Bite Me

Your Heart Beats For Me

I made it over to the guys’ place and parked my car. I thought about knocking on their door but sneaking in made it even more fun. Maybe I could surprise Pete. I proceeded up my normal route, up the steps and to his window. I loved coming in through the window. I guess because it was the thrill I was doing something wrong.

I climbed through carefully making sure an ounce of sun didn’t come close to the bed as I saw Pete lay all covered in blankets from his head to his toes. He’s asleep for once. How should I wake him or should I even?

I walked over as quietly as I could to his side of the bed. I noticed on the floor a notebook. Since Pete was buried in covers I took it as an opportunity to pick it up and snoop. I started to read what at first looked like a journal entry but turned out to be lyrics to a song. I wanted to read more but Pete began to move so I quietly sat it back down.

“Pete, are you awake?” I whispered and leaned over him.

All of a sudden, Pete threw back the covers and pulled me over on top of him on the bed. The faker, he had to know I was there all this time. I would get him back though.

“Hey! How did you know I was here? I slipped in quietly.” I said.

“Nope, I heard you running up the steps so I knew it was you. You are the only one who likes to break in.” He said laughing.

“Well, fine! Next time I will knock on the front door. How do you like that?” I said smiling and lying on top, facing him. I liked being so close to his body. He gazed into my eyes. Yes, we definitely had chemistry.

“I just think it’s cute. You can’t go to the front when I am here. It wouldn’t be you.” He said.

“Oh, you think you know me so well. You just wait.” I said firing back.

“It will kill you. Admit it you love sneaking up here. You might come through the door for awhile but then back to the window.” He said.

“Is that a bet? You are on.” I said smirking.

“No bet, just fact.” He said kissing me.

Kissing is good. But, kissing his body as I had the urge to do was even better. I began to kiss his neck, then his chest all the way down to his line above his boxers. Ooh that was different, boxers. Pete wanted more I could tell, but I thought that teasing him, leaving him wanting more was so much more fun right now especially considering how he made fun of me. That is how I would show him.

I rolled over, got up and pretended I was going to leave. Pete grabbed me and pulled me back down on the bed. This time he pinned me. Okay I’m not complaining here.

“So, what is it you wanted to tell me? There is a reason you are here right? Is everything ok?” Pete asked me leaning on top of me.

“Uh, can’t I just come over? Do I have to have a reason to come over now?” I said pushing him off of me. I rolled over to one side of the bed leaving him on the opposite. I lay on my side with my right hand on my head, my arm propped on a pillow. Pete did the same across from me.

“Sorry. I’m just not used to this I guess.” He said. “How is your shoulder and arm?” He continued.

“It’s great. No pain at all. You were right.” I said. “I guess being a slayer does have its perks too.” I added.

“Good. I’m sorry I had to leave. With the sun coming up and all I wanted to make it back home. I did stay a little while after you fell asleep. I like watching you sleep. I think you are pretty.” Pete said.

“Aw. Thank you Pete, I think. I mean no one has told me I’m pretty when I sleep before. I did dream though. I guess you dreamed it too?” I asked.

“No, I didn’t sleep. I haven’t yet. Why, was I in it?” He asked all concerned.

I told him about it starting out with my mom and then moving on to us. He just kind of took it all in but didn’t say anything for a few minutes. I sat up. Pete does it mean…” I said before Pete cut in.

“Amanda,” he said sitting up and holding my hand, “It won’t happen. I won’t let it. Beckett won’t beat me and he won’t hurt you either. I promise. You can trust me on that one.” He said reaching in to kiss me.

All it takes is for one kiss and I’m sucked in. He paralyzes me in a good way. It’s like time stands still but we are the only ones awake. Nothing else matters.

“Pete, were you writing again?” I said breaking free and reaching for the floor to grab his notebook.

“Hey! Leave it alone. Don’t touch it.” He said pulling me back halfway on the bed and tickling me.

“Ok. Stop. I can’t breathe.” I said laughing so hard.

“I may be writing some songs again in answer to your question but what difference does it make now?” Pete said looking away.

“I read the first song and I liked it. You could do it again Pete if you tried. There are ways to get around everyone finding out who you are now.” I said looking at him.

“No. It’s not who I am anymore. Besides if I did that, who would stop Beckett from taking more lives?” Pete said, his mood changing.

“But I know you love music and you also love performing. That is who you are Pete.” I said rubbing his shoulder.

“Just drop it.” Pete said.

“Ok. I will for now.” I said.

I didn’t want to start a fight with him. That is not why I came here. I just wanted to know he was safe and I saw so I guess I should go now.

“Well, I guess I should be going now.” I said getting up.

“Wait. Don’t go.” He said grabbing my hand and resting his head on my chest. “I can hear your heart beat. I can feel it too.” He said then placing his hand over my heart.

“Pete.” I said lifting up his chin and brushing his bangs away from his face. His hair was all messy and I loved it like that.

“I don’t have one. I can’t feel my heart beat but did I ever really?” He said.

“Pete. You have a heartbeat. I can feel it, maybe not physically but its there. How else are you good? You have a soul and that is what matters. If you didn’t have a soul, you would be like Beckett and you wouldn’t care about others. You wouldn’t care about me. Your heart beats for me.” I said.

Did I really just say that to him? I hope he understands what I am trying to say. Pete then looked up at me and gave me that smile that makes me melt to pieces.