Bite Me

Memory Flash

“Pete, how did you become a vampire?” I asked.

“Well I don’t mind telling you if you tell me who Nick is.” Pete said.

“What do you mean Nick?” I said kind of shocked.

“Well you mumbled Nick as you kind of came to, in the car on the way over here. Then you said Nick again in your sleep upstairs before you woke up. Is it someone who may be worried about you?” He asked.

“Nick was.” I said starting to cry. I don’t know if I could tell Pete. Before anything else Pete cut me off.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to upset you.” He said getting up to get me a tissue. Then he sat down beside me and our gaze met.

“No, it’s ok. I never really have told anyone how I really feel or what I think about Nick. Not even Bev. I mean she knows what happened and that I have a hard time. My problem is I’m one screwed up girl.” I said trying to laugh a bit.

“I always keep everything bottled inside till it eats at me. I always end up comparing all the guys I have dated to Nick because he is always on my mind. You see Nick was my first love and now he’s gone. What worries me the most is family and how they gave up on him.” I added. I then told him everything about what happened to him.

“Really? How so?” Pete said concerned for me.

“It was right before my prom. His mom who treated me like family called me up and said she was having a memorial service for Nick. I couldn’t believe it. I mean he disappears in October and then late April she does this. I mean I know blood was found but I held out hope. Seven months hadn’t been very long to me to even consider a memorial. On top of that his family sold their house to Nick’s friend Brian and took off somewhere here in California.” I said.

“Do you still keep in touch?” Pete asked.

“No. I tried to for awhile but it hurt too much and I think somehow they blame me for what happened.” I responded.

“How could they blame you? It wasn’t your fault. No one could know what happened.” Pete said trying to make me feel a little better.

“Nick was supposed to meet me and Brian after a basketball practice at a pizza joint, only he never showed. He helped the team practice even though he had already graduated. Maybe if he hadn’t tried to have met me that night.” I said trailing off.

“Don’t say that! You explained that his car was found at the school right? So it wasn’t your fault because he was still going to be at the school for the practice.” Pete said.

“I guess you are right. What is weird is I thought I saw Nick at my prom and I even asked for him at the hospital that night. But it’s been seven years now. I have to accept he’s gone. Talking to you about it somehow makes me feel better, like I can put it past me.” I said smiling now.

Pete wondered to himself if Nick could be alive only not really alive but a vampire like him. “Amanda felt watched all the time and has dreams of him. She saw him at prom she thinks. Hmm.” He said in thought.

“Pete, enough of me rambling about Nick, I am feeling better. He’s in the past. It’s your turn now.” I said snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Okay but I want you to relax and close your eyes.” Pete said.

“What? I don’t understand. How is that telling me what happened?” I asked kind of confused.

“It’s not telling you. I am going to show you my memories. Don’t worry I’ve done this before. It’s an ability I get along with the super strength.” He said trying to reassure me.

“Um, ok?” I said.

“Now relax and give me your hand.” Pete calmingly said.

(Pete's POV)
I showed her everything that happened. When it was over I was afraid she would get freaked but she didn’t. Instead she reached around me and hugged me. I was kind of shocked but I liked it. I mean I meet a new friend by trying to save her and she’s stunning and smart. She’s a bit mysterious with her pegging me as a vampire. I have never known anyone to do that. It’s like all of a sudden she has a hold over me and she doesn’t even realize it. I want to be around her more.

Well there goes Patrick’s logic out the window. Down, Pete. Why am I acting this way? Is it because she is someone outside the boys who now knows my secret and someone I could trust to keep it? I didn’t know but I was going to find out and definitely kill Mike for hurting her. I was not going to let her become like me. I would make it my mission to protect her.

(Amanda's POV)
“Pete exactly what are the Dandies? And this Beckett guy used to be a friend of yours but now he’s their leader right? I’m sorry Pete for asking questions I am just trying to process it all and let it sink in.” I said.

“Beckett was my friend before he was turned and then turned me. The Dandies are one of the most powerful vampire gangs in the city. All other vampires fear them and some join them like Mike. Even though Mike didn’t dress like them he secretly works for them. I want to make them all pay, especially Beckett. He’s mine! Vampires fear me because I’m not like them. I protect people and I’m stronger than they are.” Pete explained.

“One good thing happened. You saved your friends by not having them come with you to Beckett’s party.” I said touching his arm.

“True. I never looked at it that way.” He said smiling. He was happy he saved his friends and didn’t even realize he did it until now.

“Ok one more q. I know you don’t drink our blood so if vampires drink blood how do you survive?” I said wondering.

“Patrick made some sort of drink that Andy had found off the internet that keeps my cravings at bay while we fight. It is tough though. I do have cravings especially if I’m not able to get the drink. And I drink blood that we get from blood banks.” He said.

“I see.” I said.

“Well it is 5am now. It’s almost sunrise. I better get you home. You need to sleep and be there when Bev wakes up so she doesn’t flip out. I’ll drive you. Oh and we came back for her car and dropped it off too so you don’t have to worry about it.” He said grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter.

“K. Can I tell Bev about what happened?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t right now, but do warn her of being out late at night. Just tell her if she asks that you guys were attacked but help came. No vampires.” Pete ordered.

“I got it. No vampires. And I guess I will have to hide my lovely bite.” I replied.