Status: My Grandpa had some issues with his computer, so I lost ALL of the work I did for the next chapter. I'm working on it again. Thank you for your patience.

Midnight Rain


I wasn’t sure what to do in a relationship. I have never had someone to call my own before; so this was unmarked territory. I knew that there was kissing involved, and if both people were ready, sex would come at some point in time. I had never been kissed by a boy; except Zack.

Zack was a good looking boy; I was sure he had plenty of girlfriends. He was more experienced then I was. I wasn’t sure what you were supposed to do. I would probably observe other people as time went by; just to get an idea.

We walked into my Uncle’s house to be greeted by the smell of pancakes and the hum of the television I the living room. I smiled at Zack as he shut the door behind him. It was cooler in my house then it was outside. The temperature was rising fast. I took Zack’s hand and walked into the kitchen. Uncle Bill was at the stove in a white tank top and a pair of black shorts. He was sliding a pancake onto a plate and then pouring batter into the hot skillet. He looked up at Zack and me with a smile.

“Hello.” Bill said in a happy tone. He rested his hands in his pockets as the pancake cooked on the stove. “I see you and Zack found each other this morning.” Uncle Bill said. His eyes scanned over us. I assumed he was looking for any type of untidiness in our cloths; which would indicate that something went on. His eyes stopped at our hands that were still laced together.

I noticed his gaze and apparently Zack did as well because we both looked at each other. Zack’s green eyes locked with mine and he smiled. I was sure it was out of reassurance. I looked back at Uncle Bill and smiled. Uncle Bill raised his eye brows.

“Care to explain?” He asked with a timid tone. He shook his head and flipped the pancake. It was a perfect golden color. He ran his hand down his face. “I get it. Never mind. Teenagers.” He said with a soft smile in Zack’s direction. Zack squeezed my hand. I wasn’t as worried as he must have been. “Just please use protection.”

My stomach dropped. I felt a blush creep up onto my cheeks. Did he think that Zack and I were going to sleep together? I was shocked. “Uncle Bill, You don’t underst-” I was stumbling over my words and I was glad when Zack finished my plea for me.

“Mr. Bill we aren’t having sex. Just dating.” Zack said with a soft chuckle. I guess it was a guy thing to think that if someone is dating another, sex is going to be involved. Uncle Bill nodded and slid the pancake onto the plate before starting to make another.

“Fine by me.” Uncle Bill said; the smile returned to his face as he continued cooking. “Just take my words of advice for the future.” Bill said with a smile. He kept making pancakes in silence. I felt eyes burning into me and I looked to see Zack looking at me with an unreadable expression.

“I have to go meet up with the guys to do some stuff.” Zack said with a sigh. I nodded and lead him to the front door. I opened the door and Zack stood in front of me smiling. I smiled back. I couldn’t ever be mad at this boy; not even if I tried. Zack grabbed a black pen from his pocket and held out his arm. I rolled my eyes and laughed as I let go of his hand and wrote my house number and cell phone number across his arm. I handed the pen back to him and he smiled at me.

“I’ll call you when we’re done?” Zack asked as he grabbed my hand again. I looked at our hands entwined together. They looked right when they were laced together. I looked up at him and kissed his lips lightly.

“Alright.” I said in a whisper. I smiled again and kissed his cheek. He kissed my forehead and hugged me. I hugged him back and he pulled away with a saddened smile he started to walk down my drive way, onto the sidewalk and soon he was out of sight. I shut the door and made my way into the kitchen.

“I know what you’re going to say.” I mumbled as I sat down and took his plate of pancakes. He started on another batch. I took a bite and smiled. He puts the whole bag of chocolate chips in his pancakes and it was perfectly alright by me; chocolate is my favorite thing to eat.

“Are you serious about him?” Uncle Bill asked as he flipped the pancake; he didn’t look up at me. I could tell he was being serious because of his blank stare. He looked up at with his pale blue eyes slightly closed. He had a slight frown on his face.

“Yes I am.” The words flowed off of my tongue before I even knew they were coming. Bill nodded and smiled. I felt like shit. I knew some things about relationships and I knew that each relationship is built on trust. I couldn’t fully trust him with my secrets. I didn’t want him to flip shit. I was worried about him finding out. I knew I couldn’t talk about it except for in my psychology appointments.

“Do you plan on telling Zack about your past?” He asked as he put the pancake on a plate and started another one. I paused. I wasn’t sure if I planned on telling him about my past. Maybe his attraction was the mystery known as me. I wasn’t sure. He never came out and told me why he liked me so much. “Zack is a good guy Amanda. I’ve known him since he was a little thing.” Uncle Bill said with a soft smile. I knew that he couldn’t make my decisions for me. That was something I had to do on my own.