Bite Me

A Kiss of Hope

(Pete's POV)
“Amanda! Don’t go out there!” I yelled at Amanda pushing past the guys to try and stop her from leaving. I finally made it to her before she could get out the door. I can be fast if need be. “Look at me!” I said grabbing her and facing her.

“I can’t. My head… a voice… Mike. Pete let me go. I need to go to him.” She said starting to fight me.

“No. Try to focus on something. Don’t listen to Mike and let him win. It’s not you talking right now, it’s him.” I said. I wasn’t about to let him control her and no matter how hard she tried to push away from me, I wasn’t going to let go of her.

“Pete.” She whispered. “I can’t fight him. He’s too strong. He’s making my head hurt. I want to fight but I can’t, I have to go.” She added.

“Amanda, look at me.” I said again. “Listen to my voice and concentrate on that.” I told her. The boys had weapons in hand ready to fight but I needed to calm Amanda down first before I can get a location of where Mike is. And I know he’s probably brought friends along too.

Then Amanda looked at me. Her eyes looked tired. She stopped fighting me for a minute, for me to let go of her and just stood there. Amanda didn’t look herself. She had this blank stare at me. I called her name again but she didn’t answer and I knew Mike would come locate her if she didn’t come to him. I did not want that happening. The only thing I could do was pull her into a kiss and hope it helped snap her back.

I knew the risks of kissing her and I knew what it might do. But I’d rather hurt her thinking we had a chance if it meant her having something to fight for, than to be Mike’s victim. I felt her start to respond a bit when she grabbed my back gently as if to hold onto me. Then she kissed me back onto my long kiss. She was coming back to me.

“Pete.” Amanda said pulling back from me. “What happened? Mike’s voice, I don’t hear him as much. Wait you kissed me?” She added.

“Welcome back, Amanda. You were like a zombie there for a bit.” Joe said.

“She’s not out of the woods yet, boys.” Patrick said.

I could only stare at her for a second. I was very glad my kiss sparked something in her to return to us. I know she could still tune us out and hear Mike but I was prepared not to let that happen. My feelings were something else. Amanda has sparked something in me to be better.

“Where did Mike tell you to meet him? We don’t have much time until he gets mad and finds her here which we don’t need. Are you ok?” I said.

“He’s temporarily stopped. My head doesn’t hurt as bad. Mike’s waiting at the corner of Logan St. and 15th St.” She said. Then as the boys started walking towards the car I walked beside Amanda making sure she couldn’t bolt just in case.

“Amanda, here. I’m putting this stake tucked halfway in your back pocket with your shirt over it. Use it if you need too.” I told her. Then she grabbed my arm and whispered in my ear, “I know you care about me now. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. I can fight him and I guess I can handle us. I know what you did was painful to do but it is giving me something to fight for, us.” Then she got in the car.

I just stood there for a second after she got in. How was I to be with her if I couldn’t trust myself with her? But maybe love, if it’s what we are feeling, can conquer all. All I know is that she’s stolen my heart and I want to protect hers.