This is a love story, in my own way.

Hey there, Sammy, what's it like in New York City?

July 1st, 1992: Front yard of Sam's house

"Catch me if you can, Pete!" She squealed. Her best friend and her were being immature and playing tag just before she was about to leave for 2 weeks.

"C'mon, I don't wanna play tag, Sam. I just, I just wanna hang out. You're leaving in like an hour..." Pete panted.

"Oh come on you're no fun..." Sammy whined.

"Right, right, I'm no fun yet if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have as much fun as you do." Pete stuck his tongue out. Sam slowly walked over to Pete, catching her breath.

"How do you play soccer if you run out of breath after five minutes?" Sam asked, sitting on the grass in front of her house, she ran her fingers through it, pulling some out of the ground.

"I don't know. I lose my breath chasing you, not playing soccer."

"I feel special..." Said Sammy. Pete laughed for no reason. Sam threw some grass at him, then smiled.

Pete simply sighed. Sammy pushed some of her light brown hair behind her ear.

She looked up and smiled at her long-time best friend. His brown eyes glistening. He smiled back. This was the longest Sam will have ever been away from Pete. She was heading to New York City to visit her Aunt Alex who was an artist. She would be there for two weeks.

Sam wanted to be an artist when she was an adult. She was always able to express herself better through pictures, paintings and words on paper then actually talking about her feelings and telling people when something bugged her.

"Sam, come on it's time to leave. Pete can come and see you off at the train station." Sam's mother called.

"Are you gonna come, Pete?" Sam asked.

"Sure, why not?"

July 1st, 1992: Train Station

Sammy's train had arrived and she was about to leave.

"Samantha, be good, do what your Aunt Alex tells you to, if you have a problem call me, I love you." Sam mother said while getting her luggage onto the train.

"Bye, Sam." Pete said simply.

"Oh come on, I'm your best friend of 13 years, I'm leaving for two weeks and all I get is 'Bye, Sam'? No, I don't think so. C'mere Petey." Sam grabbed Pete and hugged him for a long time.

"Love you." She whispered and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll miss you." Pete said.

"I will too. I'll call, I promise."


"Love you." Sam reapeated.

"You said that already."

"I know, I thought I'd say it again." Sam laughed.

"Okay, well get going or the train'll leave without you. Bye." He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she got on the train.

"See ya, Pete! Bye, Mom!" She called and disappeared until she got into her seat. She waved. Her mother and Peter waved back. The train started to move and there was heading off to New York City.