Bite Me

The Nick Factor

I arrived at Oasis and walked in. I could feel that Nick was here. He was the only vampire in the club which was good but I also felt a good presence so I knew it was him. I walked over to the bar area sure that Nick was upstairs and had felt or spotted me too.
“Well, if it isn’t one of my old best friends who decided to keep me in the dark.” I said as I approached the bar. Brian had his back to me fixing a drink for a guy.
“Amanda?” He asked confused turning around. “Wait, what are you doing here?” He asked shocked and giving the guy his drink.
“Well I decided to stay and visit for awhile you know. I thought me, you, and Nick could catch up on old times.” I said sarcastically.
“So you remember?” He asked over the loud music.
“Let’s just say I don’t remember everything but I remember enough. Where is he?” I asked.
“He is upstairs as usual. He keeps the vampires out of the club for me.” Brian said laughing. I wasn’t. “Sorry.” He replied.
“Brian I will deal with you later. I just can’t figure out how you saw me in so much pain and kept Nick away from me.” I said.
“I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you so many times but Nick made me promise. He said I could jeopardize you or something. Believe me I never wanted to see you cry and hurt so much. Please don’t be mad at me.” He said.
“I am so tired of all the secrets and lies, Brian. I am not a child. I don’t need protecting. Not from you, Nick, or Pete.” I said starting to leave.
“Did you say Pete?” Brian asked.
“Yeah, why?” I said turning around.
“Nothing, I am zipping my lips. Go find Nick.” He said taking another customer.
I gave him a weird look and walked towards the stairs of the club to the second floor. Have Nick and Brian been doing research on Pete. Is Nick that worried about me being with Pete? Why should he care? He should want me to be happy which right now I am not. When Amanda isn’t happy no one is happy.
I walked up the steps letting my feelings guide me. I was so nervous, mad, hurt, angry, and feeling things I buried. How was I going to handle this after all? If I see him will I melt and want to hold him. No. I have to make him understand that I came here because I want answers and to heal my broken heart.
I stopped as I got to the second floor and walked over to the balcony overlooking the dance floor. I felt him watching me. Then I felt two hands touch my shoulders and I shivered. I turned around to see Nick standing in front of me. He looked just like he did the last time I had seen him. My eyes started to tear up and I just ran. I bolted down the stairs and out the club door.
I stopped when I got out catching my breath. I turned though to see he had followed me. Why did I run?
“Amanda why are you here? You shouldn’t have come. You are in danger here.” Nick said.
“You should know why I am here. You took away my memories and I want them back!” I said attacking him. I was pissed and it was coming out.
“Hey, I am not your enemy.” He said grabbing my right arm and pinning it behind me. But I swung the left one and decked him good having him let go of me.
“That is for letting me believe you were dead and making me not remember things. What gives you the right to keep me being a slayer away from me? Do you know innocent people could have died because of me? And you can’t use my father as an excuse and yes I know you knew he was my dad.” I said watching him grab his jaw. I made his lower lip bleed.
“You are right. I shouldn’t have but I wanted…” He started to say.
“Don’t even go there with the protecting thing. I am sick of hearing it!” I yelled at him.
I let him approach me. I just looked at him. He looked nineteen. His body will never age but his mind would. He was still the blonde, blue eyed handsome guy I fell in love with years ago.
He stuck his hands out for me to take. I grabbed them and he pulled me into an embrace. I just laid my head on his shoulder and started to cry. He held me tighter and just let me.
“You don’t know how much I have missed you. I didn’t want to believe you were dead. I felt ripped apart after you disappeared and never came back.” I whispered.
“I know you didn’t. I saw it in your eyes as I watched you keeping you safe from the evil in the world. It hurt me to not tell you.” He said.
“Come with me.” He said walking down the dark street.
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“To a park we used to have picnics at, remember?” He asked.
“Yes.” I said as he wiped tears away from my eyes.
We walked down to this little park not that far from the club. I found us a park bench with a street lamp beside it. I sat down beside Nick.
“I am sorry for decking you.” I replied.
“Never mess with a woman scorned.” He said laughing. “It is alright.” He said.
I started to smile. I felt safe with him. My feelings were conflicting with each other right now.
“Nick, you obviously know I have some memories or I wouldn’t be here right now. You also know I have been a slaying for awhile now. Chris told me he has told you things.” I said looking in his beautiful eyes.
“I will tell you everything you want to know. I won’t lie or hold anything back since you want me not to protect you.” He said.
“Good. You will never age will you?” I asked.
“No. I look nineteen but I am twenty six.” He said.
“Can you first show me what happened to you and what you went through? I need to know, Nick. I need closure as to what happened to you and I won’t get it by you telling me. I need you to show me.” I said.
“How would I do that?” He asked.
“You know. You showed Brian didn’t you?” I asked.
“No, I just told him the best I could.” He replied.
“Oh, well I am going to relax and concentrate by closing my eyes and hold my hands out. You need to focus on what happened to you and take my hand.” I said.
“You sound like an expert.” He said laughing.
“Pete showed me what happened to him this way.” I said looking down as I said it. I keep asking myself why I bring him up in my thoughts all the time now.
“Oh, you’re new boyfriend.” He sounded dejected.
“No, not anymore. It’s complicated.” I said. “Now are you ready?” I said changing the subject.
“I will try.” He said holding my hands.
I tried to relax as he held my hands and closed my eyes drifting into a daydream like state. I needed to focus. I wanted to know how Nick was taken away from me.