Status: On Hold.



My alarm clock went off at 8AM. Time for me to get up, shower, get dressed and go draw outside somewhere.

I headed down to the kitchen where my nose was filled with the smell of waffles. My mother had out her waffle maker and was head to toe covered in flour.

“um mom is everything okay?”
“yeah, I just really get into my cooking”
“oh alright, well I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll come eat”
“alright sweetie”

I grabbed a piece of bacon and skipped back up to my room and into my bathroom. I turned the shower on and undressed while I waited for it to get warm. I got in washed my body and washed my hair. I grabbed a towel. I wrapped it around me and headed back downstairs to ask my mom if she had a hair dryer.

“mom, do you ha….”

I stopped dead in my tracks once I saw someone standing in the kitchen with her. I felt so embarrassed to be in only a towel in front of this person. After all this person was Ryan. It’s only been hours since we met but I’m starting to like him a lot. I quickly turned to run back upstairs and at least put some clothes on but in the process I ended up slipping on the puddle of water that had dripped off of my body while I was standing there in shock. I quickly fell on my ass and just as quick as I fell Ryan was by my side helping me up. Thank God my towel didn’t come off that would have been 3 times as embarrassing as just being in a towel.

“Liliana are okay”
“y-yeah I’m fine”

I got up and continued to go back upstairs. I went through my suitcase and grabbed a pair of gym shorts and a tank and threw them on and went back downstairs.

“so mom as I was saying do you have a hair dryer, I left mine at dad’s by accident”
“yeah in my bathroom, under the sink”
“thanks mom”
“yeah sure and don’t be too long Ryan was here to see you he said he’d be back later”

I went back upstairs and dried and straightened my hair. I grabbed a hair tie and loosely tied up my hair. I grabbed my sketchbook and my pencils and jogged down the stairs where my mom had my plate of waffles ready. I ate them and grabbed my art stuff and head down to the dock. I opened up the book and started to sketch the scenery of the lake, up until I was being attacked by Alvin again that is. That dog just seems to love me. Not long after I heard Ryan calling for him…again.

“hey” he said
“hey, what’s up?”
“taking Alvin for a walk, want to come?”
“sure I’d love to”

We headed down the street. As we passed my other neighbors house a basketball had rolled to my foot and a girl was running after it.

“is this yours?” I asked her
“yeah it is, thanks for catching it for me”
“no problem”
“are you new around here?”
“yeah I am”
“where do you live?”
“Ashley she lives between us”
“oh hey Ry and that’s cool”
“we should all get together and go to the movies sometime”
“yeah that would be cool”
“oh and I guess Cliff would have to come too right?” Ryan asked her
“duh silly… oh by the way I’m Ashley”
“I figured”
“well I’m going to go and finish practice”
“practice for what?” I asked
“basketball, I’m on the school team”
“okay see you around then”

She ran off back to her house. Ryan and I continued our walk. When we got back towards our houses, we said bye and I headed inside to see what my mom was up to and then to go continue drawing. By time I was finished it was time for dinner. So I grabbed my stuff and headed back inside. At dinner my mom told me that I needed to get a job so that I could help pay for my car insurance. Yeah I guess you can say dinner was oh so exciting. Not. All mom talked about was what my responsibilities would be now that I am living with her. After dinner I did the dishes as asked and then headed off to bed. I changed into a pair of my boyshorts and another tank and got into bed. I grabbed my cell phone and ipod. I texted my best friends Kaileigh back in California, and listened to my music until I fell asleep.