Lyrical Love Letter

I'm Here For The Party

Juliette had politely declined Jack’s offer to attend the party with him and the others…five times(Jack was very persistent). There was something about enclosed spaces with Alex that bothered Juliette enough to avoid the scenario all together. Instead, as it turned out, a girl in Juliette’s Digital Media class was also attending the party and would be going with her instead.

“What exactly are you supposed to wear to this party?” Juliette questioned. Any other party she had been to required a high price tag wardrobe but she knew that it would only make her stand out further in this town. She stood before the closet with her hips popped and her hands resting on them as she peered into the depths of it. The closet was meant to be shared by Juliette and Declan but Juliette had quickly taken over the closet and Declan silently moved his wardrobe to the dresser, with the acception of his suits.

“What do you mean what are you suppose to wear?” A girl with strawberry blonde hair and freckles sprinkled across her face gazed at Juliette. “You wear clothes. It’s nothing fancy. I mean…Josh Roan is throwing the party for cryin’ out loud.” Apparently Josh Roan was an explanation to this event being the farthest thing from formal.
Juliette studied her wardrobe critically. What had once been a top noche wardrobe had become an embarrassment. The girls at Lutherville High dressed fashionably enough but they weren’t walking around in $2,000 worth of clothes.

“How about this?” Juliette questioned pulling a top out of the mess of designer labels. It had been a Christmas gift from Rian’s older sister.

“That’s good!” Candice grinned. She had been sitting on Juliette’s clothes cluttered bed for fifteen minutes as Juliette repeatedly threw unworthy clothing out of the closet. Juliette smiled as she tossed the top onto the bed beside her friend before returning to the closet.

“With…These!” Juliette produced a pair of fashionably torn jeans she hadn’t known she owned.

“Dude why didn’t your cousin show?” Alex questioned holding a red plastic cup to his lips. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, permanently hovering beside the liquor.

“She said she had to study.” Rian replied levelly, one hand around Kara, the other gripping a red plastic cup.

“You’re kidding right?”

“That’s what she said.”

“She doesn’t like you Alex.” Kara replied slightly annoyed. “That’s why she didn’t come.” Kara had grown close to Juliette in the weeks of her arrival and it had resulted in Kara being slightly protective over her new friend; especially when it came to Alex. A triumphed smile grew across Alex’s lips in response. “I don’t know why you’re grinning like that. She didn’t come because she couldn’t confront you anymore. She didn’t come because if she wanted to go to a party she doesn’t want to waste the time with you following her around like a love sick puppy.” Two sets of eyes turned on Kara but she just eyed them both undeterred.

“Are you fucking serious?” Alex spat angrily, “I am not a love sick puppy. I don’t even like Juliette. She’s a fucking rich bitch who drives me up the damn wall.” Rian’s shocked look at his girlfriend morphed into annoyance as his eyes landed on his best friend.

“She’s still my cousin, Alex.” He growled. “Watch it.”

“If you don’t have any kind of feelings other than hatred toward Juliette, why are you so defensive Alex?” Kara questioned coolly before turning on her heels to leave before Alex could reply. Rian followed his girlfriend into the living room, leaving Alex alone to scowl beside a bowl of spiked punch. Alex turned to the bottles of alcohol beside him and dumped a random mixture into his designated red cup before abandoning his post at the kitchen counter and moving toward the front room. That was when the front door opened and Alex froze as a girl stepped across the threshold.

Her chocolate brown hair fell in gentle waves down her back, her eyes expertly lined in eyeliner while a gentle shimmering color adorned the lids. She wore a purple colored ruffled top and torn jeans while her feet were clad in Coach sneakers. She glanced around the room with slight suspicion before she moved aside to allow her blonde haired friend to step through.

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