The Unknown Betrayal


[Alice's POV]

"Daddy, I love you," Renesmee said, hugging her father with the love that she never lost.

It was so cute. Edward was finally becoming the brother I once knew, and Renesmee had her father back. Now all we needed was to convince the rest of the family to give up human blood, and then kill the vampire clan that started this mess.

I smiled as I looked over at Jasper, then at Tanya. They both had huge smiles on their faces. They were thinking the same thing as me, we were finally starting to win.

I watched as Edward's eyes shifted over to mine, and he just smiled once, and kept holding his young daughter. I looked away from my brother and neice and looked at Bella. She was glaring at me and the rest of us, as she realized that she had just lost her husband to our side. I smirked at her and shrugged.

I walked over to Jasper and wrapped my arms around him. "You okay?" I asked, looking at his sad face.

He nodded and smiled at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about what it would have been like, if we ever had a child of our own," he said, looking at me sadly.

I felt my face fall into a frown and looked into his eyes. "Jasper, you know it's not possible for us to have children. The only way that would happen was if I was human or both of us were," I said, looking into my husbands sad eyes.

He nodded once and looked away from me. "I know. It's just, I look at Renesmee and I see Edward and Bella looking back at me. I want to look at a child and see us in that child. I wish we had a child because it would be a part of us," he said, looking down at the ground.

I watched him for a second, then wrapped my arms around his body. "I know. I wish for the same thing. I would love to look at a child and know it's ours. Believe me, I would be the happiest person in the world. I love you, Jasper," I said, looking into his eyes.

He smiled once at me and shrugged. "I know. I love you, Alice. More than I have ever loved anyone," Jasper said, smiling at me.

I smiled once and froze as another vision broke through my mind.

I walked into the room of an abandon house that looked familiar to me. I smiled as I saw a picture on the wall of a smiling family, consisting of a mother and father, and two daughters. One of the daughters looked similar to me. She was very young. Maybe four or five. I looked at the picture and noticed that the mother and father looked familar too. I looked carefully at the picture trying to figure out who it was when a scene flashed into my mind. The man and women from the picture was the same man and woman that has turned my family into monsters.
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Teri here.
Please enjoy this chapter.
I didn't know what else to write so I made a little wishing go on.
Plus another vision.
The picture this time.
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Kristen's turn.