It's Only the Beginning

Keep It Simple

{Kieren's PoV}

After school we walked home and dropped La-La off at her house.

I walked her to her door and and we talked. I wanted her to be my girl badly!

"So what time do you leave for school?"
"Around 7, 7:30. Why?"
"I wanna walk with you..." I smiled.
"I only let my boyfriends do that." She giggled. I love when she does that.
"Well, do you wanna be my girl?" I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"H'm... I'll have to think about that. I barely know you," she teased.
"Sure, you know me! I'm Kieren, the new kid!" I tried to make her laugh. It was the most beautiful laugh I have every heard.
"HAHAHAHA! Come by at 7:30, if you're late I'm leaving without you."

Before I could say anything, she kissed me hard, pressing her lips onto mine. I kissed her back harder and we stayed like that for a while. The guys laughed and whistled cat calls at us from the street. Makayla pulled away and hid her face in my chest. Her cheeks were bright red from embarrassment. I gathered her in a tight embrace and kissed the top of her head. She ended the hug and filliped the guys her finger and said goodbye to me before she opened the door.

"Don't be late!"
"I won't." I flashed her my crooked smile.

It took me about five minutes to get home on my board. If I walked, it would have taken ten minutes. My dad's car was in the driveway. Which meant he was home and mom was still at work. I walked in the door and saw my baby sister, Brigid, on the floor playing with her Barbie and Ken doll. I put my stuff down and walked over to Brigid. She was mumbling gibberish and acting out something with the dolls. She is so cute with her bright auburn curls and big green eyes, she was a spitting image of mom. My little brother, Chris, was most likely up stairs in his room. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes, like dad. I have mom's eyes and dad's hair, I'm the mixture of the two. I walked up to Brigid, picked her up and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled and wrapped her small arms around my neck.

"Ha ha! Where's Dad?"
"Back!" She meant he was out back. The only time he is out there is when he is cooking on the grill. So tonight we're having barbecue.
"OK, lets go say hi!"

We walked out to the back and saw dad standing over the grill.

"Hey, dad."

He turned and smiled.

"Hey, Key! How was school?"
"It was alright..."
"Were you hanging out with those skaters?"
"Yeah. They have this big group. Four guys, including me, and four girls. They're pretty cool."
"Girls? You like one of them?"
"Ha ha! Nice try...."
"What are we having for dinner?"
"Ribs and barbecue chicken with grilled corn. Your mom is making a salad when she gets home."
"Ha ha! Yeah, but they're pretty good."
"True. When is she coming home?"
"In a couple minutes. Chris is in his room."
"I figured. I'm taking Brigid back inside."
"OK. Oh and it's your turn to wash the dished tonight."

I put Brigid back on the living room floor and mom walked in the door.

"Hey babies!" She had a big smile on her face.
"Momma!" Brigid ran to mom with her arms up.
"How was school?" Mom asked me while kissing Brigid cheeks.
"It's school..."
"Is dinner almost done?"
"Uh... Yeah. you just have to make the salad."
"Oh OK. Maybe my little girl can help?"
"Yeah, Yeah!" Brigid wrapped her arms around mom's neck.
"I'll be in my room. Call me down when everything is done."
"Sure thing."

I walked into my room and put my board up against the wall. I unloaded the text books from my bag and stacked them on the shelf above the computer desk. I sat at my desk in front of my computer and signed on to Myspace. No messages. Nothing. I went into the search thing and looked for Makayla Smith. Eventually, I found her. Her default picture was two pictures on top of each other. The top one was of her with fake nerd glasses on. She looked silly but it was still cute. The other one was of her with black retro sunglasses on, the ones from the 80's. She looked tough but still sweet in that picture, she had that puckered half smile on her lips and one eyebrow up. Her profile was set to private. I sent her a friend request and I heard a knock at the door.

"Dinner," Chris said through the door.
"Alright. I'll be down in a minute."

After dinner was done and I did The dishes, I grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge and started to walk up stairs.

"What, no goodnight?" Mom was whispering because of the sleeping little girl in her arms.
"H'm. Goodnight, mom." I kissed her and Brigid on the cheek.
"That's better, Love you, Kieren."
"Love you too, mom."

I walked up stairs to my room and checked if I got anything on Myspace. Again, nothing. I finished my chocolate bar and brushed my teeth. I changed into some sweats and a tank and turned everything off. I climbed into bed and got comfortable. I kept thinking of La-La. She's so beautiful and her personality is amazing. She's perfect. And that kiss...

I drifted off the sleep thinking of her and I'm probably going to wake up thinking of her.

I slept all night with a smile on my face.
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