My Life Is Exactly Like Cinderella's, Does That Mean I Am Vamperella?



I stared at her. Everyday my mother got more and more sick. Even as a vampire I knew that she could die. Only because she destroyed her vampire powers after she gave birth to me. She had said that having me changed her point of view.

Just so you know my name is, Annika Marie Milner. I am strictly middle class. At the moment I am 4. My mother was a dancer while my father was a manager of a hotel. It seems like a lot but its not.

I gripped my mothers hand and she said, "Here," she handed me the necklace she had worn for as long as I could remember. Also she handed me a beautiful key that came with the locket.

"Know, you shall wear the necklace always, but there is something you should do with the key," she murmured.

I looked confused at the moment as I should. She continued, "Now you shall write a letter saying that whoever found this key would be your true love. Also say that he has to find you and keep the key until you meet and you may open the locket. The locket contains something you may need. I know that you will love him. Now after you write it you have to place the key and letter and a bottle. Now this is the most important part. You HAVE to put it into the ocean when you are 13. On your birthday you have to go to your favorite part of the beach at midnight and throw it in."

I nodded my head and then she gave her last breath. "Mother? Mom!" I screamed.

Tears trailed down my face and I promised, "I will do what you want!'


A few weeks after my mother's funeral my father married a rich woman. Who just so happened to be the singer my mother worked for. I thought she would be nice but I was wrong. I got severe beatings and I was losing a lot of wait. She never told my father of course. Then the worse thing happened. He died and I was a slave. My mother had 2 daughters, Celia and Felice.

I worked day and night until I was finally allowed to go to St. Peter's Academy: For Special Students. In otherwise we all called it Vamp Academy.

To humans and vampires I was beautiful but I was nothing more than a freak. Everyday I was teased and at home I was a slave. But I still wore my mothers necklace. It was a simple heart that was beautiful. I still kept her words in my head and one day I would do what she told me.

At any case I was as skinny to the extreme and I was bruised all over. My blond hair and brown eyes made me look weird. Even as beautiful as I was an outcast. I was a failure to Celia and Felice whom easily became the most popular people. I hope this torture ends soon.


8 Years Later

Okay at midnight tonight I am turning 13. I was so excited I didn't even bother to tell the kids at school to leave me alone. When I was home from school I went to my room after my chores. I wrote beautifully:

Dear whoever finds this letter,

Okay, you are meant to find this letter saying that you are my true love. Inside this bottle is a key that can only fit inside my locket. When you find a girl that the key can fit inside a locket that will be my, your true love. I hope we can meet soon.

I took a bottle and put the letter and key inside the bottle. Then at 11:30 I crept out silently and went to my favorite spot on the beach. The moon shined above and I looked at my watch. It read 11:59. When my alarm rang that means that it is midnight. Ring! I gently laid the bottle at my feet and then left. I murmured, "I hope we really can meet soon."
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