Lost and Found


Every piece of food I get, I give to Jakob. He’s becoming dangerously thin and I can’t let him die. Living on water has been ok for me it’s just that I can’t let Jakob end up being under-nourished, he’s still a growing boy. Every day I can feel myself slipping away but I hold on, for Jakob. I have to force myself to scream and cry just so Aidan won’t hurt my dear sweet Jakob. Dear God, I need to get him out of here.

Aidan has started selling me out like a prostitute. People pay to use me with their sick fantasies. Only few broken pieces of hope keep me going. Joey, Jakob, Mike, Dad and Tré. The hope of being happy with them together again keeps me going. Although if Jakob wasn’t here, I would’ve given up months ago. I know that the police will have written both of us off for dead but I’ll prove them wrong. Jakob and I will get out of here.

A small plate with stale chicken and half an apple slides through the door and I pick it up, taking it over to Jakob. He’s fast asleep.

“Jake? Jakob Armstrong…” I whisper shaking him gently. His eyes open slowly and I smile at him.

Hey, we have food,” I say and he smiles up at me.

“Awesome. Will you eat something today? Look there’s lots!” He says and I smile at him.

“Well I’ll eat just a little bit, ok?” I say and he grins. He hugs me tightly and I stroke his hair, kissing his head. I’ll always protect you little brother, I promise…

The door bangs open and Aidan stands there with another man, yet again. I stand up in silence.

“Not you Logan, the boy,” Aidan grins and I growl.

“Over my dead body,” I snarl and push Jakob behind me. He clings tightly to my waist.

“As you wish,” Aidan shrugs and my hands tighten into fists. I jump on Aidan and start punching me. He throws me off with ease and I skid across the room, scrambling to my feet again. I kick and scream, giving everything I’ve got. He gets behind me and pulls my arms behind my back and the man grabs Jakob. I scream trying to pull away. As Jakob struggles I see something in the inside lining of the mans jacket. A police badge. Jakob looks at me and I nod to tell him it’s ok. The man drags Jakob away. I need to give them time to get away! I struggle in Aidan’s arms and I hear a front door open and then slam shut. Aidan realises and tries to chase after them but I grab his leg. He kicks me in the head and I roll away, holding my temple. Shit, shit!

I hear Aidan’s scream and I drag myself to the window and stare out. The car is driving away at top speed and Aidan is screaming. Clutching a gun. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks and I laugh. Jakob is free. Do your worst Aidan, I am not your slave any more…
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