Bite Me

The Safest Place To Hide

(Pete’s POV)
I drifted right away into a dream. I found myself outside but it was very foggy. As the fog slowly cleared I saw I was barefoot walking in the sand. I looked around to notice I was at a beach. Not just any beach but Clearwater Beach and it was night time.
I had to be in Amanda’s thoughts or dreams again. Maybe I could communicate with her this way as she was unconscious. I looked around for her and didn’t see her anywhere. Then I felt her hand touch my shoulder and I turned around.
“Amanda.” I said in a whisper. I grabbed her and held her.
“I can’t stay long.” She said leading me towards the water and stopping when the waves crashed against our feet. Amanda had on a pretty white dress like I have seen her wear in her dreams of that other vampire that is after her.
“Why?” I asked confused. “You aren’t dying on me are you?” I asked holding her hands.
“No. I am fighting for us. I am slowly healing. I don’t want to leave you.” She said placing her forehead against mine and looking in my eyes.
“I don’t get it.” I said.
“I can’t rest. I don’t know how much longer I can stay here in your dream; our dream together. I have nightmares. I keep fighting Natasha’s goons over and over in my head. I can’t keep fighting much longer. They are taking their toll on me mentally. I am trying to concentrate on getting better and to wake up but I can’t. They haunt me in my unconscious state.” Amanda said.
“Don’t you hear me? Don’t you hear Brendon and everyone else?” I asked still confused.
“I can. It took all I had to try to touch your hand.” She said placing my arms around her.
“Then keep focusing on that. Don’t let Natasha win.” I said kissing her lips under the moonlight in our dream.
“It’s funny. This is the safest place to hide. You keep me safe.” Amanda said pulling away.
“What do you mean? I failed you. I couldn’t save you or protect you from those goons.” I said looking away upset at myself. “I couldn’t get to you in time.” I added.
“No, Pete. Beckett planned this attack carefully. He wanted you to see me like this thinking you would give up. It’s me who failed you. Everything you had taught me and everything you said, I didn’t listen. I got cocky. You told me to be careful and I went in without thinking and look what happened.” Amanda said touching my cheek.
I took her hand and kissed it. “It wasn’t your fault.” I said.
She stood in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her again. We stood facing the ocean with the waves touching our feet. Even if it was a dream it was a beautiful moment. I didn’t want it to end.
“Pete I am hiding from my mom’s killer too. He needs to think I am dead until I can wake up. I think I am slowly piecing things together.” She said.
“I won’t let Beckett get away with anything or who is after you. Why didn’t your dad warn us of this? Was this not supposed to happen?” I asked.
She leaned her head into my shoulder and said, “He didn’t know.”
“This happened because I need to get stronger and I think I will. Look, the sun is coming up.” Amanda said.
“Yeah, it may be a dream but it seems real.” I said.
Amanda turned around kissed me and said, “I love you, Pete and I know you love me.” Then she traced my lips with her fingers then took a step back and ran away.
“No, Amanda, come back!” I yelled. Then suddenly I was woken up by a hand shaking my shoulder pretty hard.