This is a love story, in my own way.

Clever Boy

Sammy opened her writing booklet and she started to write in slightly messy hand-writing.

July 1st, 1992

I'm on a train to New York City. I can't wait to see my Aunt Alex. Hopefully, she'll take me to an art gallery or something so I can see some paintings and pieces from real artists.

I'll miss, Pete. But, it's only two weeks, we'll live. And there's always the telephone. Damn, I really thank Alex Bell for inventing the telephone...I'm off topic. I've never been that faraway and for that long from Peter...the longest we've been away from eachother is about twenty-four hours, I guess that's what happens when you live three houses away from eachother and are in the same class and have mothers who have been best friends since they were teenagers, and sisters who are the same age and have been friends since they were babies. It's gonna be so weird without Pete around to goof off with.

I'm sure I'll love it though.



Sam had a picture of her and Pete taped underneath the journal entry. Pete's arm was around her shoulder and his lips were placed on her cheek, Sam's eyes were closed tight and she was laughing, her arms were around his waist.

She was charmed by Peter. Most definietly was she charmed by Peter. He was her best friend. And she loved him like a best friend. But, of course that didn't mean that she wasn't aloud to be jealous of the girls at school who he actually glanced twice at. He did the same thing with her, but, when Pete looked at her he didn't look at her the same way as the other girls. To him, Sam was just his best friend. That sometimes really got to her. Although she found it hilarious when she would get dirty looks at school for being the only girl he would talk to.

Sam opened her knapsack and tried to find her sketch book in the mess of books, pencils, pictures and pens. She came across a little, white soccer ball.

'Pete's.' She thought. There was Sharpie marker on it.

Sam, I love you! Have fun in New york and call me. Take pictures, I wanna know what NY looks like. Oh, practice your soccer with this, it's not standard size, but it'll work. xoxo, Pete.

'Clever boy.' She thought, laughing in her head.

Pete loved soccer, he was teaching her how to play. She would take shots on him, she never got by him, but she was starting to get really good at the game, but she wasn't thinking of joining a team anytime soon. No, words and pictures were better then sports.

Sam put the ball on her lap and once again searched for her sketch book. Once she found it, she put the ball back into her knapsack and pulled out a pencil. She decided to recreate the picture of her and Pete.

She started with his heads shape and his lips, then she started on her heads shape, then she worked on Peter's body and then hers. She shaded in his polo shirt, which would be red in her painting and then started to work on the bottom half of his body then hers, once done she worked on the facial expressions.

A girl walked into the booth. Obviously another unaccompanied minor.

She was watching Sammy sketch away, she put her bag inbetween her legs and looked out the window.

Soon, Sammy pulled out her writing booklet and scribbled down the words, I'm madder then a hatter and I know that you love it. And, Let's take this to the bedroom, maybe now you'll be able to read my body language.

Sam put her booklets away and zipped up her knapsack.

"Hi." Sam smiled at the girl across from her. The girl turned her head from the window.

"Hi." The girl smiled back.

"I'm Sam."

"I'm Annie."