Loveless Hateful Love

Prologue- Pain

Please do not be toooo harsh as this is my first time writing, but please leave comments all criticism accepted lol

Even though I always heard stories about vampires and werewolves deep down I knew they were just human inventions… well it turns out that I knew, wrong.


I quickened my pace as I realised that there were footsteps behind me, which had followed me all the way from my friends house. I wanted to stay calm but for some reason my body moved on its own; as if I unconsciously knew that whoever or whatever was stalking me was an extreme danger. As I turned the corner, another person came into view; it was a tall man, my heart started to pound even harder, he didn’t not look very friendly. I carried on walking reluctantly, maybe this person would scare off the stalker? But what if he was the real threat not the stalker? A shiver ran down my spine as a hideous snarling sounded from behind; I glanced quickly toward the footsteps… and there she was. A woman, dressed all in very revealing scrappy clothing, was crouching in an alarming, ready-to-attack position; but what really surprised me was that out of the woman’s head came out two fluffy ears and from behind her, wriggled a tail that had missing fur patches.

Pity flooded me, this woman looked absolutely exhausted and worn out; she seemed to have fought at least several fights before coming here. None the less, she remained frozen in her position with her eyes focused on the man that I had passed; her eyes were starting to glow… She lifted her head and closed her glazed white eyes and yet again I was startled; the night was filled with a mournful howling, but the sound was so sad, so, so, so sad it was painful to the heart. When I was nearly exploding with tears, the howling started to morph and lose it’s beautiful notes. The woman opened her eyes, her body shivered and twitched. The enchanting song that came from the dog-woman turned into shrieking as her body started to shake and tremble; I heard something cracking, the kind of cracking you hear when your walking over dry twigs. Her fine face suddenly burst out into a snout and her long hair covered her face. As quickly as it started it was over, everything was silent and instead of a battered woman sitting on front of me there was a battered giant wolf… I mean what could get more weird? My brain caught up with me and I thought that this situation was not something ordinary, me legs quivered, what the hell was this?

As I turned to run, the man grabbed me. I looked at him full of astonishment. “You cannot run now girl, you’ve seen too much…” His hand came round so fast I almost didn’t notice, how could he do that? He punched me in the stomach with such force, I heard my backbone give out a strange noise. I felt something warm in my mouth, I reached to touch it. I looked at the liquid and gave out a horrified shrill- it was blood. The man took a step back, and smiled. “Should I take away your pain? Do you wan to be one of us? For a normal human…wait no you don’t smell like a human you-you’re a demon? Ha!! Such an awfully weak demon, shame on you! Well either way I’m sure you’ll make a tasty meal, demons have nicer blood- so full of-of… well power.” I slowly gazed up at him, he was holding me up with one bony hand. I tried to make out his face but my eyes were running about, not focusing. All I knew was that this guy was not going to help me.

I managed to get a glimpse of him, his silhouette was getting closer and I was getting colder. He bent over me, tilting me sideways; I was so powerless, I could not move, the pain was fluttering throughout my body, clawing at my insides and tearing my skin. I felt something wet touch my neck, with raw disgust I realised it was his tongue. He licked my whole neck, he stopped for a second and sniffed. “Don’t you dare you creep!!!” It was the woman’s voice ,well it was the wolf‘s voice now, she was infuriated. But the guy carried on, his tongue met my skin again, I felt it run down further until it was far down my neck; this time my body reacted with a small ‘yelp’. I did not know what he was going to do but his adventurous tongue was going too far, I opened my mouth again and this time I shrieked and spluttered. I managed to get hold of him, but he was still lowering his head further and further down my chest; if it carried on like this he would soon be licking… Only then did I realise that the pain had gone, he lifted his head up to stare at my wondering eyes. “You would make a perfect toy… you smell, incredible. I don’t know, to have such a beautiful smell you must be some kind of royal. But I can’t have such a weak toy now can I?” I opened my mouth slightly. “W-hy? Whath er ye.” Was what came out but what I wanted to say was ‘what are you’, but deep inside I think I knew the answer to that. “What?” The mans face looked troubled. “It doesn‘t really matter anyway soon I’ll release you from this horrid weak body of yours- then we can play a bit more.” Just when I was losing all hopes of actually living to see the daylight again I thought of the wolf woman. What was she doing? She was snarling at him before so she definitely wasn’t his partner. But what was she doing all this time? Could she not be bothered to stand up and help me, just a bit at least? I slowly tilted my head towards her, I was shocked by the scene. The wolf was scowling, she was shaking and her glowing eyes seemed to be full of fear and regret. When she saw me looking at her she snapped out of her panic attack. She lifted her muzzle up and suddenly she was right beside me. “I will not let you hurt this girl like you hurt my sister!” Her massive paw was in the air and she was about to strike when the man chuckled and moved his mouth to my neck once more. The wolves eyes displayed great worry as my attacker drew ever so nearer. Swiftly she raked her claws against the man’s back. “She’s mine!” He snarled at her in full volume. But this time she did not retreat. “We don‘t need yet another damn vampire around here!” She retorted. The man laughed. “We’ll see about that!” I felt a sudden rush of air, both of them had me pinned between them. What would they do?

An agonizing pain cut through me violently, it cam from both sides of my body, my neck and my arm.

The next thing I knew my whole body was burning with pain and anguish. They both bit me… at the same time… the same moment… both of them… both…I… me…bitten… by creatures not from this world……

I felt my body convulse violently, I bawled and screeched but the sheer torment did not stop. My body crashed to the floor, they must have let me go. I felt more blood flow out of my mouth. I couldn’t see anything anymore it was all black. I could hear faint sounds, “What have you done you idiot? That will surely kill her!” I though it was the females’ voice. “Don‘t blame me for this you stinking dog! If you just had let me bite her then she would have survived now your venom will poison her!” The male voice sneered at the other. “It will be your devil venom that kills her you leech, not min-…” and then it trailed off; I could hear… only the hum of blood rushing and the cracking of my bones as my body raged on the cold yet burning concrete floor…