Bite Me

I Promised I Will Not Leave Her

(Brendon’s POV)
I sat in the ambulance watching the EMT work on Amanda to get her to stop bleeding and make sure she keeps breathing. She looked terrible and it made me sick to my stomach to see her like this. She was one of my closest friends. I don’t know what I would do without her.
Amanda had gotten my friendship back with Pete and without her I probably would have never been able to meet or be with Erelin. She gave us a place to hang out and encouraged me to be myself. I am going to keep my promise. I am not going to keep my eye off her. If I have to erase several people’s memories to do so, I will. They can’t find out I am a vampire or that she was attacked by two. I will protect her here and pray that she fights as we all want her to.
“Everyone is counting on you to pull through. You can’t get away from us that easily.” I said grabbing her cold hand under a blanket the tech put on her.
“What happened to her?” The tech asked.
“We were attacked by a gang and that is all you need to know.” I said making him get that. “Just keep her alive.” I ordered.
Amanda was stable enough for the tech to look at my arm. He put a fresh bandage on it and told me to keep applying pressure to keep it from bleeding. Then he kept his eye on Amanda’s vitals again.
We arrived in the ER and I rushed into the room with her. There were many doctors and nurses that came in the examining room. They made Erelin, Bev, and Joe wait in the waiting room because I didn’t see them come in but I knew they followed us to the hospital. A doctor tried to get me to leave but I made him stitch me up right there around Amanda and put in everyone’s minds what they needed to know and that was all. I was not going to back out of my promise to Pete. I was not leaving her side until I knew she would be alright or that Pete was here.
I watched them stick IVs in her and hook her up to get a blood transfusion. I was a vampire and craved blood but seeing Amanda really put why I hated being one in perspective. You would think seeing all this blood would make me want it or tempt me but the truth was Amanda was my close friend and could die. Seeing her all bloody did something to me. I didn’t want to come near blood for awhile even if I drank from a packet.
I watched them also try to clean up her wounds and they had a heart monitor, a thing that checks your pulse, and an oxygen mask on her. She was so pale and cold. Everything seemed to have happened so fast. Then I watched the monitor to see she had stopped breathing and the heart monitor flat lined.
“No!” I thought standing there watching all the doctors and nurses work on her.
They didn’t get the paddles out to shock her. Instead they tried to do CPR on her again. It didn’t seem to work at first until I walked up to her and held her hand and whispered in her ear.
“Amanda, you listen to me. You have everyone scared. Don’t let them worry about you. Fight for me. Fight for Bev. If not for everyone you love, do it for Pete. He needs you. Pete will be lost without you and could do something stupid. Fight because you want to live and you want revenge on Natasha. Fight because we love you.” I said watching her heart monitor start to beat again and her breathe again.
“That a girl.” I said kissing her cheek. For a minute I thought I felt her squeeze my hand. I watched them stabilize her and start to move her to another room. I stayed with her up until I felt Pete arrive. He was the only vampire that would be here so I knew it was time to see how Erelin was doing. Amanda isn’t out of the woods yet but she is fighting to stay alive.