamily.

I rolled my eyes. “He doesn’t look that different than he did in high school…”

“Who’s that slut clinging to him?” My eyes widened and I kicked Gabe under the table. He yowled in pain, causing the very couple we were talking about to look at our table. Lilly was having difficulty containing her laughter.

“You can’t call someone like that! You don’t even know her!” I hissed, scolding him.

“Ahem,” a fake cough made by Noah’s lady friend. She looked at us, from Gabe to me to Lilly in a glance, “You know these people?” She asked Noah, who was staring heatedly at me. I slid a little on my seat.

“Gabe, Lilly,” he nodded in greeting towards my friends. They nodded back wordlessly, “Elliot,” he said my name last. He didn’t nod me in greeting. He just said it. I smiled weakly up at him.

I was surprised that he actually remembered their names. Lilly slid out of the seat slowly, “Um hello.” She waved to the couple, “I’m Lilly, and you must be…?”

“Ashley,” she said smugly, staring at Lilly’s outstretched hand in disgust. Lilly pulled her hand back and wiped them embarrassedly on her skirt.

“Well, nice meeting you and nice seeing you again Noah but I gotta get going. David’s gonna be pissed if I missed Dominick’s bed time story.” She threw a hundred dollar bill on the table when she was ready, “Dinner’s on me.” Then she walked out of the place.

The couple stood there for almost a minute in silence. I tried to avoid making eye contact with Noah as possible. He made it so obvious that he was staring at me. Ashley and Gabe even looked back and forth between us. Except, Gabe had a smirk on his face and Ashley had an annoyed expression.

“You guys should join us,” Gabe exclaimed, breaking the silence. I groaned quietly. Gabe only heard and his smirk widened.

Ashley was about to protest but Noah had already slid in the booth and sat next to me. She stomped her foot on the floor and reluctantly sat next to Gabe, who was now grinning like a Cheshire cat when he saw my situation.

I wasn’t hungry anymore when they placed my food in front of me, but forced it down my throat, since I didn’t eat anything since morning.

Ashley excused herself to the bathroom and even asked Noah to join too. He didn’t even look at her when he shook his head.

I hurriedly finished my food, with Gabe’s glare when he saw what I was trying to do. I sipped the Coke in front of me.

“I should get going. A big meeting with Jackie tomorrow,” I told the boys.

“But you’re off-”

“No! I’m not,” I narrowed my eyes at Gabe who did the same, “Excuse me, Noah.” I waited for him to slide out of his seat, but he never did. I tapped my fingers in anticipation.

“Fine. At least wait until I’m finished with my food. It’s really late and I’d hate for you to walk home alone,” Gabe said begrudgingly.

“Lilly walked home alone.”

“Lilly could defend herself.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll take you home,” Noah said calmly.

Gabe broke out into a grin, “Wonderful! Besides, I’m not full yet. I’d probably be here for a while.”

I looked at him suspiciously. “Whatever happened to your stupid diet?”

“Nonsense! Now you should probably take Ellie home. Go on.”

Noah got up from his seat and dusted himself off. “Wait. We have to wait for your girlfriend.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.” He said stiffly.

“Oh. Well then-” but he interrupted me by pulling me out of my seat. He let go when I stood up. I stumbled a little. My arms felt like jelly and it was burning from where he touched me.

“Shouldn’t we still wait for her?” I asked exasperatedly but he was walking out of the restaurant already.

“He’s changed,” Gabe stated, "He has like this mysterious vibe. He used to be so happy and energetic and stuff. Elle, babe, you totally ruined him to the max. His heart is probably in pieces, and he's waiting for you to glue them back."

“I can’t believe you’re making me do this!” I half-whispered to him, ignoring his comments.

“Oh please. Don’t act like I’m forcing you to go kill yourself or something. He’s being a gentleman and taking you home. Now go.” I left, but not without giving Gabe a hug.

“Tell me all the juicy details!” he yelled as the cool air hit my face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dedicated to Calling Back. [;

Has anyone seen the New Moon trailer yet? It actually looks pretty good!