Status: Finished, check out my new story "Snickerdoodle."

Someday I'll Have You

Liar, Liar, If We're Keeping Score

Alexis POV
I woke up on the bathroom floor, my breath smelled like alcohol and vomit, my head hurt like a bitch. I stood up and looked in the mirror, I looked horrible. What happened? I thought to myself. I heard the doorbell ring and hurried to answer it.

“Alexis, you okay?” I opened the door to a face I recognized, but couldn’t exactly remember who it was.

“Um, who are you again?” I scratched my head and stared at him.

“You don’t remember? It’s Drake, from last night?”

“What?” My mind drifted back to the bottles of alcohol and waking up on the bathroom floor. “Was I drunk by any chance?”

“Um, yeah. I was kinda drunk myself…”

“Come on in. I don’t remember anything when I’m drunk. And it’s getting cold out here.” I shivered because of my bare arms. He came in and sat down on the couch awkwardly. “What exactly happened last night?”

“Uh, well I came over and we kind of… did it, you know? And then some guy, I think it was your boyfriend or something, caught us… he looked really pissed.” My mouth fell open and everything came rushing back. “I’m really, really sorry! I have an alcohol problem, and even though I didn’t know what I was doing, I take full responsibility for it!”

“Drake, thanks for coming over here and apologizing. It means a lot to me, and I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have let myself drink all of that…”

“It’s okay, we all slip up sometimes.”

“I guess I have a mess to clean up…”

“Yeah, well I have to go. Sorry, again.”

“It’s okay. See ya.” As soon as he left I took some Tylenol and went to Jesse’s house.

Jesse POV
I heard a knock on the door and slowly got up to answer it. I opened the door a crack to see the one person I didn’t want to see.

”I don’t want to talk to you right now.” I said and started to close the door.

”Wait! I need to tell you something!” Alexis cried. I ignored her and locked the door.

“Who was at the door?” Mikayla asked when I came back into the living room.

”Alexis, she wanted to tell me something, but I really don’t want anything to do with her right now.” I said.

“She just won’t get it will she? You two broke up, it’s over.” She sighed. “And I have to go back to her house tonight… she’ll probably be fucking another guy.”

“You don’t have to… you could stay here for the night.” I offered.

“You idiot!” Addyson screamed as she swung my bedroom door open. Mikayla and I looked over in shock to the disturbance. Addyson stepped back when she saw Mikayla next to me. “Why is SHE here?” she pointed in disgust to Mikayla.

“Because I actually care about him, unlike that whore that broke his poor little heart.” She said back and hugged me closer.

“Don’t you dare call Alexis a whore you lying slut! It’s your fucking fault his heart is broken in the first place!” Addyson said.

“How is that her fault?” I asked.

“Oh? You didn’t tell him Mickey?” her voice drenched with pure rage. “This bitch got Alexis drunk then brought a guy over so you would catch them, break up with her, then have you all to herself!”

“B- b- but Mikayla would never do that!”

“Sure Jesse, stay in that little naïve world of yours full of rainbows and unicorns!” she shouted, waving her arms dramatically. “Just let the love of your life get away because some slut lied to you, but you didn’t believe it!”

“Is this true?” I asked Mikayla.

“Uh, no. Of course not sweetie! Why would I ever lie to you?” Her voice obviously full of fake sincerity. Why didn’t I notice that before?!?

“You’re lying! You bitch!” I said and jumped away from her.

“I’m not lying!” she cried.

“Just give it up already!” Addyson screeched. Mikayla stood up and shrieked,

“I love you Jesse! I’ll love you until I die!”

“Well I’ll never love you, go die right now for all I care!” I said to her and she burst out bawling and stalked out of the room. I looked down and noticed my hands were shaking, I’m so stupid! Addyson hugged me and shoved me towards the door.

I stepped outside just to run into Alexis.

“Oh my god I’m so sorry! I’m never talking to Mikayla again! She can burn in hell for doing that to you! And I’m so stupid for believing her! Oh, I love you so much!” I blurted out and held her to my chest, breathing in her intoxicating aroma I’ve been missing so much.

“I’m sorry too, I should never have let myself drink so much.” She said, her voice muffled from having her face buried into my chest. She looked up at me teary-eyed.

“Don’t cry Lex!” I kissed the top of her head and wiped her eyes. “Let’s go inside.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, this chapter has alot of drama.