Lyrical Love Letter

Out Of The Norm.

Juliette sat cross legged on the Dawson’s living room couch, laptop in hand and a bowl of popcorn beside her. When Declan walked past her toward the front door, football equipment in hand, he paused and turned to her.

“What the hell is that?” he questioned as he gazed accusingly at her computer. Juliette didn’t glance away from the computer screen.

“Music.” Juliette replied moodily. She knew that what she was listening to was unlike anything she had in the past, but she was listening to a newly (to her) discovered band and Declan’s talking was blocking out the music.

“By who?”

“Blink-182.” Juliette grunted and for the first time she adverted her eyes away from her laptop. “Go to practice, your interrupting my music.” Declan stared at her reproachfully for a moment and when he found that Juliette was serious he shook his head in disbelief and left.

Rian walked past the archway that separated the living room from the kitchen before backtracking as the music drifted to his ears.

“Are you listening to Blink-182?” He questioned in mild surprise.

“Yes,” Juliette stated carefully. “Is that okay with you?”

“Okay? Blink-182 is one of my favorite bands.” Rian grinned slightly, for the first time he had something in common with Juliette—and it was music no less. Juliette glanced up at him briefly and smiled at him warmly before her expression turned to one of confusion. “Where are you going?” To anybody else Rian was dressed in normal attire when in actuality Rian was dressed in his favorite band t-shirt and jean shorts, two drumsticks poking out of the back pocket, and favorite pair of Nike’s on his feet.

“Oh, um…I have a set to play with my band.” Rian suddenly felt awkward, he’d never invited Juliette to one of his band’s shows. Rian honestly couldn’t see Juliette in her Juicy Couture lounge outfit in the small crowds they played for. “umm, you want to come?” Rian questioned awkwardly. Even though he didn’t think it was Juliette’s scene he wasn’t going to be rude; beside he’d already just discovered that she liked Blink-182. Maybe she would like their music too.

“Lemme guess, it’s at Carmine’s?”

“How did you know?”

“Lucky guess.” Juliette grunted as she closed her laptop and rose to her feet. “I’d like to go with you if that’s okay.”

Rian turned to her slightly startled. “You want to come see my band play? Really?”

“Yes.” She stated her head held high.

“Well, um, alright.” Rian stated awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well I’m leaving right now if you want to grab a pair of shoes we can go.”

“Be right back.” Juliette stated darting up the stairs.

This was definitely not going to be the night Rian pictured.
Juliette had been instructed repeatedly by Rian to stand on the side of the stage.

‘Do not go into the crowd’ he said.

Did Juliette listen?

What do you think?

Juliette was grinning up at the band on stage, never having felt prouder as she watched them play on stage, listening to words she’d never herd.

Well, I guess this is growing up
Well, I guess this is growing up.

She would never admit it but Alex had a good voice—after all it would do nothing but send his already inflated ego through the roof.
“Thank you,” Alex breathed breathlessly into the mic as the crowd around Juliette cheered. “We’re All Time Low.” And with that they stepped off the small stage, allowing the next band to appear in their place. Before Juliette had realized it, she had been pushed through the crowd until she was so far away from the wall she knew she would never reach it again until the crowd left.
The band that followed clearly was nothing like All Time Low, there was screaming, heavy bass cords, and a mosh pit forming before her eyes. Juliette was completely and utterly out of her realm.
She was Juliette fucking Barkalow for cryin’ out loud. What was she doing in a mosh pit? Where was the social elite now?
Then a hand reached out and grabbed her own and suddenly she was being steered away from the scene. She allowed herself to be maneuvered through the crowd of sweaty people, never taking notice in the hand leading the way, only being thankful that she was being lead away from the crowd.
Suddenly she was being lead through a small hallway and a face was suddenly placed with the calloused hand.

“Alex?” The revelation seemed to confuse her momentarily.

“What the hell were you doing in that?” The anger in his voice surprised her. He gazed at her reproachfully. “What are you doing here?” he questioned quietly, confusion etched across his face. They both knew that this was completely out of the norm for Juliette. What was she been doing in a mosh pit? What was she doing here? This was not her scene. This was not her world.

“I don’t know.” Then she turned and left without another word as she made her way to the exit door, never looking back at the boy staring after her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Could it be? 3 updates in 7 days?

So my day completely sucked, my job sucks and pays way to little for the shit I put up with. If you live in the PA, NY, NJ area you know what I mean when I say it seriously needs to stop raining. This isn't Washington state for cryin' out loud. It's been raining for like two weeks straight. I work on a farm and it's completely flooded. I was knee deep in mud at the farm today, completely flooded and an udder mess.

Your commenting skills are rad people...just saying. If you keep updating like this I might have the story done by September. Thats right, September. I love this story way to much to end it any time soon.

8 Stars? Lets make it 10 =]

As always...


It's the only thing thats gotten three chapters out in one week.