One Call Could End It All

Over Thinking Minds

The bell rang for school to let out. a notice of the end of the day. Lucarius was already outside waiting on Alexandra. She was startled to see that he was already out there. The bell had just rang and his last class was on the opposite side of campus. "Hey Luke! How was class?" she grinned and waved to him. "Hello Alex. Class was meaningless as usual. I know this information." Alexandra seemed puzzled. "Oh, well, ok. My class was ok. I had a three page test. Ugh, haha.", "Ready to go Alexandra?" Now Lucarius seemed eager. "Yeah, sure, let's go." Lucarius grabbed her hand and started walking. He stopped once he reached a bright silver Lexus LF-A concept car with metallic details. "This is yours?!. It's beautiful Lucarius!" He looked at her strangely. Analyzing her reaction. "Thank you? It's just a car though. Nothing special." He was studying how she called him Lucarius instead of Luke. Maybe he was just overthinking things?