My Life Is Exactly Like Cinderella's, Does That Mean I Am Vamperella?

Chapter 1


Mystery Person's POV

I was at the beach having the time of my life. I was just turning 15 so I was pretty excited. Then I look at the sand when something bumped into me. It was a small bottle of some kind with stuff in it. I identified a letter and pulled it out. It read:

Dear whoever finds this letter,

Okay, you are meant to find this letter saying that you are my true love. Inside this bottle is a key that can only fit inside my locket. When you find a girl that the key can fit inside a locket that will be my, your true love. I hope we can meet soon.

I looked inside the bottle and found a small key. I grunted and put the key in my pocket. My father A.K.A. The Vampire King, had said that all vampires have soul mates and using certain things is how they find each other. So this is her method. Well, if it came to me we both have found a soul mate. Yay! Not.

But something in me made me go along with it. I strung the key with some chain and put it around my neck. "Alright, I promise that one day I will find you!" I practically screamed.

Then I covered my mouth and looked around. Thank God no one heard me say that.Do vampires even believe in God?"But I do promise you that," I murmured.


One Year Later

I was transferred to some godforsaken place called St. Peter's Academy: For Special Students. My father said that most people called it Vamp Academy. He also had said and I quote, "You are the Vampire Prince and heir to the throne. This school has very high security.........."

I groaned as I was driven to school. By the time I got there everyone just whispered after I left the hallway. Well this is gonna be fun!

Note: sarcasm. My first class I went to made most the people scream. Girls were saying I was hot and boys had said that they wanted me one the football team. (I really can't understand why Vampires would play football if they could win in seconds) There was one girl in particular that just sat there like she was bored. Strange.........

Annika's POV

There was a new kid in class who turned out to be the Prince. Everyone started freaking out. It was annoying. The teacher said, "Students, this is the Vampire Prince, Seth Ambrose. Please treat him nicely. Okay Seth you can sit where ever you like."

I whispered, "So long he doesn't sit by me I will be happy."

He said, "Her."

Pointing to me. I screamed in my head, "WHAT THE HECK!"

I gritted my teeth together when he sat next to me. I barely even glanced at him. At the end of class guess what happened? Before I tell you first let me say I have my only friend in this class Maria with me. My step sisters and their gang and some random dudes are included. Can you guess now? Well, one of the dudes that has a crush on Felice named Eric kicked me in my leg. He screamed, "E.T. should go home!"

Then he punched me in the knee. Rachel, Felice's friend said mockingly, "You should go home soon. You have dishes to clean."

Everyone laughed as they ganged up on me. A little later I limped to my next period, but I had the sense of someone watching me. I shrugged it off and continued with my day. At lunch period I sat with Maria who gave me a good lecture. She also treated my injuries. She was like that and pretty. I would say she was almost the perfect person.

At the end of the day I got another pretty bad beating. I coughed out some blood while Maria helped. I asked, "Can you give me a ride home? I don't think I can walk."

She agreed and we got into her M3, BMW. Maria's family is also pretty rich, but they usually gave to the poor. And that turns me back to the point that she is the perfect person.

When I got home I was locked in the basement after cleaning. Actually, the basement was pretty much my room. My arms were throbbing as I lay on the ground. Yeah, you guessed. I was hurt due to several beatings for being late. Then the weirdest thing happened. I heard the door open and in walked Celia. I asked, "What do you want?"

"I'm getting you out of here," she replied. I looked at her in shock. "You see," she explained, "Mom said that we should treat you like a slave so I went along with it. I have never really hated you, in fact I felt sorry for you."

"Thanks," I muttered.

She helped me go up the stairs and took me to my room. Well, that's one person more I like.
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