Bite Me

Have Heart Will Travel

(Pete's POV)
Amanda explained all about her talking with Brendon. I don’t care I still don’t like the guy. I told her that although I couldn’t forgive him now for what he did I promised to not pick a fight with him and to try and get along with him. It would be hard but maybe he could be useful to us in bringing down Beckett. I was only going to do this for Amanda.

Yes, that was it, because I cared about her and it was what she felt. She knows he is good so I have to try and accept it like it or not. I still wanted her to be careful around him.

“Pete, I want to discuss our dream now.” I heard Amanda say snapping me out of thought.

“Ok. Where do you want to start?” I asked her.

“Well, you popping into my dream, or us sharing the same dream was kind of freaky for me to take at first. Don’t get me wrong I um, enjoyed the dream. I was with you. It’s just maybe I am not ready for that yet and I got all embarrassed. I want us to see each other and I love being around you. I don’t know if you feel the same.” Amanda said to me worried I would tell her something awful.

“Amanda I’m not going to lie, I enjoyed the dream a lot. I understand how you feel and I am not going to push you on something you are not ready for. It was only a dream.” I said trying to reassure her. “But I think I may be the one to blame for me popping into your dream. I think it’s something I can do. I just don’t know how I did it and I apologize if you may feel like I violated your space in some way.” I said looking into her beautiful blue eyes that seemed so understanding.

“Actually, I would like you to do it more often when I have nightmares, if you can. When you are around me and I am asleep I feel safe and don’t have them as often. If I do though, and you are around, maybe you can help me decipher my dreams.” She said to me.

“I can try. Amanda, why did you really leave so fast today?” I asked her. “Is it because of me?” I added. She looked away.

“My feelings for you, I feel are so conflicted. One minute we kiss and the next you flip out leaving me in a position to where I don’t really know how you feel about me. I wonder if I say or do the wrong thing. I want to be around you and it scares me. I have never felt this strongly about any guy before, not even when I was with Nick and he was my first true love. You drive me crazy, Pete.” She said turned towards me.

“Hey. I’m not going anywhere and you don’t do the wrong thing it’s me. I want to be around you more and it scares me. What if I screw up or worse, what if one night I can’t control myself and hurt you? I couldn’t live with myself if I did that. But deep down I really care about you. You are so different from the other girls I have been with.” I said.

Then she smiled at me and told me that Bev and Joe hooked up tonight. He finally asked her out and to the movies of all things. Amanda also explained how she saw Brendon act towards Erelin and I told her to be careful of that. I didn’t want Erelin to get hurt. The only secret I had left was to tell her about Nick but after everything else I decided not to right now.

“Pete? Do you ever think I will remember stuff that has happened to me that is blocked out? I mean I feel like I am a slayer but don’t remember becoming one. I felt it that day Andy tried to show me how to throw those daggers. Everything came so natural to me. And I felt it when we were fighting and you pulled me down to the ground.” Amanda explained.

“Yeah, I remember. You bruised me, how could I forget.” I said laughing. “You are so much stronger than me and I am stronger than most vampires, Amanda. We just need to work on your technique is all.” I told her.

“Well, since I don’t know when the boys will bring my best friend back and I don’t have to work tomorrow will you come back upstairs with me and stay until I fall asleep?” She asked getting up.

“Sure.” I said getting up as well. “But first let me carry you since, you’ve been hurt today.” I said picking her up.

“I’m not complaining.” She said.

I carried her upstairs and sat her on the bed. She grabbed her pajamas off her pillows and signaled for me to turn around. I thought she would want me to leave, which I would have if she said so. I’d do anything for her.

“There. I’m all set.” She said climbing into bed.

“Aw, you look so cute.” I said laughing.

“Shut up!” She said throwing a pillow at me.

“Your arm must be doing better if you can throw that. See you are healing fast.” I said picking up her pillow and climbing into bed with her. I had her curl up to me lying on my shoulder. I enjoyed being close to her and she smelt good. Her perfume I would remember, since vampires have a super smell I guess you could say.

“Night, Amanda.” I said kissing her forehead then kissing her on the lips.

“Goodnight, Pete.” She said afterwards and falling into sleep.

I hope she has pleasant dreams tonight. I must sadly leave her soon. I have to get home before daylight. She looks so peaceful when she sleeps. I wish she could feel my heart beat. I wish I could feel it. It is the one thing that separates us. But I feel it beat for her somehow even though it can’t. She livens up my cold, dead heart.