Game Over


Kumi stretched out arms out wide as the sun beamed through her window and onto her face, illuminating her pale skin. She smiled,
This is going to be a good day.
And she had good reason to think this. Her work was going great. She was going to get one of her best stories yet, and she was guaranteed a very nice pay check for it as well. Plus, her trip was all expenses paid. She loved the perks of her job.
She took out a bottle of vodka from her bedside mini bar., and cracked it open.
She took a swig, her eyes screwed up as she drank but the warm sensation going down her throat filled her with happiness, not to mention the confidence of alcohol.
She wandered into the kitchen-living room, shutting the bedroom door behind her. Her vodka bottle chinked as she knocked it against the wall as she walked.
She switched the tv on, and put the vodka down on the side. There was some stupid news report about a woman giving birth to a girl with 6 fingers. Oh wow, isn’t that amazing. Jeez, if this had been medieval times, that girl would have been burned at the stake. It was more freakish than a miracle.
Kumi sighed and made herself up a hot mug of hot chocolate. She took it and sat down in front of the tv, flicking through the channels trying to find something good to watch.
She gave up on her search, and sat back watching the music channels, the ringing tunes going in one ear and out the other without much concentration being put in. It’s not that she didn’t like music, she just wasn’t a fan of commercial music, and it just seemed to flow through her hearing like water through a sieve.
She shivered as a cool breeze drifted into the room through her bedroom door.
‘Strange, I swear I closed it,’
Kumi got up to close the door. As she got close, the breeze became stronger.
She heard a creaking.
Probably just a mouse.
She shut the door, and heard scratching.
Just a mouse, just a mouse.
She thought nothing of it. She’d just let the hotel manager know about the mice. I’m sure they’ll sort it, and give her a few perks to keep her mouth shut about it.
She smiled and went back to the sofa. She noticed the tv was switched off. She hadn’t been paying much attention to the noise so she didn’t notice it turn off.
‘Funny, I never switched it off.’
She turned to the sofa, and went to sit, when she noticed something peculiar.
Her hot chocolate mug was smashed up, bits of pink and cream shattered over the sofa and floor. The murky brown liquid formed a pool over the sofa, newspaper and floor, with dry islands. Kumi was shocked. She definitely didn’t hear any smashing. Not a sound.
She was worried. Something was up. Something weird. She grabbed a cloth a went to clean up the mess.
She gasped.
The islands that were liquid-free amongst the hot chocolate spill over the newspaper were circling things. Letters, words, phrases. That in itself was not at all strange. It was what they were saying/ Kumi looked again, to make sure she wasn’t seeing things. The circled areas spelt out something.
“I know what you did”

Kumi was frightened, and didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what it meant. And she didn’t want it to mean what it could of meant.

The phone rang.
With shaking hands, she picked it and gulped, her throat a dry desert of fear.
“Hello Kumi…I know what you did”.