Lost and Found


Tré was rushed into theatre right away and all I could do was wait. They keep saying how lucky he is to be alive. I have stayed by his side now for 2 days, waiting for him to wake up.


I sob on my fathers chest. Wake up dad! You’ve got to wake up! Damn it wake up! You can’t leave me here! And that’s when I hear it. The one sorrowful long beep telling me he’s gone. I scream.

“Doctor! Doctor!” I scream and they come rushing in. They try everything but still nothing. Dad… Everyone is here now, crying. Begging for dad to wake up. I kiss my dads head in silent goodbye. I lye beside his lifeless body and sob uncontrollably.

“Don’t leave me,” I whimper and bury my face in his still chest.

*End Of Flashback*

I wake, sweat pouring off but when I look at Tré his eye lids are fluttering. He’s waking up! I grasp his hand tighter and his eyes open slowly. He smiles weakly.

“Hey,” he whispers and I grip his hand tighter.

“Hey. You nearly made me have a heart attack man.” I whisper and he smiles.

“The great Tré Cool is always unpredictable,” He says and we laugh lightly.

“You fucking idiot. What happened?” I ask and he looks sad.

“I was looking for Logan and Jakob. I was gone a few days and I came back drunk. I couldn’t find them anywhere. I was going to the basement to get the pictures of all of us together. Happy again. I fell and hit my head and I can’t remember anything after that…” Tré trails off and I smile.

“You fucking idiot. Do that again and I’ll kill you ok?” I say and he laughs.