Bite Me

Home Is Where I Long To Be

I woke up in a hospital room hooked up to an IV and a heart monitor. I couldn’t see that well for the room was dim and my eyes hadn’t adjusted yet. I tried to sit up and that’s when the pain came over me bringing back the memory of why I was in the hospital to begin with.

“Hey, you are awake. Take it easy. You have been through a lot.” Patrick said coming over to my bed.

“Patrick I feel like shit. I probably look it too.” I said slowly trying to sit up in the bed. My ribs felt bad but I wasn’t in as much pain I guess from all the meds I was getting in the IV.

“My, you get banged up pretty bad and you are worried about your looks.” Patrick said trying to get a laugh out of me.

It was kind of funny. I guess that wasn’t the important thing. The important thing was where was Brendon and when could I go home.

“Patrick, what am I on? I don’t feel as much pain as before and I know I heal fast, but not that fast.” I said.

“I don’t know. Morphine or something I guess. Whatever it is it knocked you out for a few hours.” Patrick said glad I was awake.

“Seriously how much damage and when will the doctor be back?” I asked. “I want to go home.” I said.

“Home? Amanda you have been through a lot. I think you need to stay here and heal.” Patrick said concerned.

“I don’t want to be here. I can heal at home. I’m fine.” I said starting to get up. That was a bad idea. I fell back onto the bed because of the pain. “Ok, maybe another day but then I want to go home. I hate hospitals. There is something I can’t place about them but I know I have always hated.” I added.

“Well, Bev and Erelin came from work. Joe went and got them when Brendon called us.
You were lucky he had come by. He told us everything you had told him. The girls even closed the store early to get here.” Patrick said.

“Really? Where are they?” I asked.

“They are out in the waiting room. You want me to go get them?” Patrick asked walking to the door.

“Yes, please and get the doctor. I want to go home in the morning. And also, where’s Brendon?” I asked.

“Brendon went out looking for Pete, since there is another five hours until daylight. But I think Brendon isn’t going to be so nice when he finds him judging by the way he explained things. What really happened, Amanda?” Patrick asked.

I told him what had happened first hand after we left the club and what led to me being attacked. I told him how Brendon came by and found me. I also told him not to let Pete anywhere near me. I couldn’t and didn’t want to deal with him right now.

He left to get the doctor and to go get Bev and Erelin. I wanted to know how badly bruised my face was. It was sore to the touch. And it is funny how I just woke up from being unconscious to wanting to fall back asleep from the pain medicine.

A few minutes passed and in walked a doctor. He examined me and asked me a few questions on my pain. Then he explained I was very lucky to be alive. Most people wouldn’t have survived a beating like that. I had taken a few cracked ribs and bruised a couple. Now what normally would have kept me off my feet for weeks would heal in a couple of days. The doctor just didn’t know that.

The doctor also told me that my face would remain swollen. I told him I wanted to go home and he laughed until I told him he couldn’t keep me here. He explained that they would keep me for observation and that if I could get up and walk in the morning he would send me home. I told him it was a deal.

He said that Bev and Erelin could visit for a few but that only one visitor could stay. I chose Patrick to help keep Pete away from me. After all if he hadn’t left me I might not have ended up this way. I was so hurt and angry. I wanted to lash out and to cry but I wouldn’t give Pete the satisfaction to know I was crying.

“Hey. Whoa!” Erelin said then apologizing for letting that slip.

“It’s alright, Erelin.” I said laughing.

“I’m going to give you as much rest as you need when you get out of here so don’t worry about coming into work.” Bev said.

“Thank you, Bev. I just want to get in my own bed.” I said wincing in pain as I moved a bit. “Also, if I start to fall asleep on you or slur my words, it’s the medicines fault.” I said laughing again.

“How can you laugh at a time like this?” Erelin asked sitting on the end of the bed.

“I laugh to take my thoughts away from what happened. I was so scared but I knew I couldn’t let Beckett see my fear. What is worse is that I think he may have found out I am the slayer now from my fighting skills.” I said.

“Ooh, I hope Brendon drags Pete’s sorry ass back here so I can give him a piece of my mind.” Erelin said.

“You know how could he do that? I thought he wanted to be with you and now he’s a coward in my book. I thank him for saving our lives but that’s it.” Bev said.

“It’s ok, guys. Besides, I told Patrick not to let Pete in here. I hope Brendon doesn’t find him to let him know. I don’t ever want to see his face again. I may be a slayer but I can patrol alone or with one of the guys. I don’t want our friendship to be strained because of this though. And I know Bev that you date Joe and he may feel caught in the middle. Don’t let him. Just because I don’t want to have anything to do with Pete anymore doesn’t mean he has to choose sides because he is dating you. Pete is his friend and I understand that.” I said yawning.

“You can’t patrol alone. Look what happened tonight!” Erelin said.

“Relax, Erelin. I know how to handle myself now and to be more careful in how I should slay vampires.” I said reassuringly.

“Not to change the subject or anything but I was thinking.” Erelin said glancing at Bev, then at me.

“Yes?” I said.

“Well can Brendon and I rent and watch a movie at your place when you get home?” She asked.

“Sure. Does he know this?” I asked.

“Nope. But I was thinking that when Beckett lets him patrol alone again, he can come over to your apartment and meet me. My dad wouldn’t allow it. He’s funny on having guys over I barely know so your place would be perfect, that is if you invite him.” Erelin said looking at Bev who looked at me.

“I don’t have a problem with it. Just make sure you know what you are doing. I don’t want you and him to end up like Pete and me. Don’t get too close to where he wants to bite you and flip out on you.” I said warning her. “Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Is my bite mark from Pete still there?” I asked.

“I don’t know it’s bandaged.” Bev said.

“Oh.” I said getting really sleepy now.

“I can’t believe he bit you too.” Erelin said. “Mark my words he is so getting an earful.” She said upset.

“Well, come Erelin. We better leave her now and get some rest. Joe needs to take us back to the store to pick up our cars. Amanda, just get some sleep. Whatever you decide I will support if it’s never speaking to Pete again or you working at your problems I support you. See you in the morning. I will send Patrick in.” She said turning off the light over my bed so I can try to sleep and then leaving.

I crawled deeper in the bed and even though it wasn’t logical and it hurt, I rolled over to my right side and stared towards the window on the wall. I curled into a ball the best I could without doing more damage and cried myself to sleep.