The Unknown Betrayal

Alice and Jasper go on a trip for a few weeks, leaving the rest of the Cullens. They return to find that every member of their family is guilty to drinking human blood, even Carlisle, the most self-controlled figure of the family. Devastated, Alice and Jasper go searching for the answer. Soon later, they figure out a new coven has moved close to their family. They both find out the new coven is responsible for tempting them to drink human blood once again. Alice and Jasper must find a way to fix this mess.

Suddenly, Alice is betrayed when Jasper is then guilty of drinking human blood as well. Jasper feels awful, but he has no idea what came over him. Will Alice ever understand the dilemma before it's too late? Will Jasper and the rest of the Cullens ever recover? Will Alice and Jasper's flame of love keep flickering, or burn out forever?

This is a story written by Your Beloved! (Teri) and quazablade (Kristen).

We do not own any characters from the Twilight saga, but do own any new characters. We also own the plot line.