Status: Finished, check out my new story "Snickerdoodle."

Someday I'll Have You


Jesse POV

“I hope she doesn’t do anything dramatic.“ She whispered. My thoughts drifted towards the events earlier in the day. I wasn’t too harsh was I? After what she did to us, I could never forgive her. I’m sure it wasn’t too harsh.

“Dramatic is her middle name. Stop worrying about her.” I sighed and pulled her beside me. I started to get drowsy but Alexis just sat there thinking.

“Did you hear that?” she said blankly, startling me awake.

“Hear what?” I mumbled.

“It… it sounded like a gunshot or something.” She ran to the window and looked over to her house.

“You’re probably just hearing things.” I yawned and rolled over.

“But, I’m sure it was a gun. And it sounded so clear it could’ve been from next-“ her voice trailed off and she turned to me with a look of horror on her face. “Mickey…” she breathed and rushed to the door. I stumbled out of my bed and followed her.

“Lex, it was nothing, come back!” I said and grabbed her waist as she hurriedly tried to unlock the front door.

“No, it was definitely something.” She shrugged out of my grasp and ran across the wet grass in her bare feet. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me. A shrill scream came from the upstairs of her house and I started running, quickly searching the house for the source of the scream. I opened the bathroom door, seeing a stream of light coming from the cracks in the doorframe.

Mikayla’s limp body was lying on the white tile floor. A pool of blood surrounded her. Alexis leaned down to touch her pale face, a tear landing in the blood. I stood in shock, just staring at the bullet hole in her chest. Sirens started screaming; a neighbor must have heard. I walked over to the slightly open window, facing the street. Mrs. Barrows came out onto her front lawn wearing a red floral muumuu and white moccasins. She looked frazzled. A white ambulance stopped beside her and she pointed to this house.

After the police checked the house out and escorted us outside with Alexis screaming and crying, paramedics came flooding in, trying to revive Mikayla’s dead body.
I overheard a paramedic watching the scene unfold talking to the chief of police about the situation.

”Hey Bob, any luck with the girl?”

”No, They’ve pretty much given up.” The policeman sighed.

”You can’t just give up.” Alexis whispered. The paramedic looked at her questioningly and she said louder, “You CAN’T just give up.” I noticed her knuckles were white because she’d held them clenched for a while. She slowly stretched them out and looked up at the man, “You can’t just let her die.”

“Now little girl, I know she’s family, but we’ve done all we can.” He said and started to walk away.

“I’m not a little girl!” She screeched. A black body bag came out of the front door on a yellow gurney and Alexis stopped talking and started bawling.
♠ ♠ ♠

the wicked witch is dead! -dances around happily-