Lyrical Love Letter

Missy Taylor

Missy Taylor was Lutherville’s best kept secret and possibly its biggest mistake.

She was 5’4 with her family‘s trademark light brunette hair. She was probably the most fiercely protected girl within the town; a fact that was both a nuisance and an inconvenience. She was fourteen years old but could easily lie her way into being sixteen.

She was a guy’s girl and in that sense guys could not get enough of her. She was the girl who could be best friends with guys. She could be adamant about her favorite sports team and annihilate her opponent in any combat game. She could have in-depth conversations about her favorite horror movies and she didn’t give a damn about what others thought about her. She was the undefeated champ at any drinking contest (unbeknownst to her family of course), a trait she believed ran in the family. These facts aside, Missy was still a girl. She could gossip like it was nobodies business, she liked going to nail salons, and buying clothes and shoes. Missy also had a knack for weaseling into any ‘click’ in school. So when Juliette and her hot twin brother arrived at Lutherville High it was just another challenge for Missy to conquer.

“Is there something you need?” Juliette questioned irritated. She was sitting cross-legged at a table within the comforting silence of the library. Missy had sat down in a chair beside her, made small talk and when it was obvious Juliette did not want to talk to her then Missy simply stationed herself in silence there.

“You must hate it here, huh?” Missy mused. Juliette sighed and made a rude noise of irritation before she abruptly closed her book upon the table and stared at the girl with annoyance.

“I’m sorry, who are you?” But the default tone Juliette took on told Missy that she was not sorry. It was a tone that Juliette seemed to constantly talk in these days, an irritated, bitchy, aloofness.

“Missy Taylor.” She smiled but Juliette seemed unamused as she glanced around the vacant library in search of one of Rian’s annoying friends playing a prank on her, or Melanie trying to piss her off. No one but the peppy girl beside her was in sight. When Missy failed to indulge in any further information Juliette’s annoyance skyrocketed.

“Look kid, I don’t know you and as you can see I have work to do. So if you don’t mind…” Juliette reopened her book as her fingers moved across the page.

“So I was wondering-“ Juliette’s eyes snapped up and the look she gave Missy had made her stop midsentence.

What?” She snapped sharply.

“How is it that you can be friends with Jack but are unable to stand Alex? I just don’t get it, I mean-“ But Juliette had rose to her feet and crossed the library to the exit, abandoning her book on the table. Juliette was going to find Alex and when she did

She was going to kill him.

“Alex!” She screeched storming into gym class.

“Yes princess?” Alex’s eyes rolled up to her from his squad position on the floor.

“It’s bad enough that you feel the need to torment me but sending annoying freshmen after me is another thing.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Starbuck?” Alex questioned in confusion. Jack was no longer the only one making up nicknames for Juliette, but unlike Jack, Alex had chosen a nickname for her this time. Juliette was now deemed Starbuck for the incident in the café three days prior.

“Miss. Barkalow take a seat!” The teacher barked and Juliette shot him a dirty glare. Mr. Clarkson refused to acknowledge Juliette’s surname of Dawson. Alex tugged her to the floor beside her.

“What are you talking about?” Alex questioned again.

“That chick you sent after me in Library? Seriously do you jerk off to screwing with my day?”

“Again: What the hell are you talking about?”

“Some freshy named Missy Taylor.”

Alex’s eyes crossed from surprise to annoyance.

“Missy.” Alex repeated his voice deadpanned, he said it like an explicit.

“So you do know her!”

“Yeah I know her.” Alex said emotionlessly.

“Alex I’m-“ Juliette proceeded to threaten Alex in all the ways she could think of but Alex’s mind was elsewhere, thoughts of Missy Taylor filling his mind.
“Missy!” Alex barked. A girl half way down the street from him turned to the sound of her name. Few people could hear this black anger within Alex but then again Missy wasn’t just anyone.

“Hello Alex.” She smiled when he had caught up with her, his fists deep in his pockets. His anger flared at her cheeriness.

“Don’t ‘hello Alex’, me Missy.” Alex snapped. His hand wrapped around her upper arm stopping Missy in her tracks and forcing her to face the taller boy. “What the hell do you think you’re doing bothering Juliette?” he demanded angrily.

“Is that protectiveness I detect Alexander? Or perhaps possessiveness?”

“It’s going to be your grounding you detect in a moment.” Missy only laughed in response. “Wait until I tell your mom where you were Saturday, Chatterbox.” The laughter was gone as soon as it had come and suddenly Missy was solemn as she stared up at Alex reproachfully. A wicked smile crossed her face then.

“How about where you were Saturday A-Lexi.” Missy questioned a spark in her eye. Her accent grew strong with her excitement. “Or where you were most of Saturday anyway, I herd you ran off with Juliette Barkalow.”

“Melissa.” Alex snarled dangerously. “Leave her alone.”

“I’m the daughter of a watchsmith, Alex.” She reached up and tapped his temple. “I like to know what makes things tick.”

“I’ll show you what makes things tick.” Alex growled. It was hard to find someone who could rise this kind of emotion out of Alex, but as I said Missy wasn’t just anyone.

“Are you threatening me?” Missy questioned calmly but a large smile dwelled on her lips. Alex simply glared at her in response,

“Stay away from Juliette, Melissa or you’ll be sorry. That is a promise.” And with that Alex turned on his heels and left her with enough arrogance and gloating for the two of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooo Who is Missy? Comment with your theories.

Anyone hear Jonas Brothers new song Before The Storm? You should listen to it, even if you aren't a fan of JB it's really good. . Not a JB fan but I'll admit I like the song--sue me.

In other, other news, I went to see Night In The Museum 2. Anyone else think it was possibly better than the first one? It was really funny. The fact that you can mix comedy with history is genius. How about Jonas Brothers baby Cherubs and bobble head Albert Einsteins?

Ten comments unlocks the next chapter. 44 readers read the last chapter, I think 10 of you can comment, it wont kill you I promise. I'm sorry if I sound like a bitch but people who comment, people who I know are reading, are the reason why I update. If I don't get comments I assume people don't like the story and I stop writing.